76 research outputs found

    Rahmenbedingungen für den Einsatz biologischer Lebensmittel in Großküchen - Die Erfahrungen in Österreich

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    During the last few years the use of organic food in public canteens in Austria has increased, which nowadays effects a relatively large marketing potential. Reasons for the rapid development on the one hand are the increasing public awareness of environmental, social and health issues, which causes a consolidated demand for the use of organic food by the particular customers. On the political side, the recent discussions on sustainable public procurement strategies can support the establishment of organic food in public canteens by setting the particular legal and financial framework. The aim of this paper is to point out some general conditions for the successful use of organic food in public canteens

    Avstrijska Koroška in njene jugozahodne povezave v starejši železni dobi.: Nekaj vidikov

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    The south-western part of the Carinthian (or Frög) group of the Early Iron Age, located between the valley of the Gail/Zilja and Villach/Beljak (Rosegg/Rožek), bordered the Veneti in northern Italy and the Sveta Lucija group in western Slovenia. The relationships with these neighbours, alongside the trade in amber from the Baltic Sea, salt from Hallstatt and Dürrnberg, as well as iron and lead from the Alps, brought to the eastern Alpine areas not only foreign luxury goods, but also people and ideas. One communication with the southern neighbours led across the Predel/Predil Pass, evidence of which can be found in a pin with a moulded neck from Napoleonwiese at Villach that has parallels in Tolmin. Further along the Soča/Isonzo, contacts between Caput Adriae and Carinthia/Kärnten may be reflected in the pottery with lead appliqués. Evidence of such contacts and circulations of ideas can also be seen in the use and development of the Unec type pendants, in the boat fibulae (Kahnfibeln) of the Villach type and the Paularo type of east Alpine animal-headed fibulae (ostalpine Tierkopffibel) that indicate a common artisanal tradition in Posočje and Kärnten in the 5th/4th century BC, as well as in the commonalities that the tumulus from Schmeißer Boden at Gurina shows with the tumuli in Mel near Belluno.Jugozahodni del koroške starejšeželeznodobne skupine oz. skupine Frög/Breg, ki obsega območje med Ziljsko dolino in Beljakom oz. Rožekom, je mejil na venetski prostor severne Italije in svetolucijsko skupino v zahodni Sloveniji. Ta soseščina je poleg trgovine z jantarjem, s soljo iz Hallstatta in Dürrnberga ter z železom in svincem z alpskega območja prinesla v vzhodne Alpe ne le luksuzno blago iz sredozemskega in severnoitalskega prostora, temveč tudi ljudi in ideje. Povezavo prek prelaza Predel kaže najdba igle z nasvitkanim vratom z Napoleonovega travnika pri Beljaku, ki ima primerjave v Tolminu. Stike med Caput Adriae in avstrijsko Koroško po dolini Soče odsevajo nemara lončene posode z geometrijskim okrasom iz svinčenih aplik. Svojevrsten prenos idej bi lahko videli tudi v rabi in razvoju različic obeskov tipa Unec. Regionalno rokodelsko dejavnost Posočja in Koroške v 5./4. st. pr. n. št. pa morda kažejo čolničaste fibule tipa Villach in različica Paularo vzhodnoalpskih živalskih fibul. Zelo velika podobnost je prav tako opazna v zgradbi gomile Schmeißer Boden na Gurini s tistimi iz Mela pri Bellunu

    Report on the evaluation of the pilot case studies (= Deliverable D4 of the Project European Information System for Organic Markets, QLK5-2002-02400), including Annex 1: National working papers on pilot applications (DCPS) in eight European countries and Annex 2 Guidelines on evaluating pilot applications (DCPS) in eight European Countries

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    The current situation of market information systems on organic farming in Europe shows a substantial lack of information. Although previous EU-research projects such as OFCAP (FAIR3-CT96-1794) and OMIaRD (QLK5-2000-01124) have shown that regional or national data gathering takes place in many countries, the availability of detailed and current data on various levels, such as production, consumption, prices as well as trade, on the national as well as at the European level, is not satisfactory. The main problem areas identified in regard to market information systems for organic farming can be summarised as i) the lack of market information at the national level and ii) where data are available, the lack of data harmonisation at the European level. Within the EU-funded concerted action EISfOM (European Information System for Organic Markets, QLK5-2002-02400), the aim is to build a framework for reporting valid and reliable production and market data for the European organic sector in order to meet the needs of policymakers, farmers, processors, wholesalers and other actors involved in organic markets. Based on the previous research done in Workpackages 2, 3 and 4, this report focuses on the evaluation of pilot case studies in eight European countries, showing proposals for new and/or enlarged data collection and processing systems for organic markets in Europe. This report is based mainly on the pilot application studies conducted in WP5. Following the description of objectives and the general approach of WP5 in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 focuses on the national pilot case studies, including a description of the relevant institutions and DCPS as well as an assessment of data quality. Chapter 3 provides an analysis of the DCPS investigated with regard to the problems and barriers involved with their practical implementation. Chapter 4 then analyses the critical points identified with regard to potential solutions for harmonisation of various DCPS at the national and international level. Chapter 5 deals with the analysis of the recommendations made in WP4, while Chapter 6 summarizing and concluding the results. As well as the national working papers on the results of the pilot application studies, this deliverable is also strongly linked to previous project deliverables, namely D2 “WP2: Data collection and processing systems for conventional markets and WP3: Data collection and processing systems for organic markets” (Wolfert, S. et al., 2004), deliverable D3 “Report on proposals for the development, harmonisation and quality assurance of organic data collection and processing systems. systems (Recke, G. et al., 2004) and the proceedings of the first European Seminar “Development of a European Information System for organic markets – improving the scope and quality of statistical data” (Recke, G. et al., 2004)