36 research outputs found

    Comparison between resident and caged mussels: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation and biological response

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    The aim of this study was to compare the capability of ā€œpassiveā€ and ā€œactiveā€ biomonitoring to determine the environmental pressure. For this purpose, PAHs content and several biological responses in resident and caged mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) at five sampling sites (Rijeka Bay, Adriatic Sea) were analsed. Resident mussels were found better in reflecting the level of PAH loads at particular sites while only caged mussels could detect input of HMW PAHs. When data of each investigated parameter were compared separately, the majority of differences between resident and caged musselsā€™ results were site-specific. Integration of biological response patterns expressed as Index of Biological Response (IBR) resulted with different sampling sites ranking for resident and caged mussels. Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) based on integration of tissue PAH concentration and biological response revealed resident mussels as more powerful for detection of environmental pressure. The use of resident mussels is recommended as appropriate and less costly approach for monitoring the effect of pollution

    Utjecaj okoliŔnih čimbenika stresa i recikliranja na lipidni sastav mitohondrija pivskog kvasca

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    The aim of this study was to investigate alterations in the content and composition of mitochondrial lipids of brewerā€™s yeast, which occur during brewing and repetitive recycling. The bottom-fermenting brewerā€™s yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae species obtained from industrial beer production was used throughout the study. The first three generations of recycled yeast were analysed. Differences between the generations were more pronounced in the phospholipid and neutral lipid composition than in fatty acid composition. Squalene was present in all generations in high concentrations. The results give insight into the response of yeast cells to stress factors and recycling. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti promjene u sadržaju i sastavu lipida mitohondrija pivskog kvasca do kojih dolazi za vrijeme vrenja i recikliranja biomase. U radu je upotrijebljen pivski kvasac donjeg vrenja vrste Saccharomyces cerevisiae dobiven u industrijskom procesu. Analizirane su prve tri generacije recikliranog kvasca. Razlike između pojedinih generacija bile su izraženije u sastavu fosfolipida i neutralnih lipida nego u sastavu masnih kiselina. Skvalen je u svim generacijama bio prisutan u relativno visokoj koncentraciji. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju uvid u odgovor stanica kvasca na stresne faktore i recikliranje. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    A baseline study of the metallothioneins content in digestive gland of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus from Northern Adriatic Sea: Body size, season, gender and metal specific variability

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    Metallothioneins content was investigated in digestive gland of two wild-caught Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus populations from the Northern Adriatic Sea, in relation to body size, season and gender. Concomitant accumulation of cadmium, mercury, arsenic, lead, chromium and manganese, reactive oxygen species concentration and energy reserves in digestive gland were also assessed. While differences between genders were not recorded, metallothioneins content seasonal trends were affected by body size. Most of parameters displayed inconsistent trends across sampling sites. Significant correlation between metallothioneins content and cadmium, arsenic and mercury concentrations was recorded only for larger lobsters. A negative correlation of reactive oxygen species concentration and metallothioneins content was observed for small, but not large lobsters. Energy reserves, in particular lipids, could considerably influence biochemical and chemical parameters variations. The present results constitute the essential baseline for future studies aimed at evaluating the N. norvegicus health in relation to metal contamination of coastal sediments

    Metal Pollution Index and Related Health Risks of Consumers of Lipsticks Available on the Market in the Republic of Croatia

