206 research outputs found

    Increasing Patient Satisfaction and Decreasing Hospital Readmission Due to Deep Venous Thrombosis by Providing Anticoagulation Education for Orthopedic Patients

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    Abstract Improving Process on Oral Anticoagulant Education for Orthopedic Patients The aim of this project is to improve anticoagulation education for orthopedic patients to increase patient satisfaction. The microsystem for this project is a medical-surgical (MS), 50-bed unit in a medium size hospital. Because orthopedic patients are at high risk to develop DVT postoperatively, proper anticoagulants and anticoagulation education is an important aspect of patient care. By implementing a well-designed and easy-to-read patient handout on anticoagulants with instructional script for nurses will empower patients to achieve higher level of anticoagulant knowledge and in result, increase patient satisfaction. A preliminary round of surveys showed that 58% of the surveyed patients did not get the information on the anticoagulants. These findings correlate with the results from the survey of patients’ experiences conducted by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) which demonstrates that there is a vast amount of variability regarding patient knowledge of anticoagulants. Utilization of Roger’s spread characteristics helped me to visually examine the purpose, the barriers, and the practicality of implementing anticoagulation education for orthopedic patients. Effective methods of anticoagulation patient education include written materials and face-to-face interaction with trained professional and teach-back method to reinforce the educational process. To check the results, I am implementing the Anticoagulation Knowledge Tool (AKT), a “tool to assess patient’s anticoagulant knowledge” (Obamiro, Chalmers, Bereznicki, 2016). One of the relevant articles, Interventions for implementation of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized medical and surgical patients at risk for venous thromboembolism (2013), was uniquely relevant to my research. The authors, searched, reviewed, and analyzed databases and pertinent articles. The results showed that “having a multifaceted approach that combines various interventions, including education appears to have significant benefit for VTE outcomes. For the nurses, the most important aspect of caring for patients taking oral anticoagulants is patient safety. The nurses need to ensure that patients are suitable for treatment and have adequate information and an opportunity to ask questions. The project is still in its implementation phase, and the results, conclusions, and recommendation are not yet available

    An Analysis Of International Inter-Bank Settlement Problems And Responses

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    Timely and adequate settlement of international inter-bank payments has always been a major concern for the banking industry. However the 1974 failure of Herstatt Bank, and the disruption which hit the financial markets, ushered in an era of heightened concern about the potential vulnerability of the international settlement systems. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the encountered settlement problems and attempted solutions. Nowhere are these efforts more apparent then in the European attempt to create a single financial market. One of the more interesting developments in this evolution towards regional and global payment markets has been the push towards real-time settlement systems with collateralisation

    Implicit Prejudice in Eight-Graders

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    This study examines the automatic activation of negative prejudices towards Turks using a masked affective priming paradigm in a sample of German adolescents (aged 13 to 15). Pictures of Turks and Germans were used as masked primes; positive and negative adjectives conveying either other-relevant valence (e.g., honest, evil) or possessor-relevant valence (e.g., talented, dull) were used as targets. Results revealed that both explicit prejudices towards Turks living in Germany as well as prejudiced behaviour in a virtual ball-tossing game are meaningfully related to automatic prejudice activation. As expected, these correlations were found only for priming indices based on other-relevant targets, thereby emphasising the differentiation of implicit prejudice into (imputed) hostility and depreciation

    Adolescents' attitudes towards foreigners: associations with perceptions of significant others' attitudes depending on sex and age

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    'The present study examines associations between adolescents' attitudes towards foreigners and their perceptions of the same attitudes among their parents, friends, and teachers. Questionnaire data from a sample of 518 students attending 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade of German high-track schools addressed students' own attitudes and their reports on the reference persons m their proximal contexts. Analyses of individual profile correlations suggest strong correspondences between adolescents and their perceived contexts which slightly decrease depending on age. Processes of projection are discussed as a possible explanation of the strong associations observed as well as to the age-graded pattern of correlations.' (author's abstract)

    Brute - Force Sentence Pattern Extortion from Harmful Messages for Cyberbullying Detection

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    Cyberbullying, or humiliating people using the Internet, has existed almost since the beginning ofInternet communication.The relatively recent introduction of smartphones and tablet computers has caused cyberbullying to evolve into a serious social problem. In Japan, members of a parent-teacher association (PTA)attempted to address the problem by scanning the Internet for cyber bullying entries. To help these PTA members and other interested parties confront this difficult task we propose a novel method for automatic detection of malicious Internet content. This method is based on a combinatorial approach resembling brute-force search algorithms, but applied in language classification. The method extracts sophisticated patterns from sentences and uses them in classification. The experiments performed on actual cyberbullying data reveal an advantage of our method vis-Ă -visprevious methods. Next, we implemented the method into an application forAndroid smartphones to automatically detect possible harmful content in messages. The method performed well in the Android environment, but still needs to be optimized for time efficiency in order to be used in practic

