15 research outputs found

    Modelling of solute partitioning and permeation through lipid membranes

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    The interaction of molecular solutes with lipid bilayers, which includes water/bilayer partitioning and the process of passive non-mediated transport, is a fundamental topic in biological and pharmaceutical research, dealing with the role of the cell membrane in trafficking and signalling, with drug-design and drug-delivery. According to a simplified picture, a lipid bilayer is assimilated to an oil slab in water, so that logP is taken as a key quantity for the prediction of the membrane permeability of solutes. Actually, it has been recognized since a long time that a lipid bilayer is a structured environment, whose peculiar features have unexpected effects on the distribution and mobility of embedded solutes. In recent years, our knowledge in this field has significantly improved also due to the fundamental contribution of Molecular Dynamics techniques. However, atomistic simulations have a high computational cost, therefore, nowadays a great deal of effort is put into the development of so-called coarse-grained models, which combine the molecular representation of solute and environment with the definition of a smaller number of effective interaction sites. In this thesis the problem has been addressed in a different way: the research has focused on the development of an implicit membrane model, wherein an atomic-level representation of the solute is used, while the lipid bilayer is described in terms of its collective properties. Models of this kind can be an important complement to atomistic simulations: besides having a reduced computational cost, which is essential for large scale screening of solutes, they can provide a clear insight into phenomena and their molecular determinant, since different contributions playing a role in a complex system can be disentangled, and molecular properties and interactions can be easily correlated with their effects. The challenge in this field is the introduction of a physically sound implicit description of the solute environment, which is especially difficult in the case of structured media. Implict models are quite popular for solvation in isotropic and homogeneous solvents. The solvation process is usually represented as the switch on in succession of different solute-solvent interactions: 1) short range repulsions, which are involved in the formation of a solute-shaped cavity in the bilayer; 2) short range attractive (dispersion) interactions; 3) long range electrostatic interactions. The same solute-solvent interactions take place in lipid bilayers where, however, they are modulated by the heterogeneity and order of this environment, which makes not straightforward the extension of implicit solvent models to these systems. In the development of implicit membrane models, the most effort was devoted to improving the description of the electrostatic contribution. This thesis focuses on nonpolar interactions and represents a first attempt to develop a consistent model, accounting for membrane heterogeneity and order. A generalized Born model is adopted for electrostatic solute-bilayer interactions. Short-range attractions and repulsions are introduced as distinct contributions: the free energy associated with dispersion interactions is expressed by a generalized London form, while the free energy change upon creation of a solute-shaped cavity is evaluated as the reversible volume work against the pressure exerted by the lipid bilayer. An additional contribution is introduced to account for the anisotropic interactions between the solute and the ordered lipid tails; to this purpose, a model originally developed for liquid crystals is used. The structural properties of the bilayer are represented trough the depth-dependent profiles of lipid density, lateral pressure and the acyl chain order parameter, which depend on the phase and chemical composition of the bilayer. The features of the solute enter the model in terms of atomic coordinates, charges, polarizabilities and molecular surface. Therefore this model can provide a detailed picture of the free energy landscape of a solute in a given bilayer, as a function of its position and orientation, which are intrinsically coupled by the structure of the environment. The availability of this free energy surface allows the calculation of orientational and positional distribution functions and average properties of the solute, which can be related to physical observables. The solute affinity for the lipid bilayer environment underlies its permeation ability, which is another topic addressed by this thesis. Within the theoretical framework describing roto-translational diffusion as a stochastic process, we have derived a general expression for the flux of solutes across a lipid bilayer, taking into account the positional-orientational coupling, which was generally ignored by previous theories. Under suitable conditions, the main equation of the solubility-diffusion model was recovered, which relates the membrane permeability coefficient of a solute to its local partition and diffusion coefficients across the bilayer. The theoretical models for solute partitioning and permeation developed in this thesis were implemented in a software package, which can be made available to the scientific community. Calculations can be performed at a very low computational cost: given the molecular structure of a medium-sized solute, its free energy surface as a function of its position and orientation in the bilayer is obtained in a few minutes on a desktop PC. Also the case of case of flexible solutes can be handled in an efficient way. The atomic coordinates of the solute can be obtained from experimental data of from quantum mechanical calculations. A preliminary parameterization of few bilayer properties is needed, which can be derived from experiments or from atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations; in this thesis this was done for a liquid-crystalline DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) bilayer. Some effort was also devoted to the definition of a consistent set of atomic transferable charges and polarizabilities, which were validated by comparing calculated and experimental solvation free energies for selected solutes in solvents of different polarity. Given the geometry of a solute, also its intrinsic membrane permeability coefficient is obtained, by combining the calculation of its water/membrane transfer free energy profile with the evaluation of its diffusion coefficient by a hydrodynamic model accounting for molecular shape. The developed methodology was applied to a variety of solutes, differing for shape, size and polarity. Strongly nonuniform and anisotropic calculated distributions of solutes in the model lipid bilayer were found. In particular, dispersion interactions revealed to be determinant in confining solutes away from the middle of the bilayer, in the region below the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface, where acyl chains reach their highest density. As expected, electrostatic interactions were found to favor the partitioning of polar compounds in the hydrophilic region of the bilayer. The order and cavity contributions to the solute-bilayer interaction, ignored by other implicit membrane models, were found to significantly affect the position and even more the orientation of solutes inside the bilayer. The comparison of our predictions with literature data, from experiments and Molecular Dynamics simulations, proved the capability of the developed methodology of capturing the important factors determining solute behaviour in the membrane environment. The systems which were investigated include molecules of biological interest, like cholesterol, as well as drug-like solutes, fluorescent probes and fullerene C60-derivatives. For the latter system the theoretical predictions were combined with Electron Spin Resonance experiments in oriented bicelles. The integration of the methodology developed in this thesis with advanced quantum mechanical calculations of excited electronic states, which has started in collaboration with quantum chemists, appears promising to elucidate the relation between spectroscopic observables and the membrane distribution of fluorescent probes. Calculated permeability coefficients were found to be highly sensitive to solute molecular structure and mainly determined by solute partitioning; even for permeability properties, which represent a challenge for theoretical predictions, we got good agreement with experimental data reported in the literature.L’interazione di soluti molecolari con doppi strati lipidici, che include la loro distribuzione tra fase acquosa e membrana e il loro trasporto passivo non-mediato attraverso quest’ultima, è un tema fondamentale nella ricerca in campo biologico e farmaceutico che si occupa del ruolo delle membrane cellulari nei processi di trasporto di sostanze e trasmissione di segnali, della progettazione e veicolazione di farmaci. Secondo una rappresentazione semplificata, un doppio strato lipidico è assimilato ad uno strato d’olio immerso in acqua, e il logP di un soluto è correlato alla sua capacità di attraversare la membrana. In realtà, da molto tempo è stato riconosciuto l’effetto che le proprietà strutturali peculiari di un doppio strato esercitano sulla distribuzione e sulla mobilità di soluti incorporati al suo interno. Negli ultimi anni il fondamentale contributo delle tecniche di Dinamica Molecolare ha favorito l’incremento delle conoscenze acquisite in questo campo. L’elevato costo computazionale delle simulazioni atomistiche ha poi promosso lo sviluppo di metodi coarse-grained che combinano una rappresentazione molecolare del soluto e dell’intorno con la definizione di un numero ridotto di siti effettivi di interazione. In questa tesi il problema è stato affrontato con un approccio differente: l’attività di ricerca si è concentrata sullo sviluppo di un modello implicito per l’ambiente di membrana, in cui il soluto è rappresentato a livello atomistico, mentre il doppio strato lipidico è descritto in termini delle sue proprietà collettive. Modelli di questo tipo possono essere complementari alle simulazioni atomistiche: oltre ad avere un ridotto costo computazionale, essenziale per uno screening di soluti su larga scala, essi forniscono una chiara descrizione dei fenomeni di interesse e della loro origine a livello molecolare, scorporando diversi contributi e correlando proprietà e interazioni molecolari ai loro effetti. La sfida in quest’ambito sta nella difficoltà di fornire una descrizione implicita, fondata dal punto di vista fisico, dell’intorno del soluto, specialmente nel caso di mezzi strutturati. Piuttosto diffusi sono i modelli impliciti per la solvatazione in mezzi omogenei e isotropi, di solito rappresentata come il risultato dell’instaurazione successiva di diverse interazioni soluto-solvente: 1) interazioni repulsive a corto raggio, associate al processo di formazione della cavità ospitante il soluto nel mezzo; 2) interazioni attrattive a corto raggio (o di dispersione); 3) interazioni elettrostatiche a lungo raggio. Le stesse interazioni hanno luogo in ambiente di membrana dove tuttavia, esse sono modulate dalla struttura eterogenea e ordinata del doppio strato, il che rende non banale il problema dell’estensione dei modelli con solvente implicito a questi sistemi. Nello sviluppo di modelli per la rappresentazione implicita dell’ambiente di membrana, le risorse maggiori sono state impiegate per il miglioramento della descrizione del contributo elettrostatico alla solvatazione. In questa tesi l’attenzione è rivolta al contributo non polare, nel tentativo inedito di sviluppare un modello consistente che tenga conto della natura eterogenea e ordinata dell’ambiente di membrana. Un modello generalizzato di Born è stato adottato