8 research outputs found

    The importance of agriculture in the development of Romanian economy

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    Agriculture represent one of the most important branches of the Romanian economy. Within performing the suggested analysis we started from the premise that the economy of each country, regardless of developing degree, agriculture, by natural and human resources available, by contributing to the creation of gross domestic product, of gross value added, but also by participating at internal and external trade, obviously holds an important position. Romanian rural economy is currently dominated in a large part by agriculture. Favorable geographical conditions, topography, climate, fertile soils, in addition with workforce, a suitable administrative system, but the connection of rural population to land and animals can make the Romanian agriculture as production branch attractive and profitable to determine economic growth at national level. Thus, we considered necessary to perform an analysis concerning the importance of Romanian agriculture, analysis that represents the basis for finding the most viable solutions to determine this particularly important branch - to relaunch in the development of Romanian rural economy

    The impact of European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP) on Romanian rural area

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    As a response to the global financial crisis, the European Commission elaborated a European Economic Recovery Plan, which aims at the increase of the demand, generation of economic growth and creation of new jobs. Among the solutions proposed to recover the economies, investments in rural development, especially in the fields of biodiversity, water management, milk and dairy products sector refreshment may be reminded, support for application of renewable energy and development of internet infrastructure in rural areas. By recovering economy with the help of investments in infrastructure, ecologic technologies, energetic efficiency and innovation, the package proposed by the European Commission intends to accelerate the transition to a knowledge-based society with reduced carbon dioxide emissions and environmentallyfriendly agricultural practices

    The development of rural entrepreneurship in Romania

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    Small and medium enterprises play a vital role within the economy of a country, representing a source of entrepreneurial and innovation skills that greatly contributes to the achievement of gross domestic product and employs a large part of the labor force. The rural economy is more developed and dynamic, as it has a structure more diverse, and the share of non-agricultural economy is higher. The purpose of this article is to perform a radiography on the business environment in Romanian rural areas by identifying the main strategic ways for stimulating entrepreneurial spirit. Rural communities in Romania is mostly characterized by an aging population, declining birth rates and dependence on agriculture, especially the subsistence and semi-subsistence. Sources of income are reduced due to the low number of jobs and have major implications on quality of life in rural communities. Therefore, local authorities should be concerned about the development of their localities and improving the quality of life through the successful implementation of development programs and projects

    Research on rural poverty in Romania

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    One of the European Union's priorities for the programming period of 2014-2020 consists of inclusive favourable growth. This means promoting an economy with a high rate of employment, to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion such that the benefits of economic growth and jobs to be distributed fairly, and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion to be given the opportunity to have a decent life and to play an active role in the society. The achievement of stated strategic objective requires a special attention on rural areas, both at EU level, as at each Member State level. In Romania, 45.0% of the country population is concentrated in rural areas, where there are living almost three quarters (71.3%) of the country's poor population. The percentage of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion at national level in 2012 was 41.7% of the total population, Romania being surpassed only by Bulgaria, with 49.3%, while the EU average stood at 24.8%. Poverty in rural areas is due mainly to the low agricultural productivity and low employment opportunities in other areas outside the agricultural sector. Rural areas development and reduction of the high level of poverty in these areas can be achieved through stimulating and supporting programs of development for rural social economy, human capital development and increasing the social protection level in rural areas

    The importance of agriculture in the development of Romanian economy

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    Agriculture represent one of the most important branches of the Romanian economy. Within performing the suggested analysis we started from the premise that the economy of each country, regardless of developing degree, agriculture, by natural and human resources available, by contributing to the creation of gross domestic product, of gross value added, but also by participating at internal and external trade, obviously holds an important position. Romanian rural economy is currently dominated in a large part by agriculture. Favorable geographical conditions, topography, climate, fertile soils, in addition with workforce, a suitable administrative system, but the connection of rural population to land and animals can make the Romanian agriculture as production branch attractive and profitable to determine economic growth at national level. Thus, we considered necessary to perform an analysis concerning the importance of Romanian agriculture, analysis that represents the basis for finding the most viable solutions to determine this particularly important branch - to relaunch in the development of Romanian rural economy

    Stage of implementation of the National Rural Development Programme in Romania three years after the adhesion

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    The financing mechanism of CAP pillar II – Rural development has suffered, along time, significant changes, determined by the need for improvement and also by the experience achieved in this field by the European organisms and the member countries. The attaining of a rate as big as possible of the capacity of absorbing European funds represents a real „challenge”, especially for the new member states. Three years after the adhesion, unfortunately Romania has not succeeded in carrying out adequate fund absorption for rural development; at the end of 2010, the absorption degree recorded was only 17.7% and the contracting degree was only 34%

    The development of rural entrepreneurship in Romania

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    Small and medium enterprises play a vital role within the economy of a country, representing a source of entrepreneurial and innovation skills that greatly contributes to the achievement of gross domestic product and employs a large part of the labor force. The rural economy is more developed and dynamic, as it has a structure more diverse, and the share of non-agricultural economy is higher. The purpose of this article is to perform a radiography on the business environment in Romanian rural areas by identifying the main strategic ways for stimulating entrepreneurial spirit. Rural communities in Romania is mostly characterized by an aging population, declining birth rates and dependence on agriculture, especially the subsistence and semi-subsistence. Sources of income are reduced due to the low number of jobs and have major implications on quality of life in rural communities. Therefore, local authorities should be concerned about the development of their localities and improving the quality of life through the successful implementation of development programs and projects