86 research outputs found

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Accumulation of Phycotoxins in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Central Adriatic Sea

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    Surveys of DSP (Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning) toxin profiles in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from coastal waters of the central Adriatic Sea, over the years 1995 to 2001, demonstrate that incidents of shellfish toxicity in this area are dominated by the occurrence of okadaic acid (OA) and a PTX derivative, 7-epi-pectenotoxin-2-seco acid (7-epi-PTX-2SA). Toxin composition and the relative ratio of toxic components in shellfish is in correlation with the occurrence of DSP producing organisms from the Dinophysis species along with Prorocentrum micans and Lingulodinium polyedrum. The occurrence of D. sacculus shortly before the appearance of OA in shellfish implicates its possible involvement as the source of toxicity. In the central Adriatic, the infestation period generally ranges from June to August. Augmented toxin production may shift the depuration phase to September; however, the length of decontamination period is not in correlation with increased initial toxicity. The mussel M. galloprovincialis may retain contamination with 7-epi-PTX-2SA beyond the commonly recognized infestation period, extending the risk of human poisoning from consumption of seco-contaminated seafood

    Accumulation of Phycotoxins in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Central Adriatic Sea

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    Surveys of DSP (Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning) toxin profiles in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from coastal waters of the central Adriatic Sea, over the years 1995 to 2001, demonstrate that incidents of shellfish toxicity in this area are dominated by the occurrence of okadaic acid (OA) and a PTX derivative, 7-epi-pectenotoxin-2-seco acid (7-epi-PTX-2SA). Toxin composition and the relative ratio of toxic components in shellfish is in correlation with the occurrence of DSP producing organisms from the Dinophysis species along with Prorocentrum micans and Lingulodinium polyedrum. The occurrence of D. sacculus shortly before the appearance of OA in shellfish implicates its possible involvement as the source of toxicity. In thecentral Adriatic, the infestation period generally ranges from June to August. Augmented toxin production may shift the depuration phase to September; however, the length of decontamination period is not in correlation with increased initial toxicity. The mussel M. galloprovincialis may retain contamination with 7-epi-PTX-2SA beyond the commonly recognized infestation period, extending the risk of human poisoning from consumption of seco-contaminated seafood

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Utjecaj ekoloških čimbenika na raspodjelu dva ekotipa roda Synechococcus u obalnom moru Jadrana

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    Distribution and abundance of two Synechococcus ecotypes, phycocyanin-rich cells (PC-SYN) and phycoerythrin-rich cells (PE-SYN) were studied in the surface layer of the central Adriatic Sea during the 2015-2016 period. The studied area included several estuarine areas and coastal to open sea trophic gradients, covering a wide range of seawater temperatures ((11.82 - 20.75 ^oC)), salinity (4.47 - 38.84) and nutrient concentration. The abundance of PC-SYN ranged from ( 0 to 79.79 x 10^ 3 cell mL^-1) and that of PE-SYN from (5.01 x 10^3 to 76.74 x 10^3 cell mL^-1). Both ecotypes coexisted in the studied waters with PC-SYN cells dominating during spring and PE-SYN during winter and autumn. PC-SYN showed a significant positive relationship with temperature and strong positive responses to nitrogen nutrients, whereas PE-SYN positively responded to phosphate availability. The relative ratio of phosphorus availability and total inorganic nitrogen nutrients (N/P ratio) affects the spatial distribution of the two Synechococcus ecotypes.U radu je istražena raspodjela i brojnost dva ekotipa roda Synechococcus, tzv. stanice bogate fikocijaninom (PC-SYN) i stanice bogate fikoeritrinom (PE-SYN) u površinskom sloju vodenog stupca, tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine. Područje istraživanja obuhvaćalo je nekoliko estuarijskih područja te područje trofičkog gradijenta od obale prema otvorenom moru, širokog raspona temperature mora ((11.82 - 20.75 ^oC)), saliniteta (4.47-38.84) i koncentracije hranjiva. Brojnost PC-SYN bila je u rasponu od ( 0 to 79.79 x 10^ 3 cell mL^-1), a PE-SYN od (5.01 x 10^3 to 76.74 x 10^3 cell mL^-1). Utvrđeno je istovremeno obitavanje oba ekotipa na istraživanom području, s prevladavanjem PC-SYN tijekom proljeća te PE-SYN tijekom zime i jeseni. Pokazana je statistički značajna povezanost između PC-SYN i temperature te njegova jaka pozitivna povezanost s dušikovim spojevima, dok su PE-SYN stanice pozitivno odgovorile na dostupnost fosfata. Relativni omjer dostupnosti fosfora i ukupnih hranjiva dušika (N/P omjer) utjecao je na prostornu raspodjelu oba ekotipa roda Synechococcus