per la descrizione delle interazioni elettrostatiche tra soluto e doppio strato. Le interazioni attrattive e repulsive a corto raggio sono state introdotte sotto forma di contributi distinti: un’espressione di London generalizzata è utilizzata per l’energia libera associata alle interazioni di dispersione, mentre la variazione di energia libera associata al processo di creazione della cavità del soluto è data dal lavoro reversibile di volume compiuto contro la pressione esercitata dal doppio strato. Un contributo addizionale è introdotto per tener conto delle interazioni anisotrope tra il soluto e le code lipiche ordinate; a questo scopo è utilizzato un modello originariamente sviluppato per i cristalli liquidi. Le proprietà strutturali del doppio strato sono rappresentate attraverso i profili che decrivono la variazione di densità, pressione laterale, e parametro d’ordine delle catene aciliche, con la profondità, e che dipendono dalla fase e dalla composizione chimica del doppio strato. Le caratteristiche del soluto entrano nel modello in termini di coordinate, cariche e polarizzabilità atomiche, e superficie molecolare. Perciò questo modello è in grado di fornire una descrizione dettagliata della variazione di energia libera di un soluto in un determinato doppio strato, in funzione della sua posizione e orientazione che sono intrinsecamente accoppiate per effetto della struttura dell’intorno. La disponibilità di questa superficie di energia libera permette il calcolo di funzioni di distribuzione orientazionali e posizionali e proprietà medie del soluto che possono essere messe in relazione con osservabili fisiche. L’affinità di un soluto per l’ambiente di membrana è alla base della sua capacità di permeazione attraverso il doppio strato, che costituisce un altro argomento di questa tesi. Nell’ambito della trattazione stocastica della diffusione roto-traslazionale, abbiamo derivato un’espressione generale per il flusso di soluti attraverso un doppio strato che tiene conto dell’accoppiamento tra le variabili di orientazione e posizione, generalmente ignorato nelle teorie precedenti. Nelle condizioni appropriate, l’equazione principale del modello di solubilità e diffusione, che mette in relazione il coefficiente di permeabilità intrinseca in membrana di un soluto con i suoi coefficienti locali di partizione e diffusione attraverso il doppio strato, è stata riottenuta. I modelli teorici sviluppati in questa tesi per la partizione e la permeazione di soluti in membrana sono stati implementati in un pacchetto software che potrà essere messo a disposizione della comunità scientifica. I calcoli richiedono un costo computazionale ridottissimo: data la struttura molecolare di un soluto di media grandezza, la sua superficie di energia libera in funzione della sua posizione e orientazione nel doppio strato si può ottenere in pochi minuti con un PC da tavolo. Anche il caso di soluti flessibili può essere affrontato in modo efficiente. Le coordinate atomiche del soluto si possono ottenere da dati sperimentali o calcoli quanto-meccanici. La necessaria parametrizzazione preliminare di alcune proprietà del doppio strato può essere derivata da esperimenti o simulazioni di Dinamica Molecolare: ciò è stato fatto in questa tesi per un doppio strato di DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfocolina) in fase liquido-cristallina. Parte del lavoro è stata anche dedicata alla definizione di un set consistente di cariche e polarizzabilità atomiche trasferibili, che è stato validato per confronto delle energie libere di solvatazione misurate e calcolate per alcuni soluti in solventi con diversa polarità. Data la geometria di un soluto, anche il suo coefficiente di permeabilità intrinseca in membrana può essere determinato combinando il calcolo del suo profilo di energia libera di trasferimento dall’acqua in membrana e del suo coefficiente di diffusione nei due mezzi tramite un modello idrodinamico che tenga conto della sua forma molecolare. La metodologia sviluppata è stata applicata a vari soluti, differenti per forma, dimensioni e polarità. Le loro distribuzioni calcolate nel doppio strato modello sono risultate fortemente non uniformi e anisotrope. In particolare le interazioni di dispersione sono risultate determinanti nel confinare i soluti nella regione lontana dal centro del doppio strato, al di sotto dell’interfaccia tra le regioni idrofobica e idrofilica, dove la densità delle catene aciliche è massima. Come atteso, le interazioni elettrostatiche sono risultate favorire la distribuzione di composti polari nella regione idrofilica del doppio strato. I contributi di ordine e cavità all’interazione tra soluto e doppio strato, ignorati in altri modelli impliciti sono risultati influenzare significativamente la posizione e ancor più l’orientazione dei soluti all’interno del doppio strato. Il confronto tra predizioni e dati di letteratura derivanti da esperimenti o simulazioni d Dinamica Molecolare ha dimostrato la capacità della metodologia sviluppata di individuare i fattori importanti nel determinare il comportamento di soluti in membrana. I sistemi che sono stati investigati includono molecole di interesse biologico, come il colesterolo e molecole farmaco-simili, sonde fluorescenti e derivati fullerenici del C60. In quest’ultimo caso le predizioni teoriche sono state combinate con esperimenti di Risonanza di Spin Elettronico in bicelle orientate. L’integrazione della metodologia sviluppata in questa tesi con calcoli quanto-meccanici di stati elettronici eccitati, frutto di una collaborazione agli inizi, sembra promettente allo scopo di chiarire la relazione tra osservabili spettroscopiche e distribuzione in membrana di sonde fluorescenti. I coefficienti di permeabilità calcolati sono risultati estremamente sensibili alla struttura molecolare dei soluti e determinati essenzialmente dalla loro distribuzione; anche in questo caso è stato riscontrato un buon accordo con i dati sperimentali riportati in letteratura

