1,074 research outputs found

    Slow Proton Production in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering off Deuteron and Complex Nuclei: Hadronization and Final State Interaction Effects

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    The effects of the final state interaction in slow proton production in semi inclusive deep inelastic scattering processes off nuclei, A(e,e'p)X, are investigated in details within the spectator and target fragmentation mechanisms; in the former mechanism, the hard interaction on a nucleon of a correlated pair leads, by recoil, to the emission of the partner nucleon, whereas in the latter mechanism proton is produced when the diquark, which is formed right after the visrtual photon-quark interaction, captures a quark from the vacuum. Unlike previous papers on the subject, particular attention is paid on the effects of the final state interaction of the hadronizing quark with the nuclear medium within an approach based upon an effective time-dependent cross section which combines the soft and hard parts of hadronization dynamics in terms of the string model and perturbative QCD, respectively. It is shown that the final state interaction of the hadronizing quark with the medium plays a relevant role both in deuteron and complex nuclei; nonetheless, kinematical regions where final state interaction effects are minimized can experimentally be selected, which would allow one to investigate the structure functions of nucleons embedded in the nuclear medium; likewise, regions where the interaction of the struck hadronizing quark with the nuclear medium is maximized can be found, which would make it possible to study non perturbative hadronization mechanisms.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, accepted for pubblication in Phys. Rev.

    Correlation femtoscopy of small systems

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    The basic principles of the correlation femtoscopy, including its correspondence to the Hanbury Brown and Twiss intensity interferometry, are re-examined. The main subject of the paper is an analysis of the correlation femtoscopy when the source size is as small as the order of the uncertainty limit. It is about 1 fm for the current high energy experiments. Then the standard femtoscopy model of random sources is inapplicable. The uncertainty principle leads to the partial indistinguishability and coherence of closely located emitters that affect the observed femtoscopy scales. In thermal systems the role of corresponding coherent length is taken by the thermal de Broglie wavelength that also defines the size of a single emitter. The formalism of partially coherent phases in the amplitudes of closely located individual emitters is used for the quantitative analysis. The general approach is illustrated analytically for the case of the Gaussian approximation for emitting sources. A reduction of the interferometry radii and a suppression of the Bose-Einstein correlation functions for small sources due to the uncertainty principle are found. There is a positive correlation between the source size and the intercept of the correlation function. The peculiarities of the non-femtoscopic correlations caused by minijets and fluctuations of the initial states of the systems formed in pppp and e+e−e^+e^- collisions are also analyzed. The factorization property for the contributions of femtoscopic and non-femtoscopic correlations into complete correlation function is observed in numerical calculations in a wide range of the model parameters.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures. In the version 4 some stylistic improvements were made, some misprints were corrected. The results and conclusions are not change

    Portfolio Allocation and Alternative Structures of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement

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    This paper examines how insurance companies participating in delivery of crop insurance would change patterns of portfolio allocation across reinsurance funds in reaction to the 2005 Standard Reinsurance Agreement. The returns of insurance companies under the SRA are calculated using a simulation model. An heuristic allocation rule is introduced in order to imitate portfolio allocation strategies of participating companies. The main conclusion of the analysis is that the bulk of changes in portfolio allocations are likely to be caused by the introduction of "retained net book quota share" reinsurance rather than adjustments in the cession limits and retention requirements for the Assigned Risk Fund.crop insurance, portfolio allocation strategies, reinsurance funds, Standard Reinsurance Agreement, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Economic Analysis of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement

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    The paper presents an economic analysis of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA), the contract that governs the relationship between the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation and the private insurance companies that deliver crop insurance products to farmers. The paper outlines provisions of the SRA and describes the modeling methodology behind the SRA simulator, a computer program developed to assist crop insurers and policymakers in assessing the economic impact of the Agreement. The simulator is then used to analyze how the SRA affects returns from underwriting crop insurance at various levels of aggregation.Risk and Uncertainty,

    High energy neutrino in a nuclear environment: mirror asymmetry of the shadowing effect

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    The parity non-conservation effect in diffractive charged current DIS is quantified in terms of color dipole sizes of left-handed and right-handed electroweak bosons. We identify the origin and estimate the strength of the left-right asymmetry effect and present comparison with experimental data on the parity-odd structure function ΔxF3=xF3νN−xF3νˉN\Delta xF_3 =xF_3^{\nu N}-xF_3^{\bar\nu N}. We study the shadowing effect in absorption of left-handed and right-handed WW-bosons by atomic nuclei. The target nucleus is found to be quite transparent for the charmed-strange Fock component of the light-cone W+W^+ in the helicity state λ=+1\lambda=+1 and rather opaque for the csˉc\bar s dipole with λ=−1\lambda=-1.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Talk presented at XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics 26.07.06-02.08.06 Moscow, version to be publishe

    Covariant boost and structure functions of baryons in Gross-Neveu models

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    Baryons in the large N limit of two-dimensional Gross-Neveu models are reconsidered. The time-dependent Dirac-Hartree-Fock approach is used to boost a baryon to any inertial frame and shown to yield the covariant energy-momentum relation. Momentum distributions are computed exactly in arbitrary frames and used to interpolate between the rest frame and the infinite momentum frame, where they are related to structure functions. Effects from the Dirac sea depend sensitively on the occupation fraction of the valence level and the bare fermion mass and do not vanish at infinite momentum. In the case of the kink baryon, they even lead to divergent quark and antiquark structure functions at x=0.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures; v2: minor correction

    Self-Consistency Requirement in High-Energy Nuclear Scattering

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    Practically all serious calculations of exclusive particle production in ultra-relativistic nuclear or hadronic interactions are performed in the framework of Gribov-Regge theory or the eikonalized parton model scheme. It is the purpose of this paper to point out serious inconsistencies in the above-mentioned approaches. We will demonstrate that requiring theoretical self-consistency reduces the freedom in modeling high energy nuclear scattering enormously. We will introduce a fully self-consistent formulation of the multiple-scattering scheme in the framework of a Gribov-Regge type effective theory. In addition, we develop new computational techniques which allow for the first time a satisfactory solution of the problem in the sense that calculation s of observable quantities can be done strictly within a self-consistent formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Absorption in Ultra-Peripheral Nucleus-Atom Collisions in Crystal

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    The Glauber theory description of particle- and nucleus-crystal Coulomb interactions at high-energy is developed. The allowance for the lattice thermal vibrations is shown to produce strong absorption effect which is of prime importance for quantitative understanding of the coherent Coulomb excitation of ultra-relativistic particles and nuclei passing through the crystal.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Causal signal transmission by quantum fields. IV: The causal Wick theorem

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    Wick's theorem in the Schwinger-Perel-Keldysh closed-time-loop formalism is written in a form where the place of contractions is taken by the linear response function of the field. This result demonstrates that the physical information supplied by Wick's theorem for operators is propagation of the free field in space and time.Comment: Final version, to appear in Phys Rev
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