23 research outputs found

    Low-altitude measurements of 2–6 MeV electron trapping lifetimes at 1.5 ≤ L ≤ 2.5

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    During the Halloween Storm period (October–November 2003), a new Van Allen belt electron population was powerfully accelerated. The inner belt of electrons formed in this process decayed over a period of days to years. We have examined quantitatively the decay rates for electrons seen in the region of 1.5 ≤ L ≤ 2.5 using SAMPEX satellite observations. At L = 1.5 the e-folding lifetime for 2–6 MeV electrons was τ ∼ 180 days. On the other hand, for the half-dozen distinct acceleration (or enhancement) events seen during late-2003 through 2005 at L ∼ 2.0, the lifetimes ranged from τ ∼ 8 days to τ ∼ 35 days. We compare these loss rates to those expected from prior studies. We find that lifetimes at L = 2.0 are much shorter than the average 100–200 days that present theoretical estimates would suggest for the overall L = 2 electron population. Additional wave-particle interaction aspects must be included in theoretical treatments and we describe such possibilities here

    Rapid electron acceleration in low density regions of Saturn's radiation belt by whistler mode chorus waves

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    Electron acceleration at Saturn due to whistler mode chorus waves has previously been assumed to be ineffective; new data closer to the planet shows it can be very rapid (factor of 104 flux increase at 1 MeV in 10 days compared to factor of 2). A full survey of chorus waves at Saturn is combined with an improved plasma density model to show that where the plasma frequency falls below the gyrofrequency additional strong resonances are observed favoring electron acceleration. This results in strong chorus acceleration between approximately 2.5 RS and 5.5 RS outside which adiabatic transport may dominate. Strong pitch angle dependence results in butterfly pitch angle distributions that flatten over a few days at 100s keV, tens of days at MeV energies which may explain observations of butterfly distributions of MeV electrons near L=3. Including cross terms in the simulations increases the tendency towards butterfly distributions

    A new approach to constructing models of electron diffusion by EMIC waves in the radiation belts

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    Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves play an important role in relativistic electron losses in the radiation belts through diffusion via resonant wave‐particle interactions. We present a new approach for calculating bounce and drift‐averaged EMIC electron diffusion coefficients. We calculate bounce‐averaged diffusion coefficients, using quasi‐linear theory, for each individual CRRES EMIC wave observation using fitted wave properties, the plasma density and the background magnetic field. These calculations are then combined into bounce‐averaged diffusion coefficients. The resulting coefficients therefore capture the combined effects of individual spectra and plasma properties as opposed to previous approaches that use average spectral and plasma properties, resulting in diffusion over a wider range of energies and pitch‐angles. These calculations, and their role in radiation belt simulations, are then compared against existing diffusion models. The new diffusion coefficients are found to significantly improve the agreement between the calculated decay of relativistic electrons and Van Allen Probes data

    Modeling the effects of radial diffusion and plasmaspheric hiss on outer radiation belt electrons

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    We simulate the behaviour of relativistic (976 keV) electrons in the outer radiation belt (3 ≤ L ≤ 7) during the first half of the CRRES mission. We use a 1d radial diffusion model with losses due to pitch-angle scattering by plasmaspheric hiss expressed through the electron lifetime calculated using the PADIE code driven by a global K p -dependent model of plasmaspheric hiss intensity and f pe /f ce . We use a time and energy-dependent outer boundary derived from observations. The model reproduces flux variations to within an order of magnitude for L ≤ 4 suggesting hiss is the dominant cause of electron losses in the plasmasphere near the equator. At L = 5 the model reproduces significant variations but underestimates the size of the variability. We find that during magnetic storms hiss can cause significant losses for L ≤ 6 due to its presence in plumes. Wave acceleration is partially represented by the boundary conditions

    Space weather impacts on satellites and forecasting the Earth's electron radiation belts with SPACECAST

