23 research outputs found

    Quenched lattice calculation of semileptonic heavy-light meson form factors

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    We calculate, in the continuum limit of quenched lattice QCD, the matrix elements of the heavy-heavy vector current between heavy-light pseudoscalar meson states. We present the form factors for different values of the initial and final meson masses at finite momentum transfer. In particular, we calculate the non-perturbative correction to the differential decay rate of the process B --> D l nu including the case of a non-vanishing lepton mass.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, version accepted for publication on JHE

    χχSF near the electroweak scale

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    We employ the chirally rotated Schr"odinger functional (chichiSF) to study two-point fermion bilinear correlation functions used in the determination of ZA,V,S,P,TZ_{A,V,S,P,T} on a series of well-tuned ensembles. The gauge configurations, which span renormalisation scales from 4 to 70~GeV, are generated with Nmf=3N_{mf}=3 massless flavors and Schr"odinger Functional (SF) boundary conditions. Valence quarks are computed with chichiSF boundary conditions. We show preliminary results on the tuning of the chichiSF Symanzik coefficient zfz_f and the scaling of the axial current normalization ZmAZ_{m A}. Moreover we carry out a detailed comparison with the expectations from one-loop perturbation theory. Finally we outline how automatically mathrmO(a)mathrm{O}(a)-improved BmKB_{m K} matrix elements, including BSM contributions, can be computed in a chichiSF renormalization scheme

    Nonperturbative running of the tensor operator for N_\rm{f}=3 QCD from the chirally rotated Schr\"odinger Functional

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    We study the Renormalisation Group (RG) running of the non-singlet tensor operator, for Nf=3N_\mathrm{\scriptstyle f}=3 QCD with Wilson fermions in a mixed action setup, with standard Schr\"odinger Functional (SF) boundary conditions for sea quarks and chirally rotated Schr\"odinger Functional (χ\chiSF) boundary conditions for valence quarks. Based on a recursive finite-size scaling technique we compute non-perturbatively the tensor step-scaling function for an energy range between a hadronic scale and an electroweak scale, above which perturbation theory may be safely applied. Our result is expressed as the RG-running factor TRGI/[T(μhad)]RT^{\mathrm{RGI}}/[ T(\mu_{\mathrm{had}})]_{\scriptstyle \rm R}, where the numerator is the scale independent (Renormalisation Group Invariant - RGI) tensor operator and the denominator is its renormalised counterpart at a hadronic scale μhad=233(8)\mu_{\mathrm{had}} = 233(8)~MeV in a given scheme. We determine the step-scaling function in four distinct renormalisation schemes. We also compute the renormalisation parameters of these schemes at μhad\mu_{\mathrm{had}} which, combined with the RG-running factor, gives the scheme-independent quantity ZTRGI(g02)Z^{\mathrm{RGI}}_{\mathrm T}(g_0^2) in four schemes and for a range of bare gauge couplings in which large volume hadronic matrix element simulations are performed by the CLS consortium in Nf=2+1N_\mathrm{\scriptstyle f}=2+1 QCD. All four results are compatible and also agree with a recent determination based on a unitary setup for Wilson quarks with Schr\"odinger Functional boundary conditions~arXiv:2309.04314 . This provides a strong universality test.Comment: 35 pages, 28 figure

    Non-perturbative generation of elementary fermion masses: a numerical study

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    In this talk we present a numerical lattice study of an SU(3) gauge model where an SU(2) doublet of non-Abelian strongly interacting fermions is coupled to a complex scalar field doublet via a Yukawa and a Wilson-like term. The model enjoys an exact symmetry, acting on all fields, which prevents UV power divergent fermion mass corrections, despite the presence of these two chiral breaking operators in the Lagrangian. In the phase where the scalar potential is non-degenerate and fermions are massless, the bare Yukawa coupling can be set at a critical value at which chiral fermion transformations become symmetries of the theory. Numerical simulations in the Nambu-Goldstone phase of the critical theory, for which the renormalized Yukawa coupling by construction vanishes, give evidence for non-perturbative generation of a UV finite fermion mass term in the effective action.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 22-28, 2018, East Lansing, Michigan, US

    Non-perturbative determination of improvement b

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    We present our preliminary results of the non-perturbative determination of the valence mass dependent coefficients bA - bP and bm as well as the ratio ZPZm=ZA entering the flavour non-singlet PCAC relation in lattice QCD with Nf = 3 dynamical flavours. We apply the method proposed in the past for quenched approximation and Nf = 2 cases, employing a set of finite-volume ALPHA configurations with Schrödinger functional boundary conditions, generated with O(a) improved Wilson fermions and the tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action for a range of couplings relevant for simulations at lattice spacings of about 0.09 fm and below

    Non-perturbative determination of improvement b-coefficients in Nf = 3*

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    We present our preliminary results of the non-perturbative determination of the valence mass dependent coefficients bA - bP and bm as well as the ratio ZPZm=ZA entering the flavour non-singlet PCAC relation in lattice QCD with Nf = 3 dynamical flavours. We apply the method proposed in the past for quenched approximation and Nf = 2 cases, employing a set of finite-volume ALPHA configurations with Schrödinger functional boundary conditions, generated with O(a) improved Wilson fermions and the tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action for a range of couplings relevant for simulations at lattice spacings of about 0.09 fm and below

    Non-perturbative determination of improvement b-coefficients in Nf=3

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    We present our preliminary results of the non-perturbative determination of the valence mass dependent coefficients bA - bP and bm as well as the ratio ZPZm=ZA entering the flavour non-singlet PCAC relation in lattice QCD with Nf = 3 dynamical flavours. We apply the method proposed in the past for quenched approximation and Nf = 2 cases, employing a set of finite-volume ALPHA configurations with Schrödinger functional boundary conditions, generated with O(a) improved Wilson fermions and the tree-level Symanzik-improved gauge action for a range of couplings relevant for simulations at lattice spacings of about 0.09 fm and below