72 research outputs found

    Spectral characteristics of dust in carbon rich objects

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    Some carbon-rich objects exhibit a strong broad emission feature beginning at lambda is approximately 24 microns and extending to lambda is greater than 30 microns. A 20 to 65 microm spectrum of the carbon star IRC+10216 and 30 to 50 micron spectra of three carbon-rich planetary nebulae, IC 418, NGC 6572, and BD+30 degrees 3639 are presented. The strong emission feature around 30 microns is seen clearly in IRC+10216, IC 418, and NGC 6572. The role of silicon carbides and magnesium sulfur particles in this feature is discussed

    The nature of AFGL 2591 and its associated molecular outflow: Infrared and millimeter-wave observations

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    The results of infrared photometry from 2 to 160 microns of AFGL and CO(12) observations of its associated molecular cloud and high velocity molecular outflow are presented and discussed. The observed solar luminosity is 6.7 x 10(4) at a distance of 2 kpc. The spectrum of AFGL 2591 is interpreted in the context of a model in which a single embedded object is the dominant source of the infrared luminosity. This object is determined to be surrounded by a compact, optically thick dust shell with a temperature in excess of several hundred degrees kelvin. The extinction to this source is estimated to be between 26 and 50 visual magnitudes. The absolute position of the infrared sources at 10 microns was determined to an accuracy of + or in. This indicates for the first time that the IR source and H2O source are not coincident. The CO(12) observations show the high-velocity molecular flow near AFGL 2591 to be extended, bipolar and roughly centered on the infrared emission. The observations suggest that the red-shifted flow component extends beyond the boundary of the ambient cloud within which AFGL 2591 is embedded. The CO(12) observations also show that AFGL 2591 is embedded in a molecular cloud with an LSR velocity of -5 km/s

    The energetics and mass structure of regions of star formation: S201

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    Theoretical predictions about dust and gas in star forming regions are tested by observing a 4 arcmin region surrounding the radio continuum source in 5201. The object was mapped in two far infrared wavelengths and found to show significant extended emission. Under the assumption that the molecular gas is heated solely via thermal coupling with the dust, the volume density was mapped in 5201. The ratios of infrared optical depth to CO column density were calculated for a number of positions in the source. Near the center of the cloud the values are found to be in good agreement with other determinations for regions with lower column density. In addition, the observations suggest significant molecular destruction in the outer parts of the object. Current models of gas heating were used to calculate a strong limit for the radius of the far infrared emitting grains, equal to or less than 0.15 micron. Grains of about this size are required by the observation of high temperature (T equal to or greater than 20 K) gas in many sources

    Stability of the Infrared Array Camera for the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present an analysis of the stability of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope over the first 4.5 years of in-flight operations. IRAC consists of two InSb and two Si:As 256x256 imaging arrays with passbands centered on 3.6, 4.5. 5.8 and 8.0 microns. Variations in photometric stability, read noise, dark offsets, pixel responsivity and number of hot and noisy pixels for each detector array are trended with time. To within our measurement uncertainty, the performance of the IRAC arrays has not changed with time. The most significant variation is that number of hot pixels in the 8 micron array has increased linearly with time at a rate of 60 pixels per year. We expect that the 3.6 and 4.5 micron arrays should remain stable during the post-cryogenic phase of the Spitzer mission. We will briefly discuss some science that is enabled by the excellent stability of IRAC

    NGC 2024: Far-infrared and radio molecular observations

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    Far infrared continuum and millimeter wave molecular observations are presented for the infrared and radio source NGC 2024. The measurements are obtained at relatively high angular resolution, enabling a description of the source energetics and mass distribution in greater detail than previously reported. The object appears to be dominated by a dense ridge of material, extended in the north/south direction and centered on the dark lane that is seen in visual photographs. Maps of the source using the high density molecules CS and HCN confirm this picture and allow a description of the core structure and molecular abundances. The radio molecular and infrared observations support the idea that an important exciting star in NGC 2024 has yet to be identified and is centered on the dense ridge about 1' south of the bright mid infrared source IRS 2. The data presented here allows a presentation of a model for the source

