21 research outputs found

    High dynamic range imaging in space: overview and wavefront control

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    NASA is endeavoring to launch missions capable of detecting Earth-like planets around neighboring stars. In visible wavelengths, this requires better than one 10 to the minus ten suppression of scattered light as close as 50 milli-arcsec to the stellar image. This extraordinary requirement is within reach but it requires broad-band wave front control to sub-Angstrom levels. We describe several high dynamic range imaging solutions, describe the various factors that contribute to the scattered light level and introduce a novel closed-loop broad-band correction system, suitable for the Shaped Pupil Coronagraph and the Lyot Coronagraph

    Optimal Dark Hole Generation via Two Deformable Mirrors with Stroke Minimization

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    The past decade has seen a significant growth in research targeted at space based observatories for imaging exo-solar planets. The challenge is in designing an imaging system for high-contrast. Even with a perfect coronagraph that modifies the point spread function to achieve high-contrast, wavefront sensing and control is needed to correct the errors in the optics and generate a "dark hole". The high-contrast imaging laboratory at Princeton University is equipped with two Boston Micromachines Kilo-DMs. We review here an algorithm designed to achieve high-contrast on both sides of the image plane while minimizing the stroke necessary from each deformable mirror (DM). This algorithm uses the first DM to correct for amplitude aberrations and the second DM to create a flat wavefront in the pupil plane. We then show the first results obtained at Princeton with this correction algorithm, and we demonstrate a symmetric dark hole in monochromatic light

    BSD - Back Seat Driver

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    ALAIN - Autonomous Lane Assesing Intelligent Navigation

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    Design of Lane Detectio Algorithms for an Autonomous Vehicle

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    Pair-Wise, Deformable Mirror, Image Plane-Based Diversity Electric Field Estimation for High Contrast Coronagraphy

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    In this paper we describe the complex electric field reconstruction from image plane intensity measurements for high contrast coronagraphic imaging. A deformable mirror (DM) surface is modied with pairs of complementary shapes to create diversity in the image plane of the science camera where the intensity of the light is measured. Along with the Electric Field Conjugation correction algorithm, this estimation method has been used in various high contrast imaging testbeds to achieve the best contrasts to date both in narrow and in broad band light. We present the basic methodology of estimation in easy to follow list of steps, present results from HCIT and raise several open quations we are confronted with using this method

    20 Jahre Universitaet Kaiserslautern 1970-1990. Eine Dokumentation

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    Copy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Closed Loop, DM Diversity-based, Wavefront Correction Algorithm for High Contrast Imaging Systems

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    High contrast imaging from space relies on coronagraphs to limit diffraction and a wavefront control systems to compensate for imperfections in both the telescope optics and the coronagraph. The extreme contrast required (up to 10(exp -10) for terrestrial planets) puts severe requirements on the wavefront control system, as the achievable contrast is limited by the quality of the wavefront. This paper presents a general closed loop correction algorithm for high contrast imaging coronagraphs by minimizing the energy in a predefined region in the image where terrestrial planets could be found. The estimation part of the algorithm reconstructs the complex field in the image plane using phase diversity caused by the deformable mirror. This method has been shown to achieve faster and better correction than classical speckle nulling