    Individuelle Bedingungen fĂŒr erfolgreiche Bildungskarrieren bei SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern mit Migrationshintergrund

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    Die Autoren stellen das Projekt KuBiS ("Kompetenzunterschiede und Bildungsgangwechsel bei SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern mit Migrationshintergrund") vor, welches individuelle Bedingungen untersucht, die bei MigrantenschĂŒlern Kompetenzunterschiede und Bildungsgangwechsel erklĂ€ren können. Anhand einer SekundĂ€ranalyse der PISA-E 2003 Daten sowie einer eigenen LĂ€ngsschnittstudie an bayerischen Mittelschulen wird die Annahme ĂŒberprĂŒft, dass die Varianz innerhalb der Gruppe der Migrantenjugendlichen durch deren Bildungsaspirationen, akademisches Selbstkonzept und Lernmotivation erklĂ€rt werden kann. Dabei wird diesen drei Variablen eine vermittelnde Funktion zwischen den kontextuellen Merkmalen Migrationsstatus und Kapitalausstattung einerseits und den abhĂ€ngigen Variablen Bildungsgang und Kompetenzniveau andererseits zugeschrieben. Aus den empirischen Ergebnissen des Projekts lassen sich auch pĂ€dagogische Schlussfolgerungen fĂŒr die Praxis ableiten, die ĂŒber eine Identifikation von Migranten als Risikogruppe hinausgehen. Gefördert wird das Projekt durch das Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung in Ankopplung an Large-Scale-Assessments. Ziel dieses Programms ist die Förderung von Forschungsvorhaben, die internationalen und nationalen Large-Scale-Assessments im Schulbereich vorausgehen, diese begleiten oder ihnen folgen. (ICI2

    Usefulness of 3D-PISA as compared to guideline endorsed parameters for mitral regurgitation quantification.

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    This study was intended to evaluate the diagnostic value of three dimensional proximal isovelocity surface area (3D PISA) derived effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA) and the accuracy of automatic 3D PISA detection in a population resembling clinical practice. Quantification of mitral regurgitation (MR) remains challenging and 3D PISA EROA is a novel diagnostic tool with promising results. However its' usefulness compared to guideline endorsed parameters has not been shown. In 93 consecutive patients examined in routine practice conventional parameters and 3D-datasets for offline 3D PISA evaluation were recorded. EROA was determined from the largest (peak) PISA and also averaged over systole for meanEROA. Results of 3D PISA calculation were compared with a combination of expert grading by two examiners and two scores for MR grading. In receiver operator characteristic-analysis the meanEROA as determined by 3D PISA had the best diagnostic value (AUC = 0.907 CI 0.832-0.983) as compared to peakEROA (AUC 0.840 CI 0.739-0.941), vena contracta width (AUC 0.831 CI 0.745-0.918) and 2D PISA (AUC 0.747 CI 0.644-0.850). A meanEROA of 0.15 cm2 had a sensitivity of 88.2 % and a specificity of 81.4 % for distinguishing severe from non-severe MR. Semiautomatic 3D PISA detection correlated very well with manually corrected values (r = 0.955). Semiautomatic 3D PISA measurement is feasible in a clinical population and has better diagnostic value compared to 2D PISA. Calculation of mean EROA throughout systole further improves diagnostic value compared to conventional parameters

    Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: das WĂŒrzburger Interkulturelle Kompetenz-Inventar (WIKI-KJ)

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    "Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen Fragebogen zur Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenz in Kindheit und Jugendalter vor. Die zentralen Dimensionen KontakthĂ€ufigkeit mit anderskulturellen Peers, die AdaptivitĂ€t des Kontaktverhaltens, die Offenheit fĂŒr interkulturelle Kontakte sowie der interkulturelle Wissenstransfer werden zeitökonomisch und altersangemessen erfasst. Die Faktorenstruktur sowie die psychometrischen Eigenschaften des Fragebogens wird anhand einer Primar- (n=546) und einer Sekundarschulstichprobe (n=976) ĂŒberprĂŒft. In einer konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalyse erweist sich die Vier-Faktorenstruktur in beiden Stichproben als optimal. Die ReliabilitĂ€ten und TrennschĂ€rfen zeigen ebenfalls eine psychometrisch gute Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenz an." (Autorenreferat)"The present study presents a questionnaire for the measurement of intercultural competence in childhood and adolescence. The questionnaire economically and expeditiously measures the four major competence dimensions: intercultural contact frequency, adaptivity of contact behaviors, openness to intercultural contact and intercultural knowledge transfer. The factorial structure and psychometric properties of the measure were tested in an elementary school sample (n=546) and a secondary school sample (n=976). A confirmatory factor analyses indicated the four-factor structure was the optimal solution. The reliabilities and item-total correlation showed also good psychometric properties of the questionnaire." (author's abstract
