9 research outputs found
the analysis of a cold case crimes in astigiano in the 90 s serial killers or different authors
"Cold case" is an unsolved major crime (mainly homicide or abduction), which, after long time, can be re-examined by using modern technologies for their investigation. Unsolved homicides are typical examples of "cold case". Many crime news' cases (either recent or past) have undergone new examinations, with the support of forensic science. In some cases, these new activities have led to crimes' solution. To face this new need, both "Carabinieri" and "Polizia di Stato" have established recently specific units as part of their own Criminal Investigation Department. ---------- Per "cold case", si intendono i c.d. "casi freddi" o "piste fredde", con riferimento ai delitti più gravi, irrisolti, che anche a distanza di numerosi anni possono essere oggetto di nuove indagini eseguite in particolare attraverso l'utilizzo delle moderne tecniche investigative. Tra questi rientrano per eccellenza gli omicidi rimasti senza colpevole. Numerosi sono i casi di cronaca più o meno recenti che, specie con il supporto delle scienze forensi, sono stati oggetto di nuove indagini, talvolta risolutive. Per far fronte a tale esigenza sia l'Arma dei Carabinieri che la Polizia di Stato hanno creato di recente specifici Reparti di investigazione, all'interno delle proprie strutture centrali di Polizia Giudiziaria. ---------- Para "casos frÃos", nos referimos a c.d. "Casos frÃos" o "pendientes frÃas", con referencia a los crÃmenes más graves, no resueltos, que incluso después de varios años pueden ser objeto de nuevas investigaciones llevadas a cabo, en particular, mediante el uso de técnicas modernas de investigación. Estos incluyen la excelencia para los homicidios que quedan impunes. Existen numerosos casos recientes o recientes que, especialmente con el apoyo de la ciencia forense, han estado sujetos a nuevas investigaciones, a veces resolutivas. Para satisfacer esta necesidad, tanto las Armas de Carabinieri como la PolicÃa del Estado han creado recientemente Departamentos de Investigación especÃficos dentro de sus propias estructuras de PolicÃa Judicial Central
criminological and investigative analysis of sexual vicious behaviour
The following work is going to treat assembling main studies about the topic, the criminological analysis of sexual vicious behavior, outcome of a research led within a Master's contest about "Criminology, investigative and strategic sciences for security", by the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. The number of victims caused by this peculiar aberration of human behavior, per year, is comparable to a war: even though, of the latter one, shares only a subtle gradient of aggressiveness, produced or linked with sexual choices and not relating to more socially-elaborated frames, growth out to a political-military basis. Therefore, "Behavior", first and foremost, "sexual vicious", furthermore: this one is the indivisible hendiadys that will remark the "behavior1" on which the focus points into, to no scatter speculative energies and to tighten the essay's core in two clamped angles of research, that otherwise could spread outwards, becoming loose and approximative. Consequently, will be of preliminary importance to start from the semantic compounds between aggressiveness and sex, that spread themselves in the definitions of rape and sexual abuse. Possibly, we will obtain a perimeter, a slot from which observe the general topic about the sexual normality and deviance: in the twilight interstice, stemmed from the difference between these two poles, that could seem a prism but also an opaque and shady tissue, the sexual vicious behavior shows off its dynamics, its inner mechanics, its selfpropelling criminal engine. Of course, the article's structure had to contemplate all the psychodynamic path of the sex offender, profiting by methodological guidelines of prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, so arriving in a ranking whose value, probably, founds the peak utility in investigative environments (if there was an acting-out). ---------- Il lavoro che segue tratterà , rassegnando le principali ricerche in materia, l'analisi criminologica del comportamento sessuale violento, frutto di una ricerca condotta nell'ambito del Master in "Criminologia, scienze investigative e strategiche per la sicurezza" dell'Università Unitelma Sapienza di Roma. I numeri delle vittime di questa peculiare aberrazione del comportamento umano, per anno, sono paragonabili a quelli di una guerra: eppure, di quest'ultima, ne condividono solamente un certo gradiente di violenza, generata o correlata a opzioni di natura sessuale e non in contesti socialmente più elaborati di matrice politico-militare. Per cui "comportamento", innanzitutto, "sessuale violento", poi: quest'ultima è l'endiadi inscindibile che connoterà il "comportamento" su cui punta il focus, per non disperdere le energie speculative e per stringere in due serrati angoli di ricerca l'argomento, che altrimenti presterebbe il fianco ad infinite indagini