141 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling of Variable Porosity Coatings for Dual Drug Delivery

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    In this paper we describe a theoretical mathematical model of dual drug delivery from a durable polymer coated medical device. We demonstrate how the release rate of each drug may in principle be controlled by altering the initial loading configuration of the two drugs. By varying the underlying microstructure of polymer coating, further control may be obtained, providing the opportunity to tailor the release profile of each drug for the given application

    A general model of coupled drug release and tissue absorption for drug delivery devices

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    In this paper we present a general model of drug release from a drug delivery device and the subsequent transport in biological tissue. The model incorporates drug diffusion, dissolution and solubility in the polymer coating, coupled with diffusion, convection and reaction in the biological tissue. Each layer contains bound and free drug phases so that the resulting model is a coupled two-phase two-layer system of partial differential equations. One of the novelties is the generality of the model in each layer. Within the drug coating, our model includes diffusion as well as three different models of dissolution. We show that the model may also be used in cases where dissolution is rapid or not relevant, and additionally when drug release is not limited by its solubility. Within the biological tissue, the model can account for nonlinear saturable reversible binding, with linear reversible binding and linear irreversible binding being recovered as special cases. The generality of our model will allow the simulation of the release from a wide range of drug delivery devices encompassing many different applications. To demonstrate the efficacy of our model we simulate results for the particular application of drug release from arterial stents

    Drug delivery from microcapsules: how can we estimate the release time?

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    Predicting the release performance of a drug delivery device is an important challenge in pharmaceutics and biomedical science. In this paper, we consider a multi-layer diffusion model of drug release from a composite spherical microcapsule into an external surrounding medium. Based on this model, we present two approaches that provide useful indicators of the release time, i.e. the time required for the drug-filled capsule to be depleted. Both approaches make use of temporal moments of the drug concentration versus time curve at the centre of the capsule, which provide useful insight into the timescale of the process and can be computed exactly without explicit calculation of the full transient solution of the multi-layer diffusion model. The first approach, which uses the zeroth and first temporal moments only, provides simple algebraic expressions involving the various parameters in the model (e.g. layer diffusivities, mass transfer coefficients, partition coefficients) to characterize the release time while the second approach yields an asymptotic estimate of the release time that depends on consecutive higher moments. Through several test cases, we show that both approaches provide a computationally-cheap and useful measure to compare \textit{a priori} the release time of different composite microcapsule configurations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Non-linear Langevin model for the early-stage dynamics of electrospinning jets

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    We present a non-linear Langevin model to investigate the early-stage dynamics of electrified polymer jets in electrospinning experiments. In particular, we study the effects of air drag force on the uniaxial elongation of the charged jet, right after ejection from the nozzle. Numerical simulations show that the elongation of the jet filament close to the injection point is significantly affected by the non-linear drag exerted by the surrounding air. These result provide useful insights for the optimal design of current and future electrospinning experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0469

    A general model of coupled drug release and tissue absorption for drug delivery devices

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    In this paper we present a general model of drug release from a drug delivery device and the subsequent transport in biological tissue. The model incorporates drug diffusion, dissolution and solubility in the polymer coating, coupled with diffusion, convection and reaction in the biological tissue. Each layer contains bound and free drug phases so that the resulting model is a coupled two-phase two-layer system of partial differential equations. One of the novelties is the generality of the model in each layer. Within the drug coating, our model includes diffusion as well as three different models of dissolution. We show that the model may also be used in cases where dissolution is rapid or not relevant, and additionally when drug release is not limited by its solubility. Within the biological tissue, the model can account for non-linear saturable reversible binding, with linear reversible binding and linear irreversible binding being recovered as special cases. The generality of our model will allow the simulation of the release from a wide range of drug delivery devices encompassing many different applications. To demonstrate the efficacy of our model we simulate results for the particular application of drug release from arterial stents

    Different regimes of the uniaxial elongation of electrically charged viscoelastic jets due to dissipative air drag

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    We investigate the effects of dissipative air drag on the dynamics of electrified jets in the initial stage of the electrospinning process. The main idea is to use a Brownian noise to model air drag effects on the uniaxial elongation of the jets. The developed numerical model is used to probe the dynamics of electrified polymer jets at different conditions of air drag force, showing that the dynamics of the charged jet is strongly biased by the presence of air drag forces. This study provides prospective beneficial implications for improving forthcoming electrospinning experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Modelling functionalized drug release for a spherical capsule

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    Advances in material design has led to the rapid development of novel materials with increasing complexity and functions in bioengineering. In particular, functionally graded materials (FGMs) offer important advantages in various fields of application. In this work, we consider a heterogeneous reaction-diffusion model for an FGM spherical drug releasing system that generalizes the multi-layer configuration to arbitrary spatially-variable coefficients. Our model proposes a possible form for the drug diffusivity and reaction rate functions exhibiting fixed average material properties and a drug release profile that can be continuously varied between the limiting cases of a homogeneous system (constant coefficients) and two-layer system (stepwise coefficients). A hybrid analytical-numerical solution is then used to solve the model, which provides closed-form expressions for the drug concentration and drug release profiles in terms of generalized Fourier series. The resulting concentration and mass profiles show how the release rate can be controlled and continuously varied between a fast (homogeneous) and slow (two-layer) release.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitte
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