119 research outputs found

    Mikroleakage of Sealants Placed After Enamel Treatment With Self Etching Adhesive

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    Samojetkajući adhezivni sustavi istodobno s jetkanjem omogućuju penetraciju adheziva u jetkanu povrÅ”inu cakline. Važne prednosti uporabe smojetkajućih adhezivnih sustava u postupku pečaćenja kao zamjeni za klasično jetkanje fosfornom kiselinom jesu: nema nanoÅ”enja kiseline i nema ispiranja. Svrha je istraživanja bila analizirati penetraciju i rubnu propustljivost pečata apliciranih nakon tretmana cakline samojetkajućim adhezivnim sustavom. 45 zuba podijelje nih u 3 skupine zapečaćeno je materijalom Concise White Sealant (3M Dental Products) nakon sljedećeg postupka pripreme povrÅ”ine cakline: Skupina 1: okluzalna povrÅ”ina jetkana je 37% fosfornom kiselinom 30 s, ispirana 15 s i suÅ”ena 15 s, nakon suÅ”enja nanesen je materijal za pečaćenje i osvijetljen 20 s; skupina 2: Okluzalna povrÅ”ina tretirana je samojetkajućim adhezivnim sustavom Prompt- L-Pop (Espe Dental AG) 20 s i osvijetljen 10 s (Optilux, Demetron Research Company), materijal za pečaćenje zatim je nanesen i osvijetljen 20 s; skupina 3: Okluzalna povrÅ”ina tretirana ja samojetkajućim adhezivnim sustavom Prompt-L-Pop 20 s i odmah nakon tretmana nanesen je materijal za pečaćenje, oba materijala istodobno su osvijetljena 20 s. Svi su zubi termociklirani 1.800 ciklusa na temperaturi 5 - 55Ā°C s 10 s imerzije u svakoj kupki. Rubna propustljivost ispitana je postupkom bojenja otopinom AgNO3. Zubi su uloženi u akrilnu smolu, prerezani (3-5 rezova po uzorku) i fotografirani pod 10 x povećanjem stereo mikroskopa. Rubna propustljivost mjerena je postupkom po Ɩverbƶu i Raadalu. Statistička je raÅ”lamba učinjena neparametrijskim testovima Kruskal-Wallis i Mann-Whitney. Penetracija materijala u dubinu fisura bila je između 87,8 - 92,1% bez statistički znatne razlike između skupina. Ustanovljena je statistički znatna razlika između klasičnoga postupka jetkanja i uporabe samojetkajućeg adhezivnog sustava (p = 0,003). Nije ustanovljena statistički znatna razlika u skupinama tretiranim samojetkajućim adhezivnim sustavom s polimerizacijom ili bez nje (p = 0,1234). Muguće je zaključiti da ā€œall in oneā€ samojetkajući adhezivni sustav Prompt-L-Pop nije tako djelotvoran kao kombinacija jetkanja fosfornom kiselinom i materijala za pečaćenje za dobivanje dobroga rubnog zatvaranja.Self-etching adhesives with enamel treatment at the same time as adhesive infiltration offers simplification of the classic technique of placing sealants. Main advantages in clinical work are: non need for applying acid, and no rinsing. Aim of the study was to evaluate both the penetration an sealing ability of a sealant applied after enamel treatment with a self-etching adhesive. The study was performed on forty-five teeth divided into three groups of fifteen teeth sealed with Concise White Sealant (3M Dental Products) after enamel surface was treated as fallows: Group 1: occlusal surface etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 30 s, rinsed for 15 s and air-dried for 15 s. After drying the sealant was applied and polymerized for 20 s. Group 2: The occlusal surface treated with self-etching adhesive Prompt-L-Pop (Espe Dental AG) for 20 s and lightened for 10 s (Optilux, Demetron Research Company). The sealant was then applied and lightened for 20 s. Group 3: The occlusal surface was treated with the selfetching adhesive Promt-L-Pop for 20 s and directly folloved by sealant application, the two materials were then simultaneously lightened 20 s. All teeth were thermocycled between 5 and 55Ā°C for 1800 cycles with dwelling time of 10 s. AgNO3 dye solution was used for microleakage testing. After dyeing the teeth were embedded in acrylic resin, sectioned (3-5 sections per sample) and photographed under a stereo-microscope (10 X). Microleakage scores were recorded using the method of Ɩvrebƶ and Raadal. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis. The sealant penetration rate was between 87.8 - 92.1% whatever the batch with no statistical significant difference between groups. Significant statistical difference was established between the classic H3PO4 pre-etch technique and the self-etching conditioning (p = 0.003). No significant difference was found between self-etching batches with or without polymerisation (p = 0.1234). Obtained data lead to the conclusion that the ā€œall in oneā€ self-etching adhesive Prompt-L-Pop is not as efficient as the classic H3PO4 etching + sealant in achieving a good enamel marginal sealing