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    Cilj: Budući da tragovi metala nisu deklarativno navedeni na kozmetičkim proizvodima, posebice ruževima za usne, nameće se potreba za utvrđivanjem njihove prisutnosti i analizom toksikoloÅ”kih učinaka. Ovim istraživanjem analizirala se prisutnost i raspodjela metala Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb te Cu i Zn u ruževima za usne. Materijali i metode: Analizirano je 100 uzoraka ruževa za usne različitih proizvođača ovisno o zemlji proizvodnje (Europska unija - EU, Kina, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo ā€“ UK i nepoznato podrijetlo). Udjeli metala određeni su analitičkom tehnikom ICP-MS. Rezultati: Rezultati skupnih podataka ukazuju na dominaciju Pb u opterećenosti metalima (indeks IOM) uzoraka ruževa za usne, kod uzoraka proizvođača EU-a dominira utjecaj Pb i Zn, dok kod proizvođača s područja Kine najjači utjecaj na IOM ima Cr. Predloženi linearni prediktivni model ukazuje na to da u skupnim uzorcima i onima s različitih područja dominaciju ostvaruje Cd, iako i Pb ima znatnu ulogu kao opterećujući metal. Ni je prisutan kao toksikant u svim uzorcima osim onih s područja Kine, dok Cr znatnu ulogu ima jedino kod proizvođača iz EU-a. Uspoređujući sa zakonskom regulativom, udjeli analiziranih metala niži su od utvrđenih maksimalno dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija (MDK) za pojedine metale, osim uzoraka proizvođača s područja Kine gdje je detektiran viÅ”i udio Ni od propisanih vrijednosti MDK. Zaključci: Rezultati studije pokazuju da, bez obzira na sadržaj toksičnih metala u kozmetičkim proizvodima, treba obratiti pažnju na dugoročan period njihove primjene te slab indeks eliminacije iz organizma. Poradi sigurnosti primjene kozmetičkih proizvoda nameće se potreba za kontinuiranim praćenjem opterećenosti teÅ”kim metalima, kao i redovitom kontrolom generiranih zdravstvenih rizika pri uporabi takvih proizvoda.Aim: Trace metals are not declaratively stated on cosmetic products, especially lipsticks, there is a need to determine their presence and analyze toxicological effects. This research analyzed the presence and distribution of the metals Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb and Cu and Zn in lipsticks. Materials and methods: 100 samples of lipsticks from different manufacturers were analyzed depending on the country of manufacture (European Union - EU, China, United Kingdom - UK and unknown origin). Metal content was determined using the ICP-MS analytical technique. Results: The results of the collective data indicate the dominance of Pb in the metal pollution index of lipstick samples. In samples from EU producers the influence of Pb and Zn is dominant, while in Chinese producers the strongest influence on IOM is Cr. The proposed linear predictive model indicates that Cd dominates in collective and samples from different areas, although Pb also plays a significant role as a burdening metal, Ni is present as a toxicant in all samples except from China, while Cr plays a significant role only in producers from the EU. By comparison with the legal regulations, the proportions of the analyzed metals are lower than the determined maximum allowed concentrations for certain metals, except for the sample of producers from China, where a higher proportion of Ni than the prescribed maximum allowed concentration values, was detected. Conclusions: The results of the study indicate that, regardless of the content of toxic metals in cosmetic products, attention should be paid to the long-term period of their application and the low index of elimination from the body. Due to the safety of the application of cosmetic products, there is a need for continuous monitoring of heavy metal content as well as regular control of health risks generated when using such products

    Ima li opravdanja za proaktivan pristup kontroli bakterije Legionella u okoliŔu?

