3 research outputs found

    Opening Address

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    It is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to address this august gathering of experts on the control of chronic communicable diseases and Primary Health Care with particular reference to leprosy and tuberculosis. The gains achieved by the Ethiopian Revolution are many and are well-documented. It may suffice to say that the gains are increasing year after year although there is still much to be done. The formation of the Workers ' Party of Ethiopia and the 10- Year perspective Plan are among recent developments in the history of the Revolution which will strengthen our effort to achieve the objectives of health for the broad masses. From the outset of our popular revolution, the Revolutionary Government of Socialist Ethiopia declared its commitment to sparing no effort in providing health for the broad masses as clearly stated in the national democratic revolution programme. To that end, and in accordance with the social goal of "Health for All by the Year 2000", the Ministry of Health established a health policy based on Primary Health Care which is rural-oriented. The broad masses were organized so that today they are actively participating in all socio-economic activities to facilitate the achievement of the nation's health aims and objectives


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    The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development has contributed significantly by highlighting current topics on health on its special issues. The Journal is one of the few that has managed to reach the health professionals through the Ethiopian Health Professionals Union at the periphery where it is most needed. This special issue is devoted to the activities of the AIDS Control Programme. The Ethiopian AIDS Control Programme which was established in 1985 as a national task force, has gone a long way in such a short time to become one of the leading AIDS control programmes in Africa. There are a number of reasons for this; the first one is the commitment of the Peoples Democratic Republic Government of Ethiopia which had given and still continues to give its unreserved support to the programme. The commitment of all the other ministries, religious organizations and non-governmental organizations to educate the population so that the progress of the disease will be curbed before it reaches uncontrollable proportions

    Introduction: The ministry of health and health development

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    It is my pleasure to write a brief introductory note for this first issue of the Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. It is necessary for the health development policy of a nation to be thoughtfully planned, with well-defined objectives and properly outlined priorities; also, such a policy must be supported by a well-organized system of health research and evaluation. Of course, health research should be based on the community's needs and must emphasize critical analysis of the strategies and implementation of national health policy. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development intends to promote precisely this type of research, and it should therefore be commended, encouraged and supported in its task