7 research outputs found

    Graphene-Based Systems for Enhanced Energy Storage

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    Extensive global research efforts have focused on the exploitation of graphene for enhanced energy storage. Novel graphene-based composite material electrodes have been developed, in many cases with reports of outstanding performance. However, the development of these composites involve extremely complex and costly procedures/methods whose scalability and eventual commercial exploitation is extremely hard [1]. Within the present activity the use of graphene nanotechnology is exploited to manufacture electrodes for supercapacitors. The goal however is to achieve electrodes with increased specific energy density (compared to the currently commercially available products) using proven and simple manufacturing procedures that can easily be scaled-up and offer competitive products. The roadmap was developed under the framework of European Space Agency highlighting the main advantages brought up from this technology. The activity is separated in three parallel routes; the development and test planning of small–scale production of graphene based materials via the tape casting technology, the establishment of a reliable and low cost industrial production process (scale-up) for these materials and the development and testing of an energy storage demonstrator that shall incorporate the novel electrodes and exhibit their favorable characteristics in energy storage applications for use in space

    Graphene-Based Systems for Enhanced Energy Storage

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    Extensive global research efforts have focused on the exploitation of graphene for enhanced energy storage. Novel graphene-based composite material electrodes have been developed, in many cases with reports of outstanding performance. However, the development of these composites involve extremely complex and costly procedures/methods whose scalability and eventual commercial exploitation is extremely hard [1]. Within the present activity the use of graphene nanotechnology is exploited to manufacture electrodes for supercapacitors. The goal however is to achieve electrodes with increased specific energy density (compared to the currently commercially available products) using proven and simple manufacturing procedures that can easily be scaled-up and offer competitive products. The roadmap was developed under the framework of European Space Agency highlighting the main advantages brought up from this technology. The activity is separated in three parallel routes; the development and test planning of small–scale production of graphene based materials via the tape casting technology, the establishment of a reliable and low cost industrial production process (scale-up) for these materials and the development and testing of an energy storage demonstrator that shall incorporate the novel electrodes and exhibit their favorable characteristics in energy storage applications for use in space

    Systematic review with meta-analysis: COVID-19 outcomes in patients receiving anti-TNF treatments

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    Background Accumulating evidence suggests a beneficial effective of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors on the outcomes of COVID-19 disease, which, however is not validated by all studies. Aims To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of existing reports to investigate the impact of anti-TNF treatments on the clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients. Methods A systematic search at PubMed and SCOPUS databases using specific keywords was performed. All reports of COVID-19 outcomes for patients receiving anti-TNF therapy by September 2021 were included. Pooled effect measures were calculated using a random-effects model. The Newcastle Ottawa Scale for observational studies was used to assess bias. Studies that were not eligible for meta-analysis were described qualitatively. Results In total, 84 studies were included in the systematic review, and 35 were included in the meta-analysis. Patients receiving anti-TNF treatment, compared to non-anti-TNF, among COVID-19 cases had a lower probability of hospitalisation (eight studies, 2555 patients, pooled OR = 0.53, 95% CI: 0.42-0.67, I-2 = 0) and severe disease defined as intensive care unit admission or death (two studies, 1823 patients, pooled OR = 0.63, 95% CI: 0.41-0.96, I-2 = 0), after adjustment for validated predictors of adverse disease outcomes. No difference was found for the risk for hospitalisation due to COVID-19 in populations without COVID-19 for patients receiving anti-TNF treatment compared to non-anti-TNF (three studies, 5 994 958 participants, pooled risk ratio = 0.97, 95% CI: 0.68-1.39, I-2 = 20) adjusted for age, sex and comorbidities. Conclusions TNF-alpha inhibitors are associated with a lower probability of hospitalisation and severe COVID-19 when compared to any other treatment for an underlying inflammatory disease

    The Impacts of Sun Exposure on Worker Physiology and Cognition: Multi-Country Evidence and Interventions

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    Background: A set of four case-control (n = 109), randomized-controlled (n = 7), cross-sectional (n = 78), and intervention (n = 47) studies was conducted across three countries to investigate the effects of sun exposure on worker physiology and cognition. Methods: Physiological, subjective, and cognitive performance data were collected from people working in ambient conditions characterized by the same thermal stress but different solar radiation levels. Results: People working under the sun were more likely to experience dizziness, weakness, and other symptoms of heat strain. These clinical impacts of sun exposure were not accompanied by changes in core body temperature but, instead, were linked with changes in skin temperature. Other physiological responses (heart rate, skin blood flow, and sweat rate) were also increased during sun exposure, while attention and vigilance were reduced by 45% and 67%, respectively, compared to exposure to a similar thermal stress without sunlight. Light-colored clothes reduced workers’ skin temperature by 12–13% compared to darker-colored clothes. Conclusions: Working under the sun worsens the physiological heat strain experienced and compromises cognitive function, even when the level of heat stress is thought to be the same as being in the shade. Wearing light-colored clothes can limit the physiological heat strain experienced by the body

    Occupational heat stress : Multi-country observations and interventions

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    Background: Occupational heat exposure can provoke health problems that increase the risk of certain diseases and affect workers’ ability to maintain healthy and productive lives. This study investigates the effects of occupational heat stress on workers’ physiological strain and labor productivity, as well as examining multiple interventions to mitigate the problem. Methods: We monitored 518 full work-shifts obtained from 238 experienced and acclimatized individuals who work in key industrial sectors located in Cyprus, Greece, Qatar, and Spain. Continuous core body temperature, mean skin temperature, heart rate, and labor productivity were collected from the beginning to the end of all work-shifts. Results: In workplaces where self-pacing is not feasible or very limited, we found that occupational heat stress is associated with the heat strain experienced by workers. Strategies focusing on hydration, work-rest cycles, and ventilated clothing were able to mitigate the physiological heat strain experienced by workers. Increasing mechanization enhanced labor productivity without increasing workers’ physiological strain. Conclusions: Empowering la-borers to self-pace is the basis of heat mitigation, while tailored strategies focusing on hydration, work-rest cycles, ventilated garments, and mechanization can further reduce the physiological heat strain experienced by workers under certain conditions