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    Research background. Legionella are Gram-negative bacteria that are ubiquitous in the natural environment. Contaminated water in man-made water systems is a potential source of transmission of legionnairesā€™ disease. The aim of this study is to explore the prevalence of Legionella pneumophila in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) of Primorje-Gorski Kotar (PGK) County, Croatia, for the period 2013-2019, coupled with the incidence of legionnairesā€™ disease. A number of L. pneumophila-positive samples (>100 CFU/L), serogroup distribution and the degree of contamination of specific facilities (health and aged care, tourism, and sports) were assessed. Based on the obtained results, the reasoning for the implementation of a mandatory Legionella environmental surveillance program was assessed. Experimental approach. Sample testing for Legionella was carried out according to the standard method for enumeration of this bacterium. A heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa number were analysed along with the basic physicochemical indicators of drinking water quality. The research period was divided into two parts, namely, the 2013-2018 period (before implementation of the prevention program, after the outbreak of legionnairesā€™ disease), and the year 2019 (proactive approach, no disease cases recorded). Results and conclusions. During the 7-year observation period in PGK County, an increase in the number of samples tested for Legionella was found. An increase in Legionella-positive samples (particularly pronounced during the warmer part of the year) was recorded, along with a growing trend in the number of reported legionnairesā€™ disease cases. In addition to hot water systems, the risk of Legionella colonisation also applies to cold water systems. Health and aged care facilities appear to be at highest risk. In addition to the higher proportion of positive samples and a higher degree of microbiological load in these facilities, the highest proportion of L. pneumophila SGs 2-14 was identified. Due to the diagnostic limitations of the applied tests, the number of legionnairesā€™ disease cases is underdiagnosed. Novelty and scientific contribution. The introduction of a mandatory preventive approach to monitoring Legionella in DWDS water samples, along with the definition of national criteria for the interpretation of the results will create the preconditions for diagnosis and adequate treatment of larger numbers of legionnairesā€™ disease cases.Pozadina istraživanja. Legionella spada u skupinu Gram-negativnih bakterija sveprisutnih u prirodnom okoliÅ”u. Potencijalni izvor prijenosa legionarske bolesti je onečiŔćena voda koja se nalazi u vodoopskrbnim sustavima. Svrha je ove studije bila istražiti raÅ”irenost bakterije Legionella pneumophila u distribucijskom sustavu vode za piće Primorsko-goranske županije, Hrvatska, u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. godine te ispitati učestalost pojave legionarske bolesti. Određen je broj uzoraka pozitivnih na L. pneumophila (>100 CFU/L), kao i raspodjela serogrupa te stupanj onečiŔćenja pojedinih vrsta objekata (zdravstvene ustanove i ustanove za starije i nemoćne osobe, turistički i sportski objekti). Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata procijenjena je opravdanost provedbe obveznog programa nadzora bakterije Legionella u okoliÅ”u. Eksperimentalni pristup. Prisutnost bakterije Legionella u uzorcima ispitana je prema standardnoj metodi za brojenje ove bakterije. Analiziran je broj izraslih kolonija i broj bakterija Pseudomonas aeruginosa, zajedno s osnovnim fizikalno-kemijskim pokazateljima kakvoće vode za piće. Razdoblje istraživanja podijeljeno je u dva dijela, od 2013. do 2018. godine (prije provedbe preventivnog programa, nakon pojave legionarske bolesti) i 2019. godina (proaktivan pristup, bez zabilježenih slučajeva bolesti). Rezultati i zaključci. Tijekom sedmogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja istraživanja je u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji utvrđeno povećanje broja uzoraka ispitanih na prisutnost bakterije Legionella. Zabilježen je porast pozitivnih uzoraka (osobito izražen tijekom toplijeg dijela godine), zajedno s rastućim trendom broja prijavljenih slučajeva legionarske bolesti. Osim sustava potroÅ”ne tople vode, rizik od kolonizacije bakterijom Legionella povezan je i sa sustavima hladne vode. Najveći rizik javlja se u zdravstvenim ustanovama i ustanovama za njegu starijih osoba. Uz veći udjel pozitivnih uzoraka i veći stupanj mikrobioloÅ”kog opterećenja, u tim objektima identificiran je i najveći udjel L. pneumophila SG 2-14. Zbog ograničenja primijenjenih dijagnostičkih testova, određeni broj slučajeva legionarske bolesti ostaje nedijagnosticiran. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Uvođenjem obveznog preventivnog pristupa praćenja bakterije Legionella u sustavima distribucije vode za piće te definiranjem nacionalnih kriterija interpretacije rezultata stvorit će se preduvjeti za dijagnostiku i odgovarajuće liječenje većeg broja slučajeva legionarske bolesti

    BadewasserqualitƤt in Der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und im Bezirk Rijeka im Letzten Jahrzehnt

