7 research outputs found

    La violencia contra las mujeres en la agenda pública. Aportes en clave interdisciplinar

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    Introducción. -- Las miradas feministas sobre la violencia contra las mujeres. -- El contexto. - La violencia contra las mujeres en cifras. - Respuestas legislativas y políticas públicas implementadas.- Algunas preguntas sobre la persistencia de la violencia contra las mujeres por parte de sus parejas o exparejas. -- La (in)seguridad y la violencia contra las mujeres. - Derechos humanos, Estado y seguridad. - “Estrategia por la vida y la convivencia”. -- La (in)seguridad de las mujeres. -- La producción social de la violencia. - La familia: la base de la socialización primaria de género y violencia. - La escuela: entre la reproducción y el cuestionamiento a las desigualdades que habilitan la violencia. -- Los medios de comunicación y la reproducción de las jerarquías de género Un estudio exploratorio: ¿Es posible evitar quelas mujeres mueran?. - Mecanismos que habilitan la violencia. - María y Lucía. - La baja percepción del peligro. - La fuerza del amor. - Amor romántico, amor cautivo. - Las emociones violentas: los crímenes de amor, pasión y honor. -- Reflexiones finales. -- Bibliografía

    A deletion in SARS-CoV- 2 ORF7 identified in COVID-19 outbreak in Uruguay

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    The analysis of genetic diversity in SARS-CoV-2 is the focus of several studies, providing insights into how the virus emerged and evolves. Most common changes in SARS-CoV-2 are single or point nucleotide substitutions; meanwhile, insertions and deletions (indels) have been identified as a less frequent source of viral genetic variability. Here, we report the emergence of a 12-nucleotide deletion in ORF7a, resulting in a 4-amino acid in-frame deletion. The Δ12 variant was identified in viruses from patients of a single outbreak and represents the first report of this deletion in South American isolates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Δ12 strains belong to the lineage B.1.1 and clustered separated from the remaining Uruguayan strains. The ∆12 variant was detected in 14 patients of this outbreak by NGS sequencing and/or two rapid and economic methodologies: Sanger amplicon sequencing and capillary electrophoresis. The presence of strong molecular markers as the deletion described here are useful for tracking outbreaks and reveal a significant aspect of the SARS-CoV-2 evolution on the robustness of the virus to keep its functionality regardless loss of genetic material

    Genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 P.1 (Variant of Concern) and P.2 (Variant of Interest) identified in Uruguay

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    Two severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants associated with increased transmission and immune evasion, P.1 and P.2, emerged in Brazil and spread throughout South America. Here, we report genomes corresponding to these variants that were recently detected in Uruguay. These P.1 and P.2 genomes share all substitutions that are characteristic of these variants

    Transmission cluster of COVID-19 cases from Uruguay: emergence and spreading of a novel SARS-CoV-2 ORF6 deletion

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    BACKGROUND Evolutionary changes in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) include indels in nonstructural, structural, and accessory open reading frames (ORFs) or genes. OBJECTIVES We track indels in accessory ORFs to infer evolutionary gene patterns and epidemiological links between outbreaks. METHODS Genomes from Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) case-patients were Illumina sequenced using ARTIC_V3. The assembled genomes were analysed to detect substitutions and indels. FINDINGS We reported the emergence and spread of a unique 4-nucleotide deletion in the accessory ORF6, an interesting gene with immune modulation activity. The deletion in ORF6 removes one repeat unit of a two 4-nucleotide repeat, which shows that directly repeated sequences in the SARS-CoV-2 genome are associated with indels, even outside the context of extended repeat regions. The 4-nucleotide deletion produces a frameshifting change that results in a protein with two inserted amino acids, increasing the coding information of this accessory ORF. Epidemiological and genomic data indicate that the deletion variant has a single common ancestor and was initially detected in a health care outbreak and later in other COVID-19 cases, establishing a transmission cluster in the Uruguayan population. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Our findings provide evidence for the origin and spread of deletion variants and emphasise indels’ importance in epidemiological studies, including differentiating consecutive outbreaks occurring in the same health facility

    Consecutive deletions in a unique Uruguayan SARS-CoV-2 lineage evidence the genetic variability potential of accessory genes

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    Deletions frequently occur in the six accessory genes of SARS-CoV-2, but most genomes with deletions are sporadic and have limited spreading capability. Here, we analyze deletions in the ORF7a of the N.7 lineage, a unique Uruguayan clade from the Brazilian B.1.1.33 lineage. Thirteen samples collected during the early SARS-CoV-2 wave in Uruguay had deletions in the ORF7a. Complete genomes were obtained by Illumina next-generation sequencing, and deletions were confirmed by Sanger sequencing and capillary electrophoresis. The N.7 lineage includes several individuals with a 12-nucleotide deletion that removes four amino acids of the ORF7a. Notably, four individuals underwent an additional 68-nucleotide novel deletion that locates 44 nucleotides downstream in the terminal region of the same ORF7a. The simultaneous occurrence of the 12 and 68-nucleotide deletions fuses the ORF7a and ORF7b, two contiguous accessory genes that encode transmem- brane proteins with immune-modulation activity. The fused ORF retains the signal peptide and the complete Ig-like fold of the 7a protein and the transmembrane domain of the 7b protein, suggesting that the fused protein plays similar functions to original proteins in a single format. Our findings evidence the remarkable dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and the possibility that single and consecutive deletions occur in accessory genes and promote changes in the genomic organization that help the virus explore genetic variations and select for new, higher fit changes

    Variabilidad genética y evolución molecular de virus de la influenza A en Uruguay

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    Tribunal: Dr. Rafael Radi, Dra. María Hortal, Dr. Rodolfo Campos.Orientador: Dr. Juan Cristin

    La violencia contra las mujeres en la agenda pública : aportes en clave interdisciplinar

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    Cada 14 días muere una mujer asesinada por su pareja o expareja. Este alarmante dato debería concientizar y sensibilizar a la ciudadanía sobre la violencia contra las mujeres. Sin embargo, y a pesar de la persistente denuncia de las organizaciones de mujeres y de las acciones desarrolladas por el Estado, la violencia contra las mujeres por parte de sus parejas o exparejas parece inamovible. El recorrido temático que se trató en las diferentes instancias incluyó la discusión conceptual sobre el género como categoría analítica y el feminismo como perspectiva para entender el tema; la violencia contra las mujeres en el marco de la seguridad ciudadana y, por último, la construcción social de la violencia y el complejo entramado de actores clave en los procesos de socialización y reproducción de pautas que contribuyen a la perpetuación de la violencia