14 research outputs found

    Probable two-layered permafrost formation, as a result of climatic evolution in mountainous environment of Storglaciären forefield, Tarfala, Northern Scandinavia

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    The analysis of climate changes in of the Tarfala valley and Kebnekaise Mts area, and changes within the range of the Scandinavian Glaciation shows that even in the warmest period of Holocene there were favourable environmental conditions for permafrost of the Pleistocene origin to be preserved in this area. The results of electrical resistivity surveys together with analysis of available publications indicate that two layers of permafrost can be distinguished in the Storglaciären forefield. The shallower, discountinuous, with thickness ca. 2–6 meters is connected to the current climate, The second, deeper located layer of permafrost, separated with talik, is older. Its thickness can reach dozens of metres and is probably the result of permafrost formation during Pleistocene. The occurrence of two-layered permafrost in the Tarfala valley in Kebnekaise area shows the evolution of mountain permafrost may be seen as analogous to that in Western Siberia. This means that the effect of climate changes gives a similar effect in permafrost formation and evolution in both altitudinal and latitudinal extent. The occurrence of two-layered permafrost in Scandes and Western Siberia plain indicates possible analogy in climatic evolution, and gives opportunity to understand them in uniform way

    Analysis of the resistivity imaging results conducted over karst voids in Klucze using Depth of Investigation Index

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    Conducted by "Olkusz" Speleological Club exploratory works related to the Gieńkówka cave led only to its partial opening. There are indications stating that this cave has continuation beyond its currently available parts. In order to verify those assumptions resistivity imaging method has been used. During analysis of the resistivity models obtained from field measurements the synthetic model, simulating the intersection of the cave corridor, has been utilized. In order to assess the reliability of resistivity cross sections in terms of the presence of artifacts left by the inversion process Depth of Investigation (DOI) index has been applied. For preparing DOI maps two inversions on the same data set were carried out using different reference models. Then the results were compared to each other. High resistivity anomalies revealed on obtained models show strong correlation with actual caves known in this area. In addition, similar anomalies have been found in place of the predicted continuity in Gieńkówka cave, thus confirming the hypothesis made in this research. High DOI index values in the occurrence of caves pointing to the instability of the inversion process in those areas

    Application of passive seismic to shallow geological structures in urban areas

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    To study the shallow geological structure the Refraction Microtremor (ReMi) method was applied. This technique uses seismic noise analysis where a source of this small vibrations is the human activity e.g.: traffic, production, factories. The surveys were carried out in selected urban areas in the region of the Upper Silesian Industrial District: Sosnowiec-Pogon , Chorzow-Chorzow Stary and Bytom-Karb. Each area is characterized by the presence of nearby roads with a very high traffic. The results of passive seismic (ReMi) were confronted with data obtained using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and resistivity imaging (RI). Seismic surveys were performed by apparatus PASI with 24 channels using geophones of 4.5Hz. The results showed that passive seismic can be satisfactorily used in such urban conditions. The shallow geological structure interpreted by seismic methods have been well-correlated with resistivity studies

    Application of DOI index to analysis of selected examples of resistivity imaging models in Quaternary sediments

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    Interpretation of resistivity cross sections may be in many cases unreliable due to the presence of artifacts left by the inversion process. One way to avoid erroneous conclusions about geological structure is creation of Depth of Investigation (DOI) index maps, which describe durability of prepared model with respect to variable parameters of inversion. To assess the usefulness of this interpretation methodology in resistivity imaging method over quaternary sediments, it has been used to one synthetic data set and three investigation sites. Two of the study areas were placed in the Upper Silesian Industrial District region: Bytom-Karb, Chorzów-Chorzów Stary; and one in the Southern Pomeranian Lake District across Pilawa River Valley. Basing on the available geological information the results show high utility of DOI index in analysis of received resistivity models, on which areas poorly constrained by data has been designated

    Geophysical exploration of castle remains in Barwałd Górny (near Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Poland) using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) with assistance of depth of investigation index (DOI) method

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    In March of 2014 at ruins of the 14th century castle, situated at the top of Mount Żar in Małopolska region, Poland, geophysical surveys were performed. Surveys were planned to investigate remains of the castle that could remain in the ground. Electrical Resistivity Tomography method was used there. In the paper 4 sections have been presented. During interpretation, as the supporting method, maps of Depth-of-Investigation (DOI) index have been used. Results of the surveys can point out potential remains of the castle walls and ruins of buildings that were situated in the stronghold

    9th Geosymposium of Young Researches 'Silesia 2016' Kroczyce, 31.08-2.09.2016 r.

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    W dniach 31 sierpnia-2 września 2016 r. odbyła się konferencja naukowa 9th Geosymposium of Young Researches „Silesia 2016” dedykowana młodym naukowcom prowadzącym badania z zakresu szeroko pojętych nauk o Ziemi. Organizatorem spotkań, które od 2015 r. mają status konferencji naukowej o charakterze międzynarodowym, jest Koło Naukowe Doktorantów Wydziału Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Młodzi naukowcy z 11 państw spotkali się w Kroczycach na Wyżynie Krakowsko- Częstochowskiej. Podczas sesji tematycznych poruszano zagadnienia m.in. z zakresu geografii fizycznej, kartografii, teledetekcji, systemów informacji geograficznej, ochrony środowiska, ekologii krajobrazu oraz badań polarnych[...

    Permafrost prospecting and geological structure of Mt. Babia Góra in the light of the electroresistivity imaging method

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac nad hipotezą o występowaniu wieloletniej zmarzliny w okołoszczytowej okolicy Babiej Góry. W badanym obszarze wykonano trzy profile inwersyjnego obrazowania oporności, których maksymalna głębokość interpretacji sięga do około 90 m pod powierzchnię gruntu. Uzyskane wyniki nie potwierdzają jednoznacznie występowania permafrostu w badanym terenie, natomiast dobrze ukazują budowę geologiczną szczytowych partii Babiej Góry

    Geophysical imaging of permafrost in the SW Svalbard – the result of two high arctic expeditions to Spitsbergen

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    "The Arctic regions are the place of the fastest observed climate change. One of the indicators of such evolution are changes occurring in the glaciers and the subsurface in the permafrost. The active layer of the permafrost as the shallowest one is well measured by multiple geophysical techniques and in-situ measurements." (fragm.

    Recognition of the varying permafrost conditions in the SW Svalbard by multiple geophysical methods [abstract]

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    "In recent years, rapid climatic changes and their impact are widely visible and recognizable around the world. The Atlantic sector of the Arctic is the place of the strongest observed changes. As a result, such changes are already destabilizing the arctic systems including the glaciers and the permafrost that strongly affects the Arctic’s physical and biological systems."[...] (fragm.