    Solute Partitioning into Lipid Bilayers: An Implicit Model for Nonuniform and Ordered Environment

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    We have developed a theoretical and computational methodology to evaluate the coupled orientational−positional distribution of solutes in lipid bilayers. Four different contributions to the solute free energy are considered, which can be traced back to (i) electrostatic and (ii) dispersion interactions between the solute and environment, (iii) work for the formation of a solute-shaped cavity, and (iv) anisotropic interactions with the ordered acyl chains. An atomistic representation of the solute is adopted, which includes the conformational degrees of freedom, whereas an implicit model is used for the water/bilayer environment. The highly nonuniform and anisotropic nature of this is introduced through the profiles of density, dielectric permittivity, lateral pressure, and acyl chain order parameters, which can be derived from experiments or simulations. Effects of chemical composition and physical st ate of the bilayer can be accounted for by a proper form of these profiles. The methodology which we propose is suitable for the integrated calculation of spectroscopic observables for probes in membranes, for the estimate of partition and permeability coefficients of solutes, and for the implicit modeling of the membrane environment in molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. Here, the method is presented, and the underlying assumptions are discussed. Cholesterol in the liquid crystalline DPPC bilayer is taken as a case study, to illustrate the capabilities of the proposed approach. Free energy maps, distribution profiles, and orientational properties are shown; they compare well with those obtained from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, as well as with available experimental data, suggesting that the model used is able to capture the subtle effects of the interplay between intermolecular interaction and nanoscale architecture of the lipid bilayer. The detailed picture provided by our calculations appears suitable to investigate the determinants of the behavior of solutes in lipid membranes, highlighting even nonstraightforward issues, which may have biophysical implications

    Model studies of lipid flip-flop in membranes

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    none3siBiomembranes, which are made of a lipid bilayer matrix where proteins are embedded or attached, constitute a physical barrier for cell and its internal organelles. With regard to the distribution of their molecular components, biomembranes are both laterally heterogeneous and transversally asymmetric, and because of this they are sites of vital biochemical activities. Lipids may translocate from one leaflet of the bilayer to the opposite either spontaneously or facilitated by proteins, hence they contribute to the regulation of membrane asymmetry on which cell functioning, differentiation, and growth heavily depend. Such transverse motion-commonly called flip-flop-has been studied both experimentally and computationally. Experimental investigations face difficulties related to time-scales and probe-induced membrane perturbation issues. Molecular dynamics simulations play an important role for the molecular-level understanding of flip-flop. In this review we present a summary of the state of the art of computational studies of spontaneous flip-flop of phospholipids, sterols and fatty acids. Also, we highlight critical issues and strategies that have been developed to solve them, and what remains to be solved.noneParisio, Giulia; Ferrarini, Alberta; Sperotto, Maria MaddalenaParisio, Giulia; Ferrarini, Alberta; Sperotto, Maria Maddalen

    Flip-Flop of Steroids in Phospholipid Bilayers: Effects of the Chemical Structure on Transbilayer Diffusion

