63 research outputs found

    Understanding the geographies of religion and secularity: on the potentials of a broader exchange between geography and the (post-) secularity debate

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    For a long time, the mainstream of social and cultural geography seems to have implicitly accepted that religion is becoming obsolete and is of little social significance. However, since the 1990s, religion has aroused new interest in the social sciences in general, and to some extent also in social and cultural geography. Against this backdrop, a controversial discussion has started in geography on the relevance of theories of secularisation and the notion of post-secularity, as well as on possible contributions to these debates. The paper introduces the interdisciplinary debate on revisions of theories of secularisation and the promotion of post-secular perspectives, referring, among others, to JĂŒrgen Habermas, Peter Berger, José Casanova, and Talal Asad. In a second step, we argue that an understanding of post-secularity that focuses on the contingency and context-dependent delimitation of the secular and the religious promises to be fruitful for social and cultural geography and can help us to understand the geographies of religion and secularity.</p

    Dynamic urban order and the rise of residential clubs

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    L'essor des ensembles résidentiels clos en France : un phénomÚne en expansion et aux ressorts multiples

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    Les ensembles résidentiels clos ne sont pas un phénom&egrave;ne entierement nouveau en France. Toutefois, les années quatre-vingt-dix marquent un essor important du phénom&egrave;ne et sa relative banalisation, aussi bien du point du vue géographique que social. Les facteurs qui rendent compte du phénom&egrave;ne rel&egrave;vent &agrave; la fois de la structure de l'offre et de la demande. L'offre met en jeu un double processus, d'innovation et de mimétisme, o&ugrave; les promoteurs-construeteurs réalisent un produit immobilier qui doit les distinguer des concurrents. Quant &agrave; la demande, elle renvoie &agrave; trois processus fortement interdépendants: une logique extensive d'appropriation de l'habitat collectif, mais aussi l'affirmation d'un double mécanisme de sécurisationsocialisation. Enfin, cette progression des domaines résidentiels clos en France permet de discuter et de contester l'hypoth&egrave;se d'une américanisation des espaces urbains

    Introduction: Global and local perspectives on the rise of private neighbourhoods

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    The global spread of gated communities

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    Bausteine der Regionalentwicklung – eine EinfĂŒhrung

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