    Factors Predicting a Childā€™s Dental Fear

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    The aim of the present study was to determine and assess the variables most involved in the etiology of a childā€™s dental fear. The study was performed on a sample of 89 children aged from 5.5 to 12.5 years and their mothers. The sample comprised 37 children with experience of dental trauma (19 boys and 18 girls) and 52 children without experience of dental trauma (28 boys and 24 girls). Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) was applied to evaluate the level of the childā€™s (CDAS) and motherā€™s (MDAS) dental anxiety. Broomeā€™s Child Medical Fear Questionnaire (CMFQ) was used to assess the childā€™s fear of medical treatment. Hollingshead Two Factor Index of Social Position (ISP) was calculated to assess socioā€“economic status of the family. Cluster analysis differentiated one group of dentally anxious children with the highest level of maternal anxiety (MDAS = 14.44) and the lowest socioā€“economic status (ISP = 41.94). Another group of extremely anxious children (CDAS = 14.31) showed the highest fear of medical treatment (CMFQ = 22.08) and rather low socioā€“economic status. One group represented children with the lowest CDAS (5.63), lowest MDAS (8.46), and lowest CMFQ (13.54). Linear regression analysis showed high correlation between previous traumatic medical experiences and a childā€™s dental anxiety using the linear model CDASā€™ = b0 + b1 CMFQ. The analysis revealed that a childā€™s dental fear mostly depends on early negative medical experience, while maternal dental anxiety and socio-economic circumstances seem to be of less importance

    Factors Predicting a Childā€™s Dental Fear

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    The aim of the present study was to determine and assess the variables most involved in the etiology of a childā€™s dental fear. The study was performed on a sample of 89 children aged from 5.5 to 12.5 years and their mothers. The sample comprised 37 children with experience of dental trauma (19 boys and 18 girls) and 52 children without experience of dental trauma (28 boys and 24 girls). Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) was applied to evaluate the level of the childā€™s (CDAS) and motherā€™s (MDAS) dental anxiety. Broomeā€™s Child Medical Fear Questionnaire (CMFQ) was used to assess the childā€™s fear of medical treatment. Hollingshead Two Factor Index of Social Position (ISP) was calculated to assess socioā€“economic status of the family. Cluster analysis differentiated one group of dentally anxious children with the highest level of maternal anxiety (MDAS = 14.44) and the lowest socioā€“economic status (ISP = 41.94). Another group of extremely anxious children (CDAS = 14.31) showed the highest fear of medical treatment (CMFQ = 22.08) and rather low socioā€“economic status. One group represented children with the lowest CDAS (5.63), lowest MDAS (8.46), and lowest CMFQ (13.54). Linear regression analysis showed high correlation between previous traumatic medical experiences and a childā€™s dental anxiety using the linear model CDASā€™ = b0 + b1 CMFQ. The analysis revealed that a childā€™s dental fear mostly depends on early negative medical experience, while maternal dental anxiety and socio-economic circumstances seem to be of less importance

    Assessment of the prognostic impact of the Epsteinā€“Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein-1 expression in Hodgkin's disease

