17 research outputs found


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    Le dislipidemie rappresentano uno dei più importanti fattori causali della arteriosclerosi e delle sue complicanze d’organo, come l’infarto del miocardico, l’ictus e la vasculopatia periferica. Il loro appropriato trattamento rappresenta la base degli interventi di prevenzione primaria delle malattie cardiovascolari su base ischemica. In generale, per dislipidemia si intende una condizione clinica nella quale sono presenti alterazioni qualitative e/o quantitative dei lipidi e delle lipoproteine plasmatiche

    Utilization of intense pulsed light in the treatment of face and neck erythrosis.

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    Erythrosis is a clinical manifestation characterized by parossistic vasodilatations followed by fixed superficial venular dilatations localized at the face, neck, décolleté and pinnas. To date, a variety of lasers have been used for treating vascular skin lesions. This study will describe the response on these vascular lesions using the intense pulsed light (IPL) source. Twenty-two female patients and twelve men, aged between 19 and 65, had a phototype ranging from 2 to 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale. The technique is based on a pulsed light of high intensity obtained with a vascular filter of 560 nm. They underwent five treatments of twenty minutes each, at intervals of twenty-one days, with a variable fluency between 9-12 J/cm2 and impulse time of 10-20 ms. The sheaf used is a rectangular spot of 2 cm x 5 cm. In twenty-four patients we obtained a total regression of the cutaneous manifestation after 5 applications, whilst another two patients showed only an attenuation of the erythema. In five cases with erythrosis the erythema persisted after the end of the treatment, although the patients were satisfied with the evident benefits. In two patients affected by Civatte's poikiloderma of the neck we obtained differing results: In the first case an evident positive response of the clinical picture was perceived after only two application of the IPL; in the second case, the benefits were evident after 3-4 applications of IPL at a higher fluency of up to 14 J/ cm2. One patient in treatment with oral antibiotics showed good results from the first application with regression of the erythema up to its disappearance. Collateral effects are not reported, although there was a long-standing (more than 48 hours) post-treatment erythema in only one case. The IPL system, with its broad range of technical variables, is an effective tool in achieving meaningful and lasting clearance of erythrosis

    Experimental evaluation of protein secondary structure predictors

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    Abstract. Understanding protein biological function is a key issue in modern biology, which is largely determined by its 3D shape. Protein 3D shape, in its turn, is functionally implied by its amino acid sequence. Since the direct inspection of such 3D structures is rather expensive and time consuming, a number of software techniques have been developed in the last few years that predict a spatial model, either of the secondary or of the tertiary form, for a given target protein starting from its amino acid sequence. This paper offers a comparison of several available automatic secondary structure prediction tools. The comparison is of the experimental kind, where two relevant sets of proteins, a non-redundant one including 100 elements, and a 180-protein set taken from the CASP 6 contest, were used as test cases. Comparisons have been based on evaluating standard quality measures, such as the Q3 and SOV

    An XML-Based Adaptive Multi-agent System for Handling E-commerce Activities

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    In this paper we propose an XML-based adaptive multiagent system for handling e-commerce activities. More specifically, our system aims at supporting a customer, visiting an e-commerce site, in the search of products and/or services present therein and appearing to be appealing according to her/his past interests and behaviour. The system is adaptive w.r.t. the profile of both the customer and the device she/he is exploiting for visiting the site. Finally, the system is XML-based since XML is exploited for both storing the agent ontologies and handling the agent communication

    Severe gastrointestinal bleeding due to erlotinib and celecoxib therapy: additional effect?

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related dead worldwide and accounts for over 85% of all lung cancers. Furthermore, the majority of patients with NSCLC present with advanced, metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. For most patients with non-small cell lung cancer, current treatments do not cure the cancer. Therefore, there is a great need for development of more effective therapies. The epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR TKIs) like erlotinib and gefitinib have been recognized as an important molecular target in cancer therapy and they are approved for the treatment of refractory advanced NSCLC patients. EGFR TKIs are generally well tolerated. The two most common toxicities include dermatologic and gastrointestinal side effects. Cases of gastrointestinal perforation, some of which were fatal, have also been reported in patients receiving erlotinib. Patients at increased risk include those taking concomitant anti-angiogenic agents, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and/or taxane-based chemotherapy, or who have prior history of peptic ulceration or diverticular disease

    Warum Piero Terracina sein Schweigen brach

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    Piero Terracina wurde mit 14 Jahren von Rom nach Auschwitz deportiert, wo man seine gesamte Familie ermordete. Erst 1992 begann er, seine Geschichte zu erzählen, ist seither jedoch unermüdlich als Zeitzeuge unterwegs und in Italien längst eine Institution. Dieses Buch, das seine Geschichte und Reaktionen auf seine Tätigkeit mit interdisziplinären Texten zur Problematik der Shoah verknüpft, soll ihn einem deutschen Publikum bekannter werden lassen

    Discovery of a Tetrahydrobenzisoxazole Series of γ‑Secretase Modulators

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    The design and synthesis of a new series of tetrahydrobenzisoxazoles as modulators of γ-secretase activity and their structure–activity relationship (SAR) will be detailed. Several compounds are active γ-secretase modulators (GSMs) with good to excellent selectivity for the reduction of Aβ<sub>42</sub> in the cellular assay. Compound <b>14a</b> was tested <i>in vivo</i> in a nontransgenic rat model and was found to significantly reduce Aβ<sub>42</sub> in the CNS compartment compared to vehicle-treated animals (up to 58% reduction of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ<sub>42</sub> as measured 3 h after an acute oral dosing at 30 mg/kg)