263 research outputs found

    Multi-jet cross sections at NLO with BlackHat and Sherpa

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    In this talk, we report on a recent next-to-leading order QCD calculation of the production of a W boson in association with three jets at hadron colliders. The computation is performed by combining two programs, BlackHat for the computation of the virtual one-loop matrix elements and Sherpa for the real emission part.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the XLIIIth Rencontres de Moriond (QCD

    Next-to-Leading Order Jet Physics with BlackHat

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    We present several results obtained using the BlackHat next-to-leading order QCD program library, in conjunction with SHERPA. In particular, we present distributions for vector boson plus 1,2,3-jet production at the Tevatron and at the asymptotic running energy of the Large Hadron Collider, including new Z+3-jet distributions. The Z+2-jet predictions for the second-jet P_T distribution are compared to CDF data. We present the jet-emission probability at NLO in W+2-jet events at the LHC, where the tagging jets are taken to be the ones furthest apart in pseudorapidity. We analyze further the large left-handed W polarization, identified in our previous study, for W bosons produced at high P_T at the LHC.Comment: Presented at RADCOR 2009 - 9th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology), October 25 - 30 2009, Ascona, Switzerland}, 12 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, v2 updated small correction to polarization effect plo

    Gaugephobic Higgs Signals at the LHC

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    The Gaugephobic Higgs model provides an interpolation between three different models of electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgsless models, Randall-Sundrum models, and the Standard Model. At parameter points between the extremes, Standard Model Higgs signals are present at reduced rates, and Higgsless Kaluza-Klein excitations are present with shifted masses and couplings, as well as signals from exotic quarks necessary to protect the Zbb coupling. Using a new implementation of the model in SHERPA, we show the LHC signals which differentiate the generic Gaugephobic Higgs model from its limiting cases. These are all signals involving a Higgs coupling to a Kaluza-Klein gauge boson or quark. We identify the clean signal ppW(i)WHp p \to W^(i) \to W H mediated by a Kaluza-Klein W, which can be present at large rates and is enhanced for even Kaluza-Klein numbers. Due to the very hard lepton coming from the W decay, this signature has little background, and provides a better discovery channel for the Higgs than any of the Standard Model modes, over its entire mass range. A Higgs radiated from new heavy quarks also has large rates, but is much less promising due to very high multiplicity final states.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    NLO vector boson production with light jets

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    In this contribution we present recent progress in the computation of next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections for the production of an electroweak vector boson in association with jets at hadron colliders. We focus on results obtained using the virtual matrix element library BLACKHAT in conjunction with SHERPA, focusing on results relevant to understanding the background to top production.Comment: 4+2 epsilon pages, Submitted for the proceedings of TOP2011 - 4th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, 25-30th September 2011, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spai

    Friedel oscillations in a gas of interacting one-dimensional fermionic atoms confined in a harmonic trap

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    Using an asymptotic phase representation of the particle density operator ρ^(z)\hat{\rho}(z) in the one-dimensional harmonic trap, the part δρ^F(z)\delta \hat{\rho}_F(z) which describes the Friedel oscillations is extracted. The expectation value with respect to the interacting ground state requires the calculation of the mean square average of a properly defined phase operator. This calculation is performed analytically for the Tomonaga-Luttinger model with harmonic confinement. It is found that the envelope of the Friedel oscillations at zero temperature decays with the boundary exponent ν=(K+1)/2\nu = (K+1)/2 away from the classical boundaries. This value differs from that known for open boundary conditions or strong pinning impurities. The soft boundary in the present case thus modifies the decay of Friedel oscillations. The case of two components is also discussed.Comment: Revised version to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    CalcHEP 3.4 for collider physics within and beyond the Standard Model

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    We present version 3.4 of the CalcHEP software package which is designed for effective evaluation and simulation of high energy physics collider processes at parton level. The main features of CalcHEP are the computation of Feynman diagrams, integration over multi-particle phase space and event simulation at parton level. The principle attractive key-points along these lines are that it has: a) an easy startup even for those who are not familiar with CalcHEP; b) a friendly and convenient graphical user interface; c) the option for a user to easily modify a model or introduce a new model by either using the graphical interface or by using an external package with the possibility of cross checking the results in different gauges; d) a batch interface which allows to perform very complicated and tedious calculations connecting production and decay modes for processes with many particles in the final state. With this features set, CalcHEP can efficiently perform calculations with a high level of automation from a theory in the form of a Lagrangian down to phenomenology in the form of cross sections, parton level event simulation and various kinematical distributions. In this paper we report on the new features of CalcHEP 3.4 which improves the power of our package to be an effective tool for the study of modern collider phenomenology.Comment: 82 pages, elsarticle LaTeX, 7 Figures. Changes from v1: 1) updated reference list and Acknowledgments; 2) 2->1 processes added to CalcHEP; 3) particles decay (i.e. Higgs boson) into virtual W/Z decays added together with comparison to results from Hdecay package; 4) added interface with Root packag

    Precise Predictions for W + 3 Jet Production at Hadron Colliders

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    We report on the first next-to-leading order QCD computation of W + 3-jet production in hadronic collisions including all partonic subprocesses. We compare the results with CDF data from the Tevatron, and find excellent agreement. The renormalization and factorization scale dependence is reduced substantially compared to leading-order calculations. The required one-loop matrix elements are computed using on-shell methods, implemented in a numerical program, BlackHat. We use the SHERPA package to generate the real-emission contributions and to integrate the various contributions over phase space. We use a leading-color (large-N_c) approximation for the virtual part, which we confirm in W + 1,2-jet production to be valid to within three percent. The present calculation demonstrates the utility of on-shell methods for computing next-to-leading-order corrections to processes important to physics analyses at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, v3 small change in values, no changes in conclusion

    Left-Handed W Bosons at the LHC

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    The production of W bosons in association with jets is an important background to new physics at the LHC. Events in which the W carries large transverse momentum and decays leptonically lead to large missing energy and are of particular importance. We show that the left-handed nature of the W coupling, combined with valence quark domination at a pp machine, leads to a large left-handed polarization for both W^+ and W^- bosons at large transverse momenta. The polarization fractions are very stable with respect to QCD corrections. The leptonic decay of the W bosons translates the common left-handed polarization into a strong asymmetry in transverse momentum distributions between positrons and electrons, and between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos (missing transverse energy). Such asymmetries may provide an effective experimental handle on separating W + jets from top quark production, which exhibits very little asymmetry due to C invariance, and from various types of new physics.Comment: 32 pages, revtex, 17 figures, 3 tables, v2 minor corrections to ME+PS results, no changes to conclusions, added reference

    Report on Running Channels in iseg 32-Ch HV Power Supplies

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    We report a study and solution of the so-called "running channel" (RC) phenomenon observed in the iseg 32-channel HV power supplies for the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimetry