46 research outputs found

    Holiday as the form of parental work

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    В статье исследуется семейный праздник как особая форма родительского труда, направленного на сплочение малой группы, выработку у подрастающего поколения навыков активной деятельности по подготовке и проведению торжеств, усиливающих чувственно-эмоциональные контакты в семье.In the article is analyzed the family celebration as special form of parental work. This work should connect small group, develop skills of active preparation and organization of holidays, which strengthen feelings and emotions in family

    Preconception Screening for Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Thrombophilia and Hyperhomocysteinemia Risk in Healthy Young Women

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    The frequency characteristics of the gene polymorphisms (FVL G1691A, FII G20210A, MTHFR C677T, MTHFR A1298C, MTRR A66G) associated with thrombophilia, hyperhomocysteinemia risk and different perinatal or pregnancy complications were studied. This examination was conducted among 130 planned-pregnancy healthy young women aged between 19 and 29 years. A gene mutation analysis was performed using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR). Factor V Leiden (FVL G1691A) and prothrombin gene (FII G20210A) mutations were not identified in the women surveyed. The frequency of the occurrence of the heterozygous FVL 1691G/A genotype associated with the risk of thrombosis during pregnancy was very low in these women (0.8%). The frequency of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) 1298C/С mutant genotype was 11.5%, MTHFR 677T/Т – 5.4%, and MTRR (methionine synthase reductase) 66G/G – 31.5%. A combination of the MTHFR 677TT/1298CC and MTHFR 677TТ/MTRR 66GG mutant genotypes, which significantly increased the risk of pregnancy loss and neural tube defects, were found to occur in 0.8% of the cases.We concluded that selective thrombophilia screening (FVL G1691A and FII G20210A) based on prior personal and/or family history of venous thromboembolism was more cost-effective than a universal preconception screening in all planning pregnancy women. However, in order to decrease the risk of congenital anomalies and pregnancy complications associated with folate dependent homocysteine metabolism, preconception care should include folate supplementatio

    Modeling and forecasting of socio-economic development of the region

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    The article is devoted to the modeling and forecasting of socio-economic development of the region. The dependence of GRP per capita of the Belgorod region on the average annual number of employed in the economy, the consolidated budget revenues, the volume of innovative works and services, the consumer price index, the industrial production index, the balanced financial result, exports was establishe

    Assessment of the economic efficiency of research and educational centers (recs) in building a forecast image of the region

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    The article discusses the tools for evaluating scientific research that can be used to analyze the effectiveness of RECs activities. The study proposed a method for integrating indicators of the region's development potentials and indicators of the effectiveness of research and educational centers, based on a comparison of trends in the region's development potentials and the performance indicators of REC

    Experience with the use of virus-neutralizing antibodies in coronavirus infection

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    The aim of the study – to evaluate the effectiveness of virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of coronavirus infectionЦель работы - оценить эффективность вируснейтрализующих моноклональных антител при лечении коронавирусной инфекци


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    Nowadays the residential mortgage lending is a matter of great importance for the socio-economic development of Russia in the context of providing the majority of people with owner-occupied homes. The problem can be solved by increasing the availability of housing in which case the state support can be hardly overestimated. The paper analyzes the conditions for the organization of the mortgage lending system at the federal and regional levels (by the case study of the Altai Territory). The research findings made it possible to identify the main factors hampering the mortgage development: limited effective demand of the population, high housing prices, low volumes of new housing supply in federal subjects of the Russian Federation, inability to confirm incomes, economic instability, high interest rates, imperfect legislation. Taking into account the obtained results, the authors propose measures aimed at further development of the residential mortgage lending system. Besides, there is a need to raise the awareness of potential borrowers about the possibilities of mortgage programs through awareness-raising activity, publication of interviews with bank executives and the release of methodological literature. The findings concerning the influence of socio-economic factors on the development of the mortgage lending system can be used in the practice of credit institutions to increase the availability of residential mortgage loans