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    Satellites can be damaged by high energy charged particles in the Earth's radiation belts and during solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Here we review the growing reliance on satellite services, new vulnerabilities to space weather, and previous events that have led to loss of service. We describe a new European system to forecast the radiation belts up to 3 h ahead, which has three unique features: first, it uses physics-based models, which include wave-particle interactions; second, it provides a forecast for the whole outer radiation belt including geostationary, medium, and slot region orbits; third, it is a truly international effort including Europe, United States, and Japan. During the 8–9 March 2012 storm and SEP event, the models were able to forecast the >800 keV electron flux to within a factor of 2 initially, and later to within a factor of 10 of the GOES data. Although ACE and GOES data became unreliable during the SEP event, the system continued forecasting without interruption using ground-based magnetometers. A forecast of the 24 h electron fluence >2 MeV is used to provide a risk index for satellite operators. We show that including wave-particle interactions for L* > 6.5 improves the agreement with GOES data substantially and that a fast inward motion of the magnetopause to L* < 8 is related to rapid loss of relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit. Thus, we suggest that better wave-particle models and better coupling between the solar wind and the models of the magnetopause and radiation belts should lead to better forecasting

    The importance of ion composition for radiation belt modelling

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    The banded structure of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) wave spectra and their resonant interactions with radiation belt electrons depend on the cold ion composition. However, there is a great deal of uncertainty in the composition in the inner magnetosphere due to difficulties in direct flux measurements. Here we show that the hydrogen and helium band wave spectra are most consistent with a helium and oxygen composition of a few percent. Less than 10% of hydrogen band wave intensity is consistent with a high helium fraction of ∼20%. Similarly, only ∼20% helium band wave intensity is consistent with a oxygen torus ion composition. Furthermore, we find that the decay of the ultra-relativistic electrons in the radiation belts by EMIC waves depends on the ion composition. The decay is most sensitive to the helium fraction, and the strongest agreement with Van Allen Probes data is found when the helium fraction is a few percent. We suggest that more observations of the cold ion composition would significantly help understand and set constraints on the decay of ultrarelativistic electrons in the radiation belts

    On the variability of EMIC waves and the consequences for the relativistic electron radiation belt population

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    The interactions between electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves and relativistic electrons are influential in diffusing radiation belt electrons into the loss code from which the electrons are lost into the atmosphere. These wave-particle interactions between EMIC waves and electrons with energies of a few MeV or more, depend strongly on wave spectra and plasma properties. Here we study the variability in wave spectra and plasma properties as a function of L* found during Van Allen Probe EMIC observations. These results are used to calculate statistical bounce and drift average diffusion coefficients that include the variation in wave spectra and plasma density as a function of L* and activity by averaging observation specific diffusion coefficients. The diffusion coefficients are included into global radiation belt simulations and the effect of the EMIC waves is explored. The distribution in the plasma frequency to electron gyrofrequency ratio decreases to lower values as L* decreases. As a result, few EMIC waves are able to resonate with 2-3MeV electrons at L* ≤ 3.75 while electrons of the same energy at larger L* are diffused by EMIC waves in high density regions. In comparison, a sufficient number of EMIC waves are able to resonate with higher energy electrons, urn:x-wiley:21699380:media:jgra56873:jgra56873-math-0001MeV, at L* ≥ 3.25 to significantly effect the decay in electron flux. EMIC wave parametrisations of electron diffusion by EMIC waves are compared and solar wind dynamic pressure is found to give the best agreement with Van Allen Probe observations

    Acceleration mechanism responsible for the formation of the new radiation belt during the 2003 Halloween solar storm

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    Observations of the relativistic electron flux increases during the first days of November, 2003 are compared to model simulations of two leading mechanisms for electron acceleration. It is demonstrated that radial diffusion driven by ULF waves cannot explain the formation of the new radiation belt in the slot region and instead predicts a decay of fluxes during the recovery phase of the October 31st storm. Compression of the plasmasphere during the main phases of the storm created preferential conditions for local acceleration during interactions with VLF chorus. Local acceleration of electrons at L = 3 is modelled with a 2-D pitch-angle, energy diffusion code. We show that the energy diffusion driven by whistler mode waves can explain the gradual build up of fluxes to energies exceeding 3 MeV in a new radiation belt which is formed in the slot region normally devoid of high energy electrons