5 research outputs found

    Augmented reality for enhanced visualization of MOF adsorbents

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    Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technique used to improve visualization and comprehension of complex 3D materials. This approach has been applied not only in the field of chemistry but also in real estate, physics, mechanical engineering, and many other areas. Here, we demonstrate the workflow for an app-free AR technique for visualization of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and other porous materials to investigate their crystal structures, topology, and gas adsorption sites. We think this workflow will serve as an additional tool for computational and experimental scientists working in the field for both research and educational purposes

    Computational techniques for characterisation of electrically conductive MOFs : quantum calculations and machine learning approaches

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    The customisability of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) has attracted exponentially growing interest in the realm of materials science. Because of their porous nature, MOF research has been primarily focused on gas storage and separation. More recent investigations into MOFs have realised promising electronic characteristics suitable for applications in electrocatalysis, resistive sensing and energy storage. Despite high porosity and presence of organic linkers, — properties that contribute to the electrical insulating properties of most MOFs — several strategies have been developed to construct MOFs with high conductivity. These recent findings serve as strong encouragement that the incorporation of charge transport chemistries into MOFs leads to structures that exhibit conductive behaviour. However, our understanding behind the nature of conductivity in MOFs is not yet explicitly evident. The development of outstanding conductive MOFs would be greatly accelerated if we had an atomistic-level understanding of how low-energy charge transport pathways can be installed in MOFs. In this context, computational quantum mechanical methods can produce rich electronic structure details with sufficient accuracy to provide insights towards MOFs’ conductive behaviour. An emerging alternative design strategy is the use of machine learning to accelerate the way we screen and discover new conductive materials. In this review, we summarise the most widely used quantum mechanical techniques to characterise important band structure parameters and compare them with experimental measurements in the MOF literature. We also highlight the current state of the art in machine learning assisted screening of MOFs for their conductive properties and discuss the opportunities and challenges which lie ahead in this exciting field

    DigiMOF: a database of metal–organic framework synthesis information generated via text mining

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    The vastness of materials space, particularly that which is concerned with metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), creates the critical problem of performing efficient identification of promising materials for specific applications. Although high-throughput computational approaches, including the use of machine learning, have been useful in rapid screening and rational design of MOFs, they tend to neglect descriptors related to their synthesis. One way to improve the efficiency of MOF discovery is to data-mine published MOF papers to extract the materials informatics knowledge contained within journal articles. Here, by adapting the chemistry-aware natural language processing tool, ChemDataExtractor (CDE), we generated an open-source database of MOFs focused on their synthetic properties: the DigiMOF database. Using the CDE web scraping package alongside the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) MOF subset, we automatically downloaded 43,281 unique MOF journal articles, extracted 15,501 unique MOF materials, and text-mined over 52,680 associated properties including the synthesis method, solvent, organic linker, metal precursor, and topology. Additionally, we developed an alternative data extraction technique to obtain and transform the chemical names assigned to each CSD entry in order to determine linker types for each structure in the CSD MOF subset. This data enabled us to match MOFs to a list of known linkers provided by Tokyo Chemical Industry UK Ltd. (TCI) and analyze the cost of these important chemicals. This centralized, structured database reveals the MOF synthetic data embedded within thousands of MOF publications and contains further topology, metal type, accessible surface area, largest cavity diameter, pore limiting diameter, open metal sites, and density calculations for all 3D MOFs in the CSD MOF subset. The DigiMOF database and associated software are publicly available for other researchers to rapidly search for MOFs with specific properties, conduct further analysis of alternative MOF production pathways, and create additional parsers to search for additional desirable properties

    Gas adsorption and framework flexibility of CALF-20 explored via experiments and simulations

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    In 2021, Svante, in collaboration with BASF, reported successful scale up of CALF-20 production, a stable MOF with high capacity for post-combustion CO2 capture which exhibits remarkable stability towards water. CALF-20’s success story in the MOF commercialisation space provides new thinking about appropriate structural and adsorptive metrics important for CO2 capture. Here, we combine atomistic-level simulations with experiments to study adsorptive properties of CALF-20 and shed light on its flexible crystal structure. We compare measured and predicted CO2 and water adsorption isotherms and explain the role of water-framework interactions and hydrogen bonding networks in CALF-20’s hydrophobic behaviour. Furthermore, regular and enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations are performed with both density-functional theory (DFT) and machine learning potentials (MLPs) trained to DFT energies and forces. From these simulations, the effects of adsorption-induced flexibility in CALF-20 are uncovered. We envisage this work would encourage development of other MOF materials useful for CO2 capture applications in humid conditions