2,421 research outputs found

    Multispectral processing based on groups of resolution elements

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    Several nine-point rules are defined and compared with previously studied rules. One of the rules performed well in boundary areas, but with reduced efficiency in field interiors; another combined best performance on field interiors with good sensitivity to boundary detail. The basic threshold gradient and some modifications were investigated as a means of boundary point detection. The hypothesis testing methods of closed-boundary formation were also tested and evaluated. An analysis of the boundary detection problem was initiated, employing statistical signal detection and parameter estimation techniques to analyze various formulations of the problem. These formulations permit the atmospheric and sensor system effects on the data to be thoroughly analyzed. Various boundary features and necessary assumptions can also be investigated in this manner

    Combustor concepts for aircraft gas turbine low-power emissions reduction

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    Several combustor concepts were designed and tested to demonstrate significant reductions in aircraft engine idle pollutant emissions. Each concept used a different approach for pollutant reductions: the hot wall combustor employs a thermal barrier coating and impingement cooled liners; the recuperative cooling combustor preheats the air before entering the combustion chamber; and the catalytic converter combustor is composed of a conventional primary zone followed by a catalytic bed for pollutant cleanup. The designs are discussed in detail and test results are presented for a range of aircraft engine idle conditions. The results indicate that ultralow levels of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emissions can be achieved

    Multispectral system analysis through modeling and simulation

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    The design and development of multispectral remote sensor systems and associated information extraction techniques should be optimized under the physical and economic constraints encountered and yet be effective over a wide range of scene and environmental conditions. Direct measurement of the full range of conditions to be encountered can be difficult, time consuming, and costly. Simulation of multispectral data by modeling scene, atmosphere, sensor, and data classifier characteristics is set forth as a viable alternative, particularly when coupled with limited sets of empirical measurements. A multispectral system modeling capability is described. Use of the model is illustrated for several applications - interpretation of remotely sensed data from agricultural and forest scenes, evaluating atmospheric effects in LANDSAT data, examining system design and operational configuration, and development of information extraction techniques

    Atmospheric modeling related to Thematic Mapper scan geometry

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    A simulation study was carried out to characterize atmospheric effects in LANDSAT-D Thematic Mapper data. In particular, the objective was to determine if any differences would result from using a linear vs. a conical scanning geometry. Insight also was gained about the overall effect of the atmosphere on Thematic Mapper signals, together with the effects of time of day. An added analysis was made of the geometric potential for direct specular reflections (sun glint). The ERIM multispectral system simulation model was used to compute inband Thematic Mapper radiances, taking into account sensor, atmospheric, and surface characteristics. Separate analyses were carried out for the thermal band and seven bands defined in the reflective spectral region. Reflective-region radiances were computed for 40 deg N, 0 deg, and 40 deg S latitudes; June, Mar., and Dec. days; and 9:30 and 11:00 AM solar times for both linear and conical scan modes. Also, accurate simulations of solar and viewing geometries throughout Thematic Mapper orbits were made. It is shown that the atmosphere plays an important role in determining Thematic Mapper radiances, with atmospheric path radiance being the major component of total radiances for short wavelengths and decreasing in importance as wavelength increases. Path radiance is shown to depend heavily on the direct radiation scattering angle and on haze content. Scan-angle-dependent variations were shown to be substantial, especially for the short-wavelength bands

    Wheat signature modeling and analysis for improved training statistics: Supplement. Simulated LANDSAT wheat radiances and radiance components

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    Simulated scanner system data values generated in support of LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment) research and development efforts are presented. Synthetic inband (LANDSAT) wheat radiances and radiance components were computed and are presented for various wheat canopy and atmospheric conditions and scanner view geometries. Values include: (1) inband bidirectional reflectances for seven stages of wheat crop growth; (2) inband atmospheric features; and (3) inband radiances corresponding to the various combinations of wheat canopy and atmospheric conditions. Analyses of these data values are presented in the main report

