977 research outputs found

    An interpretation of Temam's extra force in the quasi-incompressible Navier-Stokes system

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    We discuss the role of the extra force fe=−12(∇⋅v)v \mathbf f_{\rm e}=-\frac 1 2(\nabla\cdot\mathbf v)\mathbf v in the system of partial differential equations \begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{aligned} &\frac{\partial\mathbf v}{\partial \rm t}+(\mathbf v\cdot\nabla)\mathbf v+\nabla \mathrm p-\frac 1 {\rm Re}\Delta\mathbf v=\mathbf f+\mathbf f_{\rm e},\\ &\frac 1 {\mathrm K}\frac{\partial \mathrm p}{\partial \rm t}+\nabla\cdot\mathbf v=0,\qquad \mathrm K>>1, \end{aligned}\right. \end{equation*} whose weak solution has been proved in [Arch. Rat. Mech. Analysis, 32:135-153] to approximate, in the limit K→∞\mathrm K\to\infty, the weak solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes system. Taking the cue from [Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 172:103-124], we provide a physical interpretation of the extra force fe\mathbf f_{\rm e}, showing that it is a manifestation of inertia

    Linear models for thin plates of polymer gels

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    Within the linearized three-dimensional theory of polymer gels, we consider a sequence of problems formulated on a family of cylindrical domains whose height tends to zero. We assume that the fluid pressure is controlled at the top and bottom faces of the cylinder, and we consider two different scaling regimes for the diffusivity tensor. Through asymptotic-analysis techniques we obtain two plate models where the transverse displacement is governed by a plate equation with an extra contribution from the fluid pressure. In the limit obtained within the first scaling regime the fluid pressure is affine across the thickness and hence it is determined by its instantaneous trace on the top and bottom faces. In the second model, instead, the value of the fluid pressure is governed by a three-dimensional diffusion equation

    Thermomechanics of hydrogen storage in metallic hydrides: modeling and analysis

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    A thermodynamically consistent mathematical model for hydrogen adsorption in metal hydrides is proposed. Beside hydrogen diffusion, the model accounts for phase transformation accompanied by hysteresis, swelling, temperature and heat transfer, strain, and stress. We prove existence of solutions of the ensuing system of partial differential equations by a carefully-designed, semi-implicit approximation scheme. A generalization for a drift-diffusion of multi-component ionized "gas" is outlined, too

    A thermodynamically consistent model of magneto-elastic materials under diffusion at large strains and its analysis

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    The theory of elastic magnets is formulated under possible diffusion and heat flow governed by Fick's and Fourier's laws in the deformed (Eulerian) configuration, respectively. The concepts of nonlocal nonsimple materials and viscous Cahn-Hilliard equations are used. The formulation of the problem uses Lagrangian (reference) configuration while the transport processes are pulled back. Except the static problem, the demagnetizing energy is ignored and only local non-selfpenetration is considered. The analysis as far as existence of weak solutions of the (thermo)dynamical problem is performed by a careful regularization and approximation by a Galerkin method, suggesting also a numerical strategy. Either ignoring or combining particular aspects, the model has numerous applications as ferro-to-paramagnetic transformation in elastic ferromagnets, diffusion of solvents in polymers possibly accompanied by magnetic effects (magnetic gels), or metal-hydride phase transformation in some intermetalics under diffusion of hydrogen accompanied possibly by magnetic effects (and in particular ferro-to-antiferromagnetic phase transformation), all in the full thermodynamical context under large strains

    Dissipative scale effects in strain-gradient plasticity: the case of simple shear

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    We analyze dissipative scale effects within a one-dimensional theory, developed in [L. Anand et al. (2005) J. Mech. Phys. Solids 53], which describes plastic flow in a thin strip undergoing simple shear. We give a variational characterization of the {\emph{ yield (shear) stress}} --- the threshold for the inset of plastic flow --- and we use this characterization, together with results from [M. Amar et al. (2011) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 397], to obtain an explicit relation between the yield stress and the height of the strip. The relation we obtain confirms that thinner specimens are stronger, in the sense that they display higher yield stress

    A nonlinear theory for fibre-reinforced magneto-elastic rods

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    We derive a model for the finite motion of a magneto-elastic rod reinforced with isotropic (spherical) or anisotropic (ellipsoidal) inclusions. The particles are assumed weakly and uniformly magnetised, rigid and firmly embedded into the elastomeric matrix. We deduce closed form expressions of the quasi-static motion of the rod in terms of the external magnetic field and of the body forces. The dependences of the motion on the shape of the inclusions, their orientation, their anisotropic magnetic properties and the Young modulus of the matrix are analysed and discussed. Two case studies are presented in which the rod is used as an actuator suspended in a cantilever configuration. This work can foster new applications in the field of soft-actuators
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