34 research outputs found

    La politica migratoria dell’U.E. e la depersonalizzazione dei migranti: una strategia consapevole?

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    The essay takes as its starting point a brief survey of the different meanings of the concept of crisis in the history of political doctrines and of the European Union for an evaluation of its use, as far as recent landings of migrants on European coasts are concerned. The fact that in scientific research the plight of migrants is not considered as a crisis in itself but rather as the signal of a real crisis in related policy areas leads to a broadening of analysis to EU documents on migration and asylum. It emerges that EU institutions are undertaking a gradual but inexorable process of depersonalization of migrants, that is the slow cancellation of their identity and individuality. This is achieved through the progressive tightening of the criteria for the recognition of refugee status or of the international protection regime in the EU. This is even more evident if we compare modifications in EU definitions of "refugee" with those of socially-excluded people formulated by the EU Commission in the period 1985-1995. What emerges is that hesitancy to apply the notion of crisis with regard to migrants can be the flip side of the evolution of EU norms on the subject, i.e. the depersonalization of migrants could be functional in avoiding questions being raised about the compatibility of their rejection with the values of solidarity the EU declares itself to be founded on

    SocietĂ  e inclusione nell'Unione Europea

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    Il saggio ricostruisce l'evoluzione delle politiche della CEE/UE in materia di inclusione sociale e lotta alla povertĂ  e le analizza alla luce del concetto di cittadinanza come titolaritĂ  di diritti. Nel caso delle politiche comunitarie per l'inclusione, si vuole verificare quanto questeultime possano essere inquadrate come reintegro di diritti individuali che la povertĂ  neg

    I Moduli europei Jean Monnet: obiettivi formativi e culturali

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    Il saggio ripercorre la storia dell'Azione Jean Monnet della Commissione europea ed analizza i risultati del Modulo, assegnato al Corso di Laurea di Scienze della Comunicazione, a Taranto

    Il comunicatore

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    L’UE e i regolamenti Frontex: quale idea di confine?

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    This essay starts from the latest news on migrants trying to reach the EU territory to analyze how the very idea of border is changing in the European Union. In this sense, documents from the European Commission and the two regulations establishing and governing the tasks of the European Border and Coast Guard (Frontex) are considered with the aim of understanding what idea of border they involve. The final confrontation, rather merciless, is with the concept of Europe as borderland by E. Balibar and with the new challenges at Union’s border

    L'idea di Europa tra storia e prospettiva. Conseguenze teoriche ed istituzionali dell'allargamento orientale dell'UE

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    Il liro analizza lo sviluppo dell'idea politica di Europa dai primi progetti di pace perpetua(Abate di Saint Pierre, Rousseau, Kant) alle teorie federale, funzionale e confederale di organizzazione europea dopo la Seconda GUerra mondiale ed il metodo sovranazionale di integrazione federal-funzionale di Jean Monnet.Il libro ananlizza le sfide che l'allargamento orientale pone a questo metodo di integrazione ed all'idea politica di Europa sovranazionale sulla quale la CEE/UE si è sviluppata storicamente

    Gallotta, G.M. 2019. “Clash of civilizations and interregionalism: rise and fall (and a new dawn?) of two theoretical approaches”. Open Journal of Humanities 2: 3-25.

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    The article starts from an analysis of S.P. Huntington’s theory of the clash of civilizations and puts in evidence one of its critical points, i.e. the fact that Huntington does not pay any attention to the development by the EU of a particular kind of actorness through the promotion of interregionalism worldwide. Tracing the history of the different phases of success and decline of both theories, the article attempts to test their persistent explanatory and analytical capacity in relation to current developments in the international arena as well as in the academic context

    Introdurre il webinar in un corso ad alto tasso di fallimento: lo studio della storia delle dottrine politiche

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    Il saggio affronta i problemi e le opportunità di apprendimento legati all'uso dei webinar in un corso, come quello di Storia delle dottrine politiche del CdL in Scienze della Comunicazione, che è caratterizzato da alti tassi di fallimento agli esami

    Menti in azione. Prospettive di psicologia applicata

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    A partire dalle specificità della ricerca nell'ambito della Storia del pensiero politico applicata al processo di integrazione europea, il saggio indaga il contributo possibile della disciplina al campo dela psicologia applicata

    Dalla Grecia ai migranti: verso un concetto di "crisi" proprio dell'Unione Europea?

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    This article starts from the well-known difficulty in tracing a shared and accurate meaning of the word “crisis” in social sciences as the starting point for a double test. First, it aims at verifying if a concept of crisis, which is peculiar of the European integration process can be said to exist through the comparative analysis of researches on the history of European integration process itself. The resulting concept is then tested against two most recent crises the EU has occurred in, the Greek crisis and the migrant crisis. The result is mixed: if it is difficult to trace a common definition of what a crisis is in the EEC/EU, it is not a good news for the EU itself and its capacity of managing crisis respecting its fundamental values of inclusiveness and solidarity