47 research outputs found

    Demographic data.

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    <p>The table shows the demographic data of participants both as a whole group or divided by high/low STAI-X2 and EC groups. The groups did not significantly differ in any of the demographic variable investigated (all p>0.1).</p

    Profile of Mood State (POMS).

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    <p>Graph (mean ±0.95 confidence interval) showing a main effect of Sound Condition on TMD score of POMS questionnaire. Subjects revealed lower TMD scores after the MusiCure condition compared with all other experimental conditions, and greater TMD scores after the Noise condition compared with those after the Silence condition. Asterisks show statistical significance at p<0.05. See text for statistics.</p

    Neuropsychological task.

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    <p>Figure showing the implicit emotion-processing task. In this task, subjects were asked to identify the gender of angry, happy or neutral facial expressions while listening to a relaxing soundtrack (MusiCure) or while listening to amplitude-modulated noise or during silent background. Note: The images were taken from NimStim Face Stimulus Set (<a href="http://www.macbrain.org/resources.htm" target="_blank">http://www.macbrain.org/resources.htm</a>) with the permission of the authors.</p

    Sound condition by emotional control.

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    <p>Graph (mean ±0.95 confidence interval) showing Sound Condition by Emotional Control interaction on the derived index of RT during implicit processing of faces stimuli. During Music, only subjects with low EC had significant increases in RT when responding to faces in comparison to the Silence condition. During Noise, only individuals with high EC had greater RTs in comparison to the Silence condition (*p<0.05; **p<0.1). See text for statistics.</p

    Affective scales of sound background.

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    <p>Graph showing ratings of affective scales of MusiCure and Noise background. Asterisks show statistical significance at p<0.05. Scales that had statistically significant difference between MusiCure and Noise also had significant positive correlation with RTs to the implicit emotional task (r = 0.6; p = 0.03).</p

    Acoustic features.

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    <p>Graph showing values of timbral (Brightness, RMS Energy and Roughness), rhythmic (Pulse Clarity) and tonal (Key Clarity) features of MusiCure and Noise extracted with MIRToolbox. MusiCure resulted to have comparable loudness than the Noise stimulus, but to be less bright, rougher and contain clearer tonal centers and pulse, as revealed by the mean parameters of Brightness, RMS, Key Clarity and Pulse Clarity, respectively.</p

    3D rendering (image threshold at p<0.05 FWE corrected) of the BOLD response of the main effects of group factor.

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    <p>Significant activation: INWARD: left posterior insula BA13, and the right parietal lobe SII BA40; OUTWARD: bilateral DLPFC BA9, bilateral precuneus BA7. 2-D overlay with multiple slices of insular activation in each group.</p