    Brojnost i sastav pikoplanktonske zajednice u srednjem Jadranu

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    The abundance and structure of the picoplankton community were studied at two stations, one in coastal waters and one in offshore waters, of the middle Adriatic from December 1996 to June 1998. The abundance of prokaryotic Synechococcus cells, eukaryotic autotrophic picoplankton, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) was determined, as were the chlorophyll a, physical and chemical factors, and nutrients of the water. Synechococcus dominated the picoplankton abundance by 96%. In offshore waters, the abundance of Synechococcus was influenced by nutrient availability and HNF abundance more than by temperature. In coastal waters, where nutrients were not a limiting factor, temperature had greater influence. Picophytoplankton contributed more to the total phytoplankton biomass in offshore (31%) than in coastal (9%) waters.Brojnost i struktura pikoplanktonske zajednice istraživana je na dvjema postajama smještenim u obalnim i otvorenim vodama srednjeg Jadranau u razdoblju od prosinca 1996 do lipnja 1998. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena brojnost cijanobakterija Synechococcus, eukariotskog pikoplanktona i heterotrofnih nanoflagelata (HNF), koncentracija klorofila a kao i fizikalno kemijski parametri (slanost, temperatura, hranjive soli). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da u pikofitoplankltonskoj zajednici dominiraju cijanobakterije Synechococcus (96%). Brojnost cijanobakterija u otvorenim vodama najvećim je dijelom uvjetovana raspoloživom koncentracijom hranjivih soli kao i veličinom populacije HNF. Temperatura ima veći utjecaj na brojnost cijanobakterija u obalnim vodama gdje hranjive soli nisu ograničavajući factor. Pikofitoplankton znatno više dobrinosi ukupnoj fitoplanktonskoj biomasi u otvorenim vodama (31%) nego u obalnim vodama (9%)

    Dynamics of picoplankton community from coastal waters to the open sea in the Central Adriatic

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    Flow cytometry was used to describe seasonal cycles of Prochlorococcus (Prochl), Synechococcus (Syn), picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria in the central Adriatic Sea along the trophic gradient from January to December 2010. All picoplankton parameters decreased from eutrophic to oligotrophic areas, while the biomass ratio of bacterial to autotrophic picoplankton showed an increase along the trophic gradient. Bacterial biomass ranged from 5.28 to 21.20 μg C l-1. Increased values were present during warmer seasons with the domination of low nucleic acid (LNA) group of bacteria. The high nucleic acid (HNA) bacterial group dominated during the winter and the spring. Bacterial production ranged from 0.09 -0.45 × 104 cells ml-1 h-1 .At coastal stations increased production was present during the winter and the spring and was more or less uniform at open sea stations. Biomasses of Syn and Prochl ranged from 0.16 to 11.47 µg C-1 l-1 and from 0.01 to 3.08 µg C l-1, respectively. They were elevated during the summer and the autumn at coastal stations and during the late winter at the open sea. Syn biomass always dominated over Prochl participating with 61.6-97.2% in biomass of cyanobacteria. Biomass of picoeukaryotes ranged from 1.21 to 21.85 µg C l-1 and was the highest during the winter. Their biomass notably prevailed in autotrophic picoplankton (APP) biomass over that of picocyanobacteria during the whole year. Autotrophic components (Prochl, Syn and picoeukaryotes) made greater contribution to the picoplankton biomass in mesotrophic and eutrophic areas, while heterotrophic bacteria became more important under oligotrophic conditions

    First record of small tropical calanoid copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris (Copepoda, Calanoida, Paracalanidae) in the Adriatic Sea

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    In December 2014 the adult females and copepodites of alien paracalanid copepod Parvocalanus crassirostris were identified in the Central Adriatic port of Šibenik. The most probable transmission vector for this small copepod were ballast waters from the cargo ships that are regularly discharged at these locations. This paper is focused on P. crassirostris morphology and the state of population in the port of Šibenik. The possible path of introduction of Parvocalanus crassirostris into the Adriatic Sea is also discussed