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    The transverse motion of molecules from one leaflet to the other of a lipid bilayer, or flip-flop, represents a putative mechanism for their transmembrane transport and may contribute to the asymmetric distribution of components in biomembranes. However a clear understanding of this process is still missing. The scarce knowledge derives from the difficulty of experimental determination. Because of its slow rate on the molecular timescale, flip-flop is challenging also for computational techniques. Here we report a study of the passive transbilayer diffusion of steroids, based on a kinetic model derived from the analysis of their free energy surface, as a function of their position and orientation in the bilayer. An implicit membrane description is used, where the anisotropy and the non-uniformity of the bilayer environment are taken into account in terms of the gradients of density, dielectric permittivity, acyl chain order parameters and lateral pressure. The flip-flop rates are determined by solving the Master Equation that governs the time evolution of the system, with transition rates between free energy minima evaluated according to the Kramers theory. Considering various steroids (cholesterol, lanosterol, ketosterone, 5-cholestene, 25-hydroxycholesterol and testosterone), we can discuss how differences in molecular shape and polarity affect the pathway and the rate of flip-flop in a liquid crystalline DPPC bilayer, at low steroid concentration. We predict timescales ranging from microseconds to milliseconds, strongly affected by the presence of polar substituents and by their position in the molecular skeleton

    Flip-Flop of Steroids in Phospholipid Bilayers: Effects of the Chemical Structure on Transbilayer Diffusion

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    The transverse motion of molecules from one leaflet to the other of a lipid bilayer, or flip-flop, represents a putative mechanism for their transmembrane transport and may contribute to the asymmetric distribution of components in biomembranes. However, a clear understanding of this process is still missing. The scarce knowledge derives from the difficulty of experimental determination. Because of its slow rate on the molecular time scale, flip-flop is challenging also for computational techniques. Here, we report a study of the passive transbilayer diffusion of steroids, based on a kinetic model derived from the analysis of their free energy surface, as a function of their position and orientation in the bilayer. An implicit membrane description is used, where the anisotropy and the nonuniformity of the bilayer environment are taken into account in terms of the gradients of density, dielectric permittivity, acyl chain order parameters, and lateral pressure. The flip-flop rates are determined by solving the Master Equation that governs the time evolution of the system, with transition rates between free energy minima evaluated according to the Kramers theory. Considering various steroids (cholesterol, lanosterol, ketosterone, 5-cholestene, 25-hydroxycholesterol, and testosterone), we can discuss how differences in molecular shape and polarity affect the pathway and the rate of flip-flop in a liquid crystalline 1,2-dipalmitoyl-<i>sn</i>-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer, at low steroid concentration. We predict time scales ranging from microseconds to milliseconds, strongly affected by the presence of polar substituents and by their position in the molecular skeleton

    Electron Transfer through 3D Monolayers on Au<sub>25</sub> Clusters

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    The monolayer protecting small gold nanoparticles (monolayer-protected clusters, MPCs) is generally represented as the 3D equivalent of 2D self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on extended gold surfaces. However, despite the growing relevance of MPCs in important applied areas, such as catalysis and nanomedicine, our knowledge of the structure of 3D SAMs in solution is still extremely limited. We prepared a large series of monodisperse Au<sub>25</sub>(SC<sub><i>n</i></sub>H<sub>2<i>n</i>+1</sub>)<sub>18</sub> clusters (<i>n</i> = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18) and studied how electrons tunnel through these monolayers. Electron transfer results, nicely supported by <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectroscopy, IR absorption spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics results, show that there is a critical ligand length marking the transition between short ligands, which form a quite fluid monolayer structure, and longer alkyl chains, which self-organize into bundles. At variance with the truly protecting 2D SAMs, efficient electronic communication of the Au<sub>25</sub> core with the outer environment is thus possible even for long alkyl chains. These conclusions provide a different picture of how an ultrasmall gold core talks with the environment through/with its protecting but not-so-shielding monolayer

    Passive membrane permeability: beyond the standard solubility-diffusion model

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    The spontaneous diffusion of solutes through lipid bilayers is still a challenge for theoretical predictions. Since permeation processes remain beyond the capabilities of unbiased molecular dynamics simulations, an alternative strategy is currently adopted to gain insight into their mechanism and time scale. This is based on a monodimensional description of the translocation process only in terms of the position of the solute along the normal to the lipid bilayer, which is formally expressed in the solubility-diffusion model. Actually, a role of orientational and conformational motions has been pointed out, and the use of advanced simulation techniques has been proposed to take into account their effect. Here, we discuss the limitations of the standard solubility-diffusion approach and propose a more general description of membrane translocation as a diffusion process on a free energy surface, which is a function of the translational and rotational degrees of freedom of the molecule. Simple expressions for the permeability coefficient are obtained under suitable conditions. For fast solute reorientation, the classical solubility-diffusion equation is recovered. Under the assumption that well-defined minima can be identified on the free energy landscape, a mechanistic interpretation of the permeability coefficient in terms of all possible permeation paths is given