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    Obzirom da je Republika Hrvatska turistički orijentirana zemlja, kakvoća mora za kupanje od velike je javnozdravstvene važnosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kakvoću mora na plažama riječkog područja u proÅ”lom desetljeću te je usporediti s kakvoćom u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji (PGŽ), hrvatskoj obali Jadrana (HR) te Europskoj Uniji (EU). U usporedbi s prosječnom kakvoćom mora na plažama riječkog područja, PGŽ i HR tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja, područje Rijeke bilježi najniži udio plaža s izvrsnom kakvoćom mora (76,4%) te najveći udio nezadovoljavajuće ocjenjenih (8,0%). Udio izvrsno ocjenjenih lokacija u PGŽ i HR je sličan (oko 95%). U PGŽ i HR je udio izvrsnih plaža za 12% veći u odnosu na EU, tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja. Unatoč značajnom poboljÅ”anju kakvoće mora na razini EU i HR, na pojedinim se lokacijama joÅ” uvijek bilježi fekalno onečiŔćenje. To je posebno izraženo na nekoliko lokacija u zapadnom dijelu grada Rijeke, koje predstavlja mikrobioloÅ”ki najopterećenije područje u PGŽ. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja uzroka pojave onečiŔćenja na pojedinim lokacijama na riječkom području, analiziran je odnos mikrobioloÅ”kih pokazatelja s okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperatura vode i zraka, salinitet, količina oborina, jakost Sunčevog zračenja). Na takvim lokacijama potrebno je učiniti dodatne napore u cilju saniranja izvora onečiŔćenja.Since the Republic of Croatia is a tourism-oriented country, bathing quality of the sea has a great public-health importance. The objective of this paper is to present the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area in the past decade and compare it with the quality of the sea in the Primorje - Gorski Kotar County (PGKC), on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea (HR) and in the European Union (EU). A comparison of the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area, PGKC and HR during a ten-year period shows that the Rijeka area records the lowest share of beaches with excellent quality of the sea (76.4%) and the highest share of those assessed as poor (8.0%). The share of locations assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is similar (around 95%). The share of beaches assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is higher by 12% in comparison to the EU during a ten-year period. Despite a significant improvement in the quality of the sea both at the level of EU and HR, faecal pollution is still recorded in some locations. This is particularly marked in some locations in Rijekaā€™s western part, which is the area with the highest microbiological load in the PGKC. In order to improve the understanding of pollution causes in some locations in the Rijeka area, we have analysed the relation between microbiological indicators and environmental indicators (water and air temperature, salinity, precipitation quantity, solar irradiance). In such locations, additional efforts should be made to remediate pollution sources.Da die Republik Kroatien touristisch orientiert ist, ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers fĆ¼r ƶffentliche Gesundheit von grĆ¶ĆŸter Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka im letzten Jahrzehnt darzustellen und sie mit der WasserqualitƤt in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar, an der kroatischen Adria und in der EU vergleichen. Wenn man die durchschnittliche QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen des Bezirkes Rijeka, der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und der kroatischen Adria im Zeitraum von zehn Jahren vergleicht, hat der Bezirk Rijeka den kleinsten Anteil an Badestellen mit sehr guten QualitƤt des Meerwassers (76,4%), und die meisten Badestellen wurden als unbefriedigend (8%) rangiert. Der Anteil der als sehr gut rangierten Badestellen in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist Ƥhnlich, etwa 95%. In der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist der Anteil an sehr guten Badestellen im zehnjƤhrigen Zeitraum um 12% hƶher als in der EU. Trotz einer wesentlichen Erhƶhung der QualitƤt des Meerwassers in der EU und an der kroatischen Adria wird an einzelnen Badestellen noch immer fƤkale Verunreinigung beobachtet. Das ist besonders ausgeprƤgt an einigen Badestellen im westlichen Teil der Stadt Rijeka, der mikrobiologisch am meisten belastetes Gebiet in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar ist. Mit dem Ziel, die Ursachen der Verunreinigung an einzelnen Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka besser zu verstehen, wurde das VerhƤltnis zwischen den mikrobiologischen Parametern und Umgebungsparametern (Wasser- und Lufttemperatur, Salzgehalt, Niederschlagsmenge, StƤrke der UV-Strahlung der Sonne) analysiert. An den verunreinigten Badestellen ist zusƤtzlicher Aufwand erforderlich, damit die Verunreinigungsquellen saniert werde

    BadewasserqualitƤt in Der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und im Bezirk Rijeka im Letzten Jahrzehnt