    Negativity and contextuality are equivalent notions of nonclassicality

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    Two notions of nonclassicality that have been investigated intensively are: (i) negativity, that is, the need to posit negative values when representing quantum states by quasiprobability distributions such as the Wigner representation, and (ii) contextuality, that is, the impossibility of a noncontextual hidden variable model of quantum theory (also known as the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem). Although both of these notions were meant to characterize the conditions under which a classical explanation cannot be provided, we demonstrate that they prove inadequate to the task and we argue for a particular way of generalizing and revising them. With the refined version of each in hand, it becomes apparent that they are in fact one and the same. We also demonstrate the impossibility of noncontextuality or nonnegativity in quantum theory with a novel proof that is symmetric in its treatment of measurements and preparations.Comment: 5 pages, published version (modulo some supplementary material

    Synopsis of early field test results from the gravity gradiometer survey system

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    Although the amount of data yielded by the initial airborne and surface tests was modest, it was sufficient to demonstrate that the full gravity gradient tensor was successfully measured from moving platforms both in the air and on the surface. The measurements were effectively continuous with spatial along-track resolution limited only by choice of integration lengths taken to reduce noise. The airborne data were less noisy (800 E squared/Hz typical) than were the Gravity Gradiometer Survey System (GGSS) measurements taken at the surface (5000 E squared/Hz typical). Single tracks of surface gravity disturbances recovered from airborne data were accurate to 3 to 4 mgal in each component of gravity when compared to 5 x 5 mean gravity anomalies over a 90 km track. Multitrack processing yielded 2 to 3 mgal when compared to 5 x 5 mean anomalies. Deflection of the vertical recovery over a distance of 150 km was about one arcsecond

    Probabilities from envariance?

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    Zurek claims to have derived Born's rule noncircularly in the context of an ontological no-collapse interpretation of quantum states, without any "deus ex machina imposition of the symptoms of classicality." After a brief review of Zurek's derivation it is argued that this claim is exaggerated if not wholly unjustified. In order to demonstrate that Born's rule arises noncircularly from deterministically evolving quantum states, it is not sufficient to assume that quantum states are somehow associated with probabilities and then prove that these probabilities are given by Born's rule. One has to show how irreducible probabilities can arise in the context of an ontological no-collapse interpretation of quantum states. It is argued that the reason why all attempts to do this have so far failed is that quantum states are fundamentally algorithms for computing correlations between possible measurement outcomes, rather than evolving ontological states.Comment: To appear in IJQI; 9 pages, LaTe

    Wheat signature modeling and analysis for improved training statistics

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The spectral, spatial, and temporal characteristics of wheat and other signatures in LANDSAT multispectral scanner data were examined through empirical analysis and simulation. Irrigation patterns varied widely within Kansas; 88 percent of wheat acreage in Finney was irrigated and 24 percent in Morton, as opposed to less than 3 percent for western 2/3's of the State. The irrigation practice was definitely correlated with the observed spectral response; wheat variety differences produced observable spectral differences due to leaf coloration and different dates of maturation. Between-field differences were generally greater than within-field differences, and boundary pixels produced spectral features distinct from those within field centers. Multiclass boundary pixels contributed much of the observed bias in proportion estimates. The variability between signatures obtained by different draws of training data decreased as the sample size became larger; also, the resulting signatures became more robust and the particular decision threshold value became less important

    Investigation of spatial misregistration effects in multispectral scanner data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A model for estimating the expected proportion of multiclass pixels in a scene was generalized and extended to include misregistration effects. Another substantial effort was the development of a simulation model to generate signatures to represent the distributions of signals from misregistered multiclass pixels, based on single class signatures. Spatial misregistration causes an increase in the proportion of multiclass pixels in a scene and a decorrelation between signals in misregistered data channels. The multiclass pixel proportion estimation model indicated that this proportion is strongly dependent on the pixel perimeter and on the ratio of the total perimeter of the fields in the scene to the area of the scene. Test results indicated that expected values computed with this model were similar to empirical measurements made of this proportion in four LACIE data segments
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