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    We have examined expression of the Epsteinā€“Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein-1 (LMP1) in the malignant Hodgkin and Reedā€“Sternberg (HRS) cells of Hodgkin's disease (HD) and its impact on response to treatment and on survival. Paraffin tissue from 100 adult immunocompetent patients with HD were analysed using immunohistochemistry to identify LMP1 expression. According to the Rye classification, 8% of patients had lymphocyte predominance (LP) subtype, 48% had nodular sclerosis (NS) disease, 37% were of the mixed cellularity (MC) subtype and 7% were of the lymphocyte depletion (LD) subtype. During the five year follow-up period 27 patients died and 74 patients achieved a complete remission. Patients with LD subtype were older (P = 0.03), less frequently achieved complete remission (P = 0.01), had shorter disease-free survival (P = 0.01) and overall survival (P = 0.002) compared with the other subtypes of HD. LMP1 expression was found in the tumour cells of 26% of cases of HD. LMP1 expression was less common in NS disease than in the other subtypes (P = 0.05), whereas an association between MC subtype and LMP1 expression was not found (P = 0.22). Using the log-rank test there were no differences in overall survival or disease-free survival based on EBV status either when all patients were analysed or when LD and LP subtypes were excluded. However, the presence of EBV was associated with significantly longer disease-free survival in the subgroup of patients ā‰¤ā€ˆ30 years old (P = 0.02) and in those patients ā‰¤ā€ˆ34 years old (P = 0.05). In contrast, there was a trend for shorter disease-free survival for EBV-positive patients in the subgroup >ā€ˆ35 years old, but this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.11). A similar trend was observed in patients >ā€ˆ50 years old. Analysis of the impact of LMP1 expression in patients who had different stage and B symptoms status showed that expression of EBV was associated with longer disease-free survival (P = 0.019) in early stage (1 + 2) patients without B symptoms. Significant differences in the other subgroups based on EBV status was not found. Factors adversely affecting the likelihood to achieve a complete remission were: absence of LMP1 expression (OR 6.4, 95% Cl 1.07ā€“38.5, P = 0.04), age (OR 1.68, 95%Cl 1.15ā€“2.5, P = 0.007) and subtype of HD (OR 3.32, 95%Cl 1.11ā€“9.94, P = 0.03). Age and subtype of HD had an independent impact on overall survival (P = 0.01). We conclude that expression of LMP1 in HRS cells has a favourable impact on prognosis for HD patients, but that this effect may be restricted to young adult patients and those with early stage disease. Ā© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Reliability and Validity of Measures Used in Assessing Dental Anxiety in 5-15 Year-Old Croatian Children

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    Svrha je rada vrjednovati pouzdanost psihometrijskih metoda u procjeni dentalne anksioznosti djece, te ispitati čimbenike koji utječu na djetetov dentalni strah. Ispitivanje uključuje 165 djece (91 dječak) i isti broj roditelja. U ispitivanje su uključena djeca dobne skupine od 5-15 godina koja su zbog nekooperativnoga ponaÅ”anja i dentalnoga straha upućena na tretman specijalisti pedodontu. Ispitanici su po zavrÅ”etku tretmana ispunili upitnike temeljem kojih je procijenjena dentalna anksioznost, dispozicijski čimbenici te zadovoljstvo glede posjeta stomatologu. Roditelji ispitanika ispunili su upitnik o dentalnoj anksioznosti, a određen je i stupanj socio-ekonomskog statusa roditelja. Temeljem CFSS-DS upitnika prosječna je vrijednost djetetove dentalne anksioznosti 27,02 i nema razlike u stupnju dentalne anksioznosti glede spola. NajviÅ”i stupanj pouzdanosti pokazuju S-DAI, CFSS-DS i PDAS testovi. Pearsonov koeficijent pokazuje znatnu korelaciju između CMGQ, CDAS i S-DAI; OAS, CDAS i S-DAI; OAS i DVSS-SV testova. Statistička raŔčlamba izvedena je programskim paketom Statistica for Windows, Release 5,5 i SPSS for Windows Release 7,5. Pearsonov koeficjent korelacije i Cronbachov alpha uporabljeni su u svrhu vrjednovanja pouzdanosti testova. Spearman Brownova formula upotrijebila se je u vezi s računanjem konačnih alpha vrijednosti. PrijaÅ”nje negativno medicinsko iskustvo znatno utječe na razinu djetetove dentalne anksioznosti, čime se potvrđuje Racmanova teorija (Rachman, 1991). Anksiozna djeca imaju veću predispoziciju za agresivno ponaÅ”anje, a introvertna su glede procjene stomatologa. S-DAI i CFSSDS su temeljem ovog istraživanja standardizirani na hrvatskoj populaciji i pokazuju najviÅ”i stupanj pouzdanosti u procjeni djetetove dentalne anksioznosti.The aim of the study was to evaluate reliability and validity of different questionnaires and predict related cause-concomitant factors in assessing differnet aspects to childrens dental anxiety. Children were interviewed on dental anxiety, dispositional risk factors and satisfaction with the dentist after dental treatment had been accomplished. Parents were interiewed on dental anxiety as well. The study population included 165 children (91 boys) between the age od 5 and 15 years. They were sent to the dental Clinic by general practitioners, because of their dental fear and uncooperative bahaviour during previous dental visits. Children were treated by two dentists, both experienced in treating fearful children. The childrens total average CFSS-DS score was 27.02, with no significant difference with respect to gender. The highest Cronbach alpha scores regarding reliability were obtained for the S - DAI, the CFSS - DS and the PDAS. Pearsons correlations regarding validity represented significant correlations between the CMFQ, the CDAS and the S - DAI; the OAS, the CDAS and the S - DAI; as well as between the OAS and the DVSS - SV. Statistical analysis was performed in Statistics for Windows, Release 5.5 and release 7.5. Pearsons correlation coefficients were calculated for validity and Cronbach alpha for reliability of the measures. Spearman Brown prophecy formula was used for correction of the alpha scores. Previous negative medical experience has significant influence on childrenā€™s dental anxiety, supporting the Rachmans conditioning theory ( Rachman, 1991). Anxious children are more likely to exibit behaviour problems (agression) and are more introvert in expressing their judgement regarding the dentist. Both the S - DAI and teh CFSS - DS, which was standardized in the Croatian population sample, showed the highest reliability in assessment of childrenā€™s dental anxiety

    Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia: Dental Features and Carriers Detection

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    Ectodermal dysplasia is a heterogeneous condition characterized by affected ectodermal structures, among which the teeth and skin with its derivatives (hair, sweat glands) are the most frequent. The aim of this work is to present the analysis of dental traits in five families (affected boys and their mothers) with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED), and to evaluate the importance of orofacial and dental findings in the determination of female HED gene carriers. Hypodontia (oligodontia) was found in all the patients. The mothers, gene carriers, had either hypodontia or a reduced size of teeth with a particular morphological, peg shape. In patients with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia the deciduous second molar teeth were mostly affected by taurodontism. The characteristic dental finding in heterozygous females of the mandibular peg shaped incisors and canines, as well as of hypodontia or peg shaped upper lateral incisors can be used as a reliable criterion for the detection of HED gene carriers

    ELM-the eukaryotic linear motif resource in 2020.

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    The eukaryotic linear motif (ELM) resource is a repository of manually curated experimentally validated short linear motifs (SLiMs). Since the initial release almost 20 years ago, ELM has become an indispensable resource for the molecular biology community for investigating functional regions in many proteins. In this update, we have added 21 novel motif classes, made major revisions to 12 motif classes and added >400 new instances mostly focused on DNA damage, the cytoskeleton, SH2-binding phosphotyrosine motifs and motif mimicry by pathogenic bacterial effector proteins. The current release of the ELM database contains 289 motif classes and 3523 individual protein motif instances manually curated from 3467 scientific publications. ELM is available at: http://elm.eu.org

    Metagenomic Profiling Reveals Lignocellulose Degrading System in a Microbial Community Associated with a Wood-Feeding Beetle

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    The Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) is an invasive, wood-boring pest that thrives in the heartwood of deciduous tree species. A large impediment faced by A. glabripennis as it feeds on woody tissue is lignin, a highly recalcitrant biopolymer that reduces access to sugars and other nutrients locked in cellulose and hemicellulose. We previously demonstrated that lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose are actively deconstructed in the beetle gut and that the gut harbors an assemblage of microbes hypothesized to make significant contributions to these processes. While lignin degrading mechanisms have been well characterized in pure cultures of white rot basidiomycetes, little is known about such processes in microbial communities associated with wood-feeding insects. The goals of this study were to develop a taxonomic and functional profile of a gut community derived from an invasive population of larval A. glabripennis collected from infested host trees and to identify genes that could be relevant for the digestion of woody tissue and nutrient acquisition. To accomplish this goal, we taxonomically and functionally characterized the A. glabripennis midgut microbiota through amplicon and shotgun metagenome sequencing and conducted a large-scale comparison with the metagenomes from a variety of other herbivoreassociated communities. This analysis distinguished the A. glabripennis larval gut metagenome from the gut communities of other herbivores, including previously sequenced termite hindgut metagenomes. Genes encoding enzymes were identified in the A. glabripennis gut metagenome that could have key roles in woody tissue digestion including candidate lignin degrading genes (laccases, dye-decolorizing peroxidases, novel peroxidases and Ī²- etherases), 36 families of glycoside hydrolases (such as cellulases and xylanases), and genes that could facilitate nutrient recovery, essential nutrient synthesis, and detoxification. This community could serve as a reservoir of novel enzymes to enhance industrial cellulosic biofuels production or targets for novel control methods for this invasive and highly destructive insect
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