    Workplace arterial hypertension: potential of rilmenidine-based combination therapy

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    Aim. To assess effectiveness and tolerability of morning / evening-administered rilmenidine in patients with work-place arterial hypertension (WpAH), during combination therapy. Material and methods. This randomized, short-term (8 weeks), pilot study included 20 males (mean age 48,5 years) with Stage I (n = 5) or Stage II (n = 15) AH, risk II (n = 4) or III (n = 16). Rilmenidine was administered in the morning (n = 10) or in the evening (n = 10). If needed, beta-adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, nitrates, and digoxin were administered. The end-points included: blood pressure (BP) normalization - for mean daily ВР, according to 24-hour BP monitoring (BPM), and office BP (oBP); therapy response; circadian BP profile dynamics; temporary index (TI); circadian rhythm; quality of life (QoL); laboratory and instrumental parameters dynamics. Results. After 8 weeks of rilmenidine-based therapy, systolic oBP (SoBP) was normalized in 95% of the participants, diastolic oBP (DoBP) - in 100%. Mean daily DBP normalization, according to 24-hour BPM, was registered in all patients, and nighttime SBP response to treatment - in 90%. In the morning administration group, DBP was reduced by 22,1%, in the evening one - by 22,7%. For all time periods, pressure load on target organs substantially lowered. In the morning administration group, TI for daily SBP decreased by 53%, in the evening administration group - by 61,5%, TI for DBP - by 44,4% and 66,6%, respectively. Initially disturbed circadian rhythm normalized in 40% of the patients. The combination of rilmenidine with beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors was the most effective for BP reduction. Conclusion. Antihypertensive effect of rilmenidine-based therapy was combined with reduction in pressure load on target organs, as well as circadian BP rhythm improvement, and perfect tolerabilit

    Approaches to the production and use of microbial transglutaminase in emulsified meat and vegetable systems

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    In the technology of traditional and new forms of food, the modification of structure of proteins is carry out in two opposite directions: the hydrolytic destruction of high-molecular polymers and the artificial creation of polymeric structures of high molecular mass. The transglutaminase preparations (protein-glutamine (-glutamyltransferase, EC, TG) are used in practical work for realization of the second direction. The main mechanisms of action are polymerization reactions, which lead to a change in the hydrophobicity of protein molecules. The main catalyzed reactions are acyl transfer, binding between glutamine and lysine residues of proteins and deamination. The authors analyzed the approaches to the preparation, properties and studied the joint effect of temperature and pH on the activity of the commercial preparation Revada TG 11 with the application of an enzymatic colorimetric test. The authors studied combined stuffing systems based on beef, pork, poultry mechanical deboning, as well as replacing part of the raw material with protein-carbohydrate compositions with Revada TG 11. The results were used to develop simulated meat systems of biopolymer compositions (SMSBC), approximate in structure and properties to the gels formed by actin and myosin during extraction from myofibrils under the traditional technological processes of meat products production - maturation, salt curing, fine meat grinding. SMSBC includes lupine flour bio-activated by germination, a preparations of dietary fiber as well as a preparation of transglutaminase Revada TG 11. The protein components of the secondary raw materials during the processing of milk such as sodium caseinate, and also whey were used to balance the amino acid composition of the food systems. For practical use, the following options for SMSBC introducing into the composition of minced meat emulsions were recommended by the authors: in the form of hydrated biopolymer dispersion at cutting; in the form of a previously heat-treated gel

    Specific developmental needs of children with cleft lip and palate

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    Рассматриваются потребности развития детей с врожденными анатомо-физиологическими дефектами. Анализируются особенности внутреннего мира матерей, имеющих детей с аномалиями развития, их психические состояния и используемые копинг-стратегии.This paper outlines developmental needs of children with inborn anatomic-physiological defects. The authors analyse pecularities of inner world, mental states, and coping strategies of mothers whose children have developmental abnormalities