2 research outputs found

    Full denture in patient with cleft palate

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    Reportamos la rehabilitaci贸n de un paciente edentulo total que presenta paladar hendido. Por tratarse de un caso complejo que afecta a uno de los factores de la estabilidad (retenci贸n), se tuvo que utilizar materiales de mayor hidrofilicidad para tomar las impresiones. Se us贸 la t茅cnica sin presi贸n para la impresi贸n primaria y la t茅cnica de presi贸n selectiva (elast贸mero) para la toma de la impresi贸n definitiva; obteniendo as铆 mayor intimidad de contacto entre la pr贸tesis y la mucosa, para mejor adhesi贸n y cohesi贸n. Se utilizaron cubetas completamente aliviadas para que la presi贸n del material de impresi贸n sea m铆nima. El prop贸sito de este tratamiento fue rehabilitar el sistema masticatorio del paciente edentulo total con paladar hendido, que a diferencia de los casos comunes, la adaptaci贸n de la pr贸tesis a la mucosa debe ser 铆ntima; manteniendo la resilencia de la mucosa y permitiendo as铆 una buena retenci贸n.We report the rehabilitation of a total edentulous patient with cleft palate. Being a complex case involving one of the factors of stability (retention), we had to use materials with grater hydrophilicity to take impressions. The technique without pressure was used for primary impressions and technique of selective pressure (elastomer) for making the final impression; obtaining more intimate contact between the prosthesis and the mucosa, for better adhesion and cohesion. Completely relieved cuvettes were used to take impressions with a minimal pressure. The purpose of this treatment was to rehabilitate the masticatory system of total edentulous patient with cleft palate, unlike ordinary cases, the adaptation of the prosthesis to the mucosa should be intimate; maintaining the resilience of the mucosa and allowing good retention

    Influencia del uso de Papacarie en el sellado marginal de obturaciones directas

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    The purpose of the investigation was, to compare the marginal seal of direct restorations, carried out with the sandwich technique, after the removal of decayed tissue by means of papaine gel (Papacarie) and the conventional rotational method. So, 20 recently extracted human premolars were selected, with decay lesions that committed the oclusal and proximal surface. The sample was randomly divided in two groups: Group 1: the removal of decayed dentine was made, by means of the chemo mechanical technique using the gel Papacarie. Group 2: the removal of decayed dentine was made by means of the conventional technique, using rotational instruments. After the removal of decayed tissues by both techniques a direct restoration was placed using the sandwich technique, placement of glass ionomer modified by resin, adhesive system of a single step and micro hybrid composite resin. Then, after term cycling process, the specimens were subjected to passive filtration of blue methylene dye, for 3 days, cut through the mesiodistal way, and observed by stereoscopic microscope, according to degrees of blue methylene dye filtration at toothrestoration interface, in oclusal and gingival margins of the preparation. The analysis of results indicated that: gel Papacarie permited the effective removal of decayed tissues for preparing restoration鈥檚 cavities, however, it significantly influenced in a higher frequency of dye filtration, committing marginal sealing of restorations, compared with the rotational method of conventional removal.El prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n fue, comparar el sellado marginal de obturaciones directas, realizadas con la t茅cnica s谩ndwich, despu茅s de la remoci贸n de tejido cariado con el gel de papaina (Papacarie) y el m茅todo convencional rotatorio. Para lo cual se seleccionaron 20 premolares humanos recientemente extra铆dos, con lesiones cariosas que compromet铆an la superficie oclusal y proximal. La muestra fue dividida aleatoriamente en dos grupos: Grupo 1: se hizo la remoci贸n de dentina cariada, mediante la t茅cnica qu铆mico mec谩nica utilizando el gel Papacarie. Grupo 2: remoci贸n de dentina cariada mediante la t茅cnica convencional, con instrumentos rotatorios. Despu茅s de la remoci贸n del tejido cariado por ambas t茅cnicas se coloc贸 una restauraci贸n directa utilizando la t茅cnica s谩ndwich: colocaci贸n de ion贸mero de vidrio modificado por resina, sistema adhesivo de un solo paso y resina compuesta microhibrida. Posteriormente, despu茅s de un proceso de termociclado, los especimenes fueron sometidos a filtraci贸n pasiva del colorante azul de metileno, por 3 d铆as, seccionados en sentido mesiodistal a trav茅s de la restauraci贸n, y observados de acuerdo a grados de filtraci贸n del colorante en la interfase diente-obturaci贸n tanto en el margen oclusal como el gingival de la preparaci贸n, con la ayuda del microscopio estereoscopio. El an谩lisis de los resultados indicaron que: El gel Papacarie permiti贸 la remoci贸n qu铆mico mec谩nica de tejido carioso en la preparaci贸n de cavidades para obturaci贸n. Sin embargo, influy贸 significativamente en una mayor frecuencia de filtraci贸n de colorante comprometiendo el sellado marginal de las obturaciones, comparado con el m茅todo de remoci贸n convencional rotatorio