    W3 North: Far-infrared and radio molecular observations

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    The W3 North (G133.8 + 1.4) source is the northernmost member of a string of active star forming regions that marks the western boundary of the giant HII region W4. Far infrared and radio observations of molecular CO were made of the W3 star forming region. The W3 North object shows extended dust and gas emission which suggests a fairly advanced disruption of a molecular cloud. An estimate of the age of the embedded HII region is given, and emission maps of the W3 object are presented. The W3 North source may be the oldest object among the W3 complex of sources

    Cytokine Requirements for Acute and Basal Homeostatic Proliferation of Naive and Memory CD8+ T Cells

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    Both naive and memory T cells undergo antigen-independent proliferation after transfer into a T cell–depleted environment (acute homeostatic proliferation), whereas only memory T cells slowly divide in a full T cell compartment (basal proliferation). We show, first, that naive and memory CD8+ T cells have different cytokine requirements for acute homeostatic proliferation. Interleukin (IL)-7 receptor(R)α–mediated signals were obligatory for proliferation of naive T cells in lymphopenic hosts, whereas IL-15 did not influence their division. Memory T cells, on the other hand, could use either IL-7Rα– or IL-15–mediated signals for acute homeostatic proliferation: their proliferation was delayed when either IL-7Rα was blocked or IL-15 removed, but only when both signals were absent was proliferation ablated. Second, the cytokine requirements for basal and acute homeostatic proliferation of CD8+ memory T cells differ, as basal division of memory T cells was blocked completely in IL-15–deficient hosts. These data suggest a possible mechanism for the dearth of memory CD8+ T cells in IL-15– and IL-15Rα–deficient mice is their impaired basal proliferation. Our results show that naive and memory T lymphocytes differ in their cytokine dependence for acute homeostatic proliferation and that memory T lymphocytes have distinct requirements for proliferation in full versus empty compartments

    Calibration and data quality of warm IRAC

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    We present an overview of the calibration and properties of data from the IRAC instrument aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope taken after the depletion of cryogen. The cryogen depleted on 15 May 2009, and shortly afterward a two-month- long calibration and characterization campaign was conducted. The array temperature and bias setpoints were revised on 19 September 2009 to take advantage of lower than expected power dissipation by the instrument and to improve sensitivity. The final operating temperature of the arrays is 28.7 K, the applied bias across each detector is 500 mV and the equilibrium temperature of the instrument chamber is 27.55 K. The final sensitivities are essentially the same as the cryogenic mission with the 3.6 ÎĽm array being slightly less sensitive (10%) and the 4.5 ÎĽm array within 5% of the cryogenic sensitivity. The current absolute photometric uncertainties are 4% at 3.6 and 4.5 ÎĽm, and better than milli-mag photometry is achievable for long-stare photometric observations. With continued analysis, we expect the absolute calibration to improve to the cryogenic value of 3%. Warm IRAC operations fully support all science that was conducted in the cryogenic mission and all currently planned warm science projects (including Exploration Science programs). We expect that IRAC will continue to make ground-breaking discoveries in star formation, the nature of the early universe, and in our understanding of the properties of exoplanets

    In-flight performance and calibration of the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) for the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) is one of three focal plane instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. IRAC is a four-channel camera that obtains simultaneous broad-band images at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 ÎĽm in two nearly adjacent fields of view. We summarize here the in-flight scientific, technical, and operational performance of IRAC

    Absolute photometric calibration of IRAC: lessons learned using nine years of flight data

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    Significant improvements in our understanding of various photometric effects have occurred in the more than nine years of flight operations of the Infrared Array Camera aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. With the accumulation of calibration data, photometric variations that are intrinsic to the instrument can now be mapped with high fidelity. Using all existing data on calibration stars, the array location-dependent photometric correction (the variation of flux with position on the array) and the correction for intra-pixel sensitivity variation (pixel-phase) have been modeled simultaneously. Examination of the warm mission data enabled the characterization of the underlying form of the pixelphase variation in cryogenic data. In addition to the accumulation of calibration data, significant improvements in the calibration of the truth spectra of the calibrators has taken place. Using the work of Engelke et al. (2006), the KIII calibrators have no offset as compared to the AV calibrators, providing a second pillar of the calibration scheme. The current cryogenic calibration is better than 3% in an absolute sense, with most of the uncertainty still in the knowledge of the true flux densities of the primary calibrators. We present the final state of the cryogenic IRAC calibration and a comparison of the IRAC calibration to an independent calibration methodology using the HST primary calibrators
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