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    Obzirom da je Republika Hrvatska turistički orijentirana zemlja, kakvoća mora za kupanje od velike je javnozdravstvene važnosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kakvoću mora na plažama riječkog područja u proÅ”lom desetljeću te je usporediti s kakvoćom u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji (PGŽ), hrvatskoj obali Jadrana (HR) te Europskoj Uniji (EU). U usporedbi s prosječnom kakvoćom mora na plažama riječkog područja, PGŽ i HR tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja, područje Rijeke bilježi najniži udio plaža s izvrsnom kakvoćom mora (76,4%) te najveći udio nezadovoljavajuće ocjenjenih (8,0%). Udio izvrsno ocjenjenih lokacija u PGŽ i HR je sličan (oko 95%). U PGŽ i HR je udio izvrsnih plaža za 12% veći u odnosu na EU, tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja. Unatoč značajnom poboljÅ”anju kakvoće mora na razini EU i HR, na pojedinim se lokacijama joÅ” uvijek bilježi fekalno onečiŔćenje. To je posebno izraženo na nekoliko lokacija u zapadnom dijelu grada Rijeke, koje predstavlja mikrobioloÅ”ki najopterećenije područje u PGŽ. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja uzroka pojave onečiŔćenja na pojedinim lokacijama na riječkom području, analiziran je odnos mikrobioloÅ”kih pokazatelja s okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperatura vode i zraka, salinitet, količina oborina, jakost Sunčevog zračenja). Na takvim lokacijama potrebno je učiniti dodatne napore u cilju saniranja izvora onečiŔćenja.Since the Republic of Croatia is a tourism-oriented country, bathing quality of the sea has a great public-health importance. The objective of this paper is to present the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area in the past decade and compare it with the quality of the sea in the Primorje - Gorski Kotar County (PGKC), on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea (HR) and in the European Union (EU). A comparison of the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area, PGKC and HR during a ten-year period shows that the Rijeka area records the lowest share of beaches with excellent quality of the sea (76.4%) and the highest share of those assessed as poor (8.0%). The share of locations assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is similar (around 95%). The share of beaches assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is higher by 12% in comparison to the EU during a ten-year period. Despite a significant improvement in the quality of the sea both at the level of EU and HR, faecal pollution is still recorded in some locations. This is particularly marked in some locations in Rijekaā€™s western part, which is the area with the highest microbiological load in the PGKC. In order to improve the understanding of pollution causes in some locations in the Rijeka area, we have analysed the relation between microbiological indicators and environmental indicators (water and air temperature, salinity, precipitation quantity, solar irradiance). In such locations, additional efforts should be made to remediate pollution sources.Da die Republik Kroatien touristisch orientiert ist, ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers fĆ¼r ƶffentliche Gesundheit von grĆ¶ĆŸter Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka im letzten Jahrzehnt darzustellen und sie mit der WasserqualitƤt in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar, an der kroatischen Adria und in der EU vergleichen. Wenn man die durchschnittliche QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen des Bezirkes Rijeka, der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und der kroatischen Adria im Zeitraum von zehn Jahren vergleicht, hat der Bezirk Rijeka den kleinsten Anteil an Badestellen mit sehr guten QualitƤt des Meerwassers (76,4%), und die meisten Badestellen wurden als unbefriedigend (8%) rangiert. Der Anteil der als sehr gut rangierten Badestellen in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist Ƥhnlich, etwa 95%. In der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist der Anteil an sehr guten Badestellen im zehnjƤhrigen Zeitraum um 12% hƶher als in der EU. Trotz einer wesentlichen Erhƶhung der QualitƤt des Meerwassers in der EU und an der kroatischen Adria wird an einzelnen Badestellen noch immer fƤkale Verunreinigung beobachtet. Das ist besonders ausgeprƤgt an einigen Badestellen im westlichen Teil der Stadt Rijeka, der mikrobiologisch am meisten belastetes Gebiet in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar ist. Mit dem Ziel, die Ursachen der Verunreinigung an einzelnen Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka besser zu verstehen, wurde das VerhƤltnis zwischen den mikrobiologischen Parametern und Umgebungsparametern (Wasser- und Lufttemperatur, Salzgehalt, Niederschlagsmenge, StƤrke der UV-Strahlung der Sonne) analysiert. An den verunreinigten Badestellen ist zusƤtzlicher Aufwand erforderlich, damit die Verunreinigungsquellen saniert werde

    Staphylococcus aureusā€”An Additional Parameter of Bathing Water Quality for Crowded Urban Beaches

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    During the last years, the report of the occurrence of waterborne disease symptoms related to non-enteric pathogens has increased, without any record of higher levels of indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci). Therefore, the use of current indicators is not always adequate when assessing the overall potential health risk and the inclusion of additional parameters needs to be examined. This paper reports on the incidence and levels of Staphylococcus aureus at 258 locations in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (Croatia) recorded by official bathing water quality monitoring, as well as supplemental monitoring carried out at the two most frequented beaches in the City of Rijeka. The number of bathers was found to be the main factor affecting S. aureus levels (r = 0.321, p < 0.05). The share of S. aureus positive samples from the official monitoring was significantly lower, when compared to the share of samples from supplemental monitoring (2.2% and 36.3%, respectively ; p < 0.01). Besides the number of bathers, one of the main reasons is likely the higher sampling frequency. No correlation was found between S. aureus levels and the indicator bacteria. The results indicate that the determination of S. aureus and increased sampling frequency is recommended for overcrowded beaches

    Inland and coastal bathing water quality in the last decade (2011ā€“2020): Croatia vs. region vs. EU

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    Europe is one of the leading tourist destinations where tourism is one of the key economic sectors. The quality of bathing waters is a very important factor when choosing a vacation destination. Croatia recognized this early and was one of the first Mediterranean countries to start systematic monitoring of bathing waters. On the other hand, monitoring of inland bathing waters is relatively new and includes a much smaller number of sites (41) compared to coastal waters (894). The aim of this paper was to summarize and analyze the water quality of inland and coastal bathing sites of Croatia, closer regions (non-EU Member States) and in the EU for the last decade. The share of excellent water quality in EU Member States increased by 10.1% and 6.6% for inland and coastal waters, respectively (2011ā€“2020). Germany recorded the highest proportion of excellent water quality for inland waters (92.2%) and Cyprus for coastal waters (99.3%). Looking at the 10-year average of the proportion of bathing waters with excellent quality, the proportion of coastal bathing sites exceeds that of inland waters by 7.1%. It is clear that additional efforts should be made to improve the management and monitoring of inland waters