    Struktura populacije i brojnost fitoplanktonske zajednice u tri zaljeva na istočnoj obali Jadrana, Šibenskom zaljevu, Kaštelanskom zaljevu i Malostonskom zaljevu

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    Present study describes the phytoplankton community structure and phytoplankton abundance in three bays on the eastern Adriatic coast (Šibenik Bay, Kaštela Bay and Mali Ston Bay) during 2005. The highest phytoplankton biomass (expressed as chlorophyll a) were recorded at one station in Šibenik Bay (4.73 mg m-3), and in Kaštela Bay (2.79 mg m-3), while at all other stations recorded values were generally below 1 mg m-3. At the investigated area of Šibenik Bay a total of 114 phytoplankton taxa have been determined. The most diverse were diatoms with 61 and dinoflagellates with 37 taxa. Coccolithophorids contributed with 6, cryptophytes with 3, silicoflagellates, euglenophytes and chlorophytes with 2 taxa. In the area of Kaštela Bay 193 phytoplankton taxa have been recorded. Dinoflagellate group was the most diverse with 92 taxa, followed by diatoms (80), coccolithophorids (9), silicoflagellates and euglenophytes (4), cryptophytes (2) and chlorophyte (1). In the area of Mali Ston Bay a total of 88 phytoplankton taxa have been found, with 39 diatoms, 36 dinoflagellates, 2 silicoflagellates, 4 coccolithophorids, 2 euglenophytes, 1 chllorophyte and 3 chrisophyte taxa. Abundance of dinoflagellates was very low in this area. Coccolithophorids contributed more to the community composition in Mali Ston Bay, then in other areas of research. A diverse microflagellate group was present in the whole area of investigation with a high frequency of findings. During the investigated period a relatively small number of monospecific blooms in all areas have been recorded. The largest numbers of taxa were recorded at stations that are under an influence of freshwater input from rivers and strong anthropogenic influence.U ovom radu je analizirana struktura fitoplanktonske zajednice i brojnosti fitoplanktona u tri zaljeva na istočnoj obali Jadrana (Šibenski zaljev, Kaštelanski zaljev i Malostonski zaljev) tijekom 2005. Najveća biomasa fitoplanktona (izražena preko klorofila a) je zabilježena na jednoj postaji u Šibenskom zaljevu (4,73 mg m-3), te jednoj postaji u Kaštelanskom zaljevu (2,79 mg m-3), dok su na svim ostalim postajama zabilježene vrijednosti bile niže od 1 mg m-3. Na istraživanom području Šibenskog zaljeva određeno je ukupno 114 taksonomskih kategorija fitoplanktona. Najraznovrsnije su bile dijatomeje sa 61 i dinoflagelati sa 37 taksonomskih kategorija. Kokolitoforidi su pridonijeli sa 6, kriptofiti sa 3, silikoflagelati, euglenofiti i klorofiti sa 2 taksonomske kategorije. Na području Kaštelanskog zaljeva su zabilježene 193 taksonomske kategorije. Dinoflagelati su bili najraznovrsniji sa 92 taksonomske kategorije, slijede dijatomeje (80), kokolitoforidi (9), silikoflagelati i euglenofiti (4), kriptofiti (2) te klorofiti (1). U području Malostonskog zaljeva ukupno je pronađeno 88 fitoplanktonskih taksonomskih kategorija; dijatomeje 39, dinoflagelati 36, silikoflagelati 2, kokolitoforidi 4, euglenofiti 2, klorofiti 1, te krizofiti 3. Brojnost dinoflagelata u ovom području je bila niska dok su kokolitoforidi više doprinijeli sastavu zajednice u ovom području nego na drugim istraživanim područjima. Raznorodna grupa mikroflagelata je bila prisutna sa visokom frekvencijom pojavljivanja na svim istraživanim područjima. Za vrijeme istraživanog perioda pojavljuje se relativno mali broj monospecifičnih cvatnji. Statistička obrada okolišnih parametara i sastava fitoplanktonske zajednice je ukazala na najveći broj vrsta na postajama koje su pod snažnim utjecajem slatkovodnih dotoka i jakim antropogenim utjecajem