13 research outputs found


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    Article is devoted formation prospects in the world of new VI technological way, under trying conditions consequences of an economic crisis which differs from previous only in the big scales and enormous financial pyramids.Статья посвящена перспективам становления в мире нового VI технологического уклада в тяжелых условиях последствий экономического кризиса, который отличается от предыдущих своими более значительными масштабами и колоссальными финансовыми пирамидами

    Elite opinion and foreign policy in post-communist Russia

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    Russian elite opinion on matters of foreign policy may be classified as ‘Liberal Westerniser’, ‘Pragmatic Nationalist’ and ‘Fundamentalist Nationalist’, terms that reflect longstanding debates about the country’s relationship with the outside world. An analysis of press statements and election manifestoes together with a programme of elite interviews between 2004 and 2006 suggests a clustering of opinion on a series of strategic issues. Liberal Westernisers seek the closest possible relationship with Europe, and favour eventual membership of the EU and NATO. Pragmatic Nationalists are more inclined to favour practical co-operation, and do not assume an identity of values or interests with the Western countries. Fundamentalist Nationalists place more emphasis on the other former Soviet republics, and on Asia as much as Europe, and see the West as a threat to Russian values as well as to its state interests. Each of these positions, in turn, draws on an identifiable set of domestic constituencies: Liberal Westernisers on the promarket political parties, Pragmatic Nationalists on the presidential administration and defence and security ministries, and Fundamentalist Nationalists on the Orthodox Church and Communists


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    Objective of research: To study the efficacy of Ritril based on Ricobendazole and Triclabendazole used for the treatment of main helminthiases in small cattle. Materials and methods: The efficacy of Ritril was investigated in August-November 2013 against main helminthiases in sheep and goats from private farms «Ushakovka» and «Kozlovka» in Atyashevsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, in experimental farm «Kurilovo» in Podolsk district of Moscow region, and «South of Povolzhye Ltd.» in Bolshechernigovsky district of Samara region. Animal were divided into experimental and control groups. Sheep and goats from experimental groups were intravenously injected with Ritril at a single dose of 0,8; 1,2 and 1,6 ml/10 kg of the animal's mass. Animals of the control groups did not receive the preparation. The anthelmintic efficacy of the preparation was estimated according to the results of examination of animal feces by «control test» before and 10-20 days after the drug application and helminthological autopsy. Berman's method and sequential washing techniques were used for coprological investigations. Helminthological autopsy of liver was conducted in fascioliasis; maw and intestines - strongilatoses of gastrointestinal tract. Results and discussion: Ritril at the dose 0,8 ml/10 kg of the animal's mass showed 98-100% efficacy against monisiasis, dictyocaulosis, nematodiriasis and other strongilatoses of gastrointestinal tract of sheep and goats. Trichocephales, dicrocoelia, fascioles (preimaginal and imaginal stages) were more resistant to the effect of Ritril. It’s recommended, to use a higher dose of preparation against them (1,6 ml/10 kg of the animal's mass). The preparation is well tolerated by sheep and goats and did not cause any local and common side effects.Цель исследования - изучение эффективности ритрила на основе рикобендазола и триклабендазола при основных гельминтозах мелкого рогатого скота. Материалы и методы. Изучение эффективности ритрила проводили в августе-ноябре 2013 г. при основных гельминтозах овец и коз в частных подворных хозяйствах с. Ушаковка и Козловка Атяшевского района Республики Мордовия, в экспериментальном хозяйстве «Курилово» Подольского района Московской области и в ООО «Юг-Поволжья» Большечерниговского района Самарской области. Подопытных животных разделяли на опытные и контрольные группы. Овцам и козам опытных групп вводили ритрил индивидуально, однократно, внутримышечно, в дозах 0,8; 1,2 и 1,6 мл/10 кг массы животного. Животным контрольных групп препарат не задавали. Антигельминтную эффективность препарата учитывали по результатам исследований проб фекалий животных по типу «контрольный тест» до и через 10-20 сут после применения препарата и гельминтологического вскрытия. Для копрологических исследований использовали метод Бермана и метод последовательных смывов. Проведено гельминтологическое вскрытие печени при исследовании на фасциолез, сычуга и кишечника при стронгилятозах пищеварительного тракта. Результаты и обсуждение. Ритрил в дозе 0,8 мл/10 кг массы животного показал 98-100%-ную эффективность при мониезиозе, диктиокаулезе, нематодирозе и других стронгилятозах пищеварительного тракта овец и коз. Более устойчивыми к действию препарата оказались трихоцефалы, дикроцелии, фасциолы (преимагинальные и имагинальные формы), против которых рекомендуется применять препарат в повышенной дозе, т. е. 1,6 мл/10 кг массы животного. Препарат хорошо переносился овцами и козами, не вызывал местных и общих побочных эффектов

    Is the "Anti-Crisis Program" Really Anti-Crisis?

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    The subject of discussion is the program, prepared by the government of the Russian Federation in June of 1998, that they stopped calling anti-crisis before it was submitted to the State Duma, focusing rather on its stabilization aspect (the official name is the "Program of Economic and Financial Stabilization"). This verbal jog, seemingly all the more strange because the words "crisis" and "crisis phenomena" are generously sprinkled throughout the text, is in fact symptomatic; it reflects the actual content of the document, which is essentially limited to measures of a fiscal nature aimed chiefly at adapting the tax system to the condition of extremely high indebtedness of the state.

    How to Revive Commodity Production in the Nation

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    The present state of commodity production can be characterized as a combination of a severe depression, rapid deindustrialization, and the growing destruction of scientific-industrial potential. The crisis has entered a qualitatively new phaseâthe phase of the total destruction of material production. Its continuation for another few months threatens irreversible consequences: the disintegration of the scientific-production apparatus, the formation of high structural unemployment and the degradation of the population, the loss of the nation's economic independence and defensive capability, and the loss of the potential for economic growth.

    Anti-crisis strategy of the Russian economy development in the XXI century

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    In this paper, the author uses the basis of generalization of extensive theoretical and empirical material and analyzes the causes of the global economic crisis makes forecasts of its further deployment justifies the proposal for an accelerated modernization and development of the Russian economy on the basis of a new technological system and the early insertion of the Russian economy in the associated new long wave of growth as a key anti-crisis policy direction. The author outlines priority areas of development policy of Russia. The establishment of strategic planning and management through the adoption of the Federal Law «On the strategic planning», which will determine the procedures for the development and status of the planning documents that must be considered when planning the budget, monetary policy and other decision-making, is justified. The paper discusses the necessary and sufficient conditions for macro-economic modernization and sustainable development of the Russian economy

    The Basis for Economic Security: An Alternative Reform Policy

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    Analysis of Russia's economy specifically from the standpoint of national security only confirms the radical conclusions concerning the current direction of economic policy that I have previously argued in detail in the journal's pages.>sup>1>/sup> By virtue of the unprecedented systemic crisis in the national economy, it makes sense to view the existing situation not so much in terms of taking stock of potential threats as in terms of the obvious failures that determine the unsatisfactory state of our economic security. In this context, the readers' attention is called to its key aspects and, above all, to the main direction of eliminating the economic threat of the loss of national security that is connected with changing the reform model.


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    Article is devoted formation prospects in the world of new VI technological way, under trying conditions consequences of an economic crisis which differs from previous only in the big scales and enormous financial pyramids