euristiche, ovvero a gradazioni prospettiche troppo ampie e, quindi, inesorabilmente approssimative. Risulterà pertanto di preliminare rilevanza partire dalle combinazioni semantiche tra violenza e sesso, che si irradiano nelle definizioni di stupro ed abuso sessuale. Si otterrà , auspicabilmente, un perimetro, una feritoia dalla quale osservare l'argomento più generale attinente la normalità e la devianza sessuale: nell'interstizio chiaroscurale, ricavato dalla breve ed incerta distanza tra questi poli, che può essere sì un prisma ma anche uno stagnante tessuto opaco ed adombrante, il comportamento sessuale violento svela la propria meccanica, il proprio intrinseco funzionamento, la propria semovenza criminale. Certamente, la strutturazione dell'articolo doveva tenere in considerazione tutto l'itinerario psicodinamico del sex offender, traendo particolare giovamento dalle indicazioni metodologiche del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, così arrivandone, in ragione delle singole estrinsecazioni della devianza, ad una classificazione il cui valore, probabilmente, trova l'apice della propria utilità in ambienti investigativi (laddove vi sia stato un acting-out). ---------- El trabajo que sigue, al renunciar a la investigación principal sobre este tema, el análisis criminológico del comportamiento sexual violento, es el resultado de una investigación realizada en el Máster en "CriminologÃa, Ciencias de Investigación y Estratégicas para la Seguridad" en la Universidad Unitelma Sapienza Roma. El número de vÃctimas de esta peculiar aberración del comportamiento humano por año es comparable al de una guerra, sin embargo, estas últimas solo comparten un cierto grado de violencia, generada o relacionada con opciones de naturaleza sexual, y no contextos socialmente más elaborados de la matriz polÃtico-militar. Por lo tanto, "comportamiento" es en primer lugar un "sexo violento", entonces: este último es la dotación inseparable que transmitirá el "comportamiento" en el que se enfoca el foco, para no dispersar las energÃas especulativas y sujetar en dos esquinas de la búsqueda el argumento, que de otra manera se adherirÃa a investigaciones heurÃsticas interminables, o a grados prospectivamente amplios y por lo tanto inexorablemente aproximados. Por lo tanto, será de primordial importancia a partir de las combinaciones semánticas entre violencia y sexo, que irradian las definiciones de violación y abuso sexual. Esperemos hallar un perÃmetro, una rendija desde la cual observar el argumento más general sobre la normalidad y la desviación sexual: en el intersticio de claroscuro, obtenido a partir de la distancia corta e incierta entre estos polos, que puede ser un prisma, pero también uno Tejido mate y opaco estancado, el comportamiento sexual violento revela su propia mecánica, su funcionamiento intrÃnseco, su propia auto evolución criminal. Ciertamente, la estructuración del artÃculo debe tener en cuenta todo el itinerario psicodinámico del delincuente sexual, obteniendo un beneficio particular de las indicaciones metodológicas del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, llegando, en razón de la extinción individual de la desviación, a una clasificación cuyo valor probablemente encuentre su aptitud en los entornos de investigación (donde ha sido un acting-out)
Default Mode Network alterations in alexithymia: An EEG power spectra and connectivity study
Recent neuroimaging studies have shown that alexithymia is characterized by functional alterations in different brain areas [e.g., posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)], during emotional/social tasks. However, only few data are available about alexithymic cortical networking features during resting state (RS). We have investigated the modifications of electroencephalographic (EEG) power spectra and EEG functional connectivity in the default mode network (DMN) in subjects with alexithymia. Eighteen subjects with alexithymia and eighteen subjects without alexithymia matched for age and gender were enrolled. EEG was recorded during 5 min of RS. EEG analyses were conducted by means of the exact Low Resolution Electric Tomography software (eLORETA). Compared to controls, alexithymic subjects showed a decrease of alpha power in the right PCC. In the connectivity analysis, compared to controls, alexithymic subjects showed a decrease of alpha connectivity between: (i) right anterior cingulate cortex and right PCC, (ii) right frontal lobe and right PCC, and (iii) right parietal lobe and right temporal lobe. Finally, mediation models showed that the association between alexithymia and EEG connectivity values was directed and was not mediated by psychopathology severity. Taken together, our results could reflect the neurophysiological substrate of some core features of alexithymia, such as the impairment in emotional awareness
The analysis of a cold case. Crimes in Astigiano in the 90’s: serial killers or different authors?
"Cold case" is an unsolved major crime (mainly homicide or abduction), which, after long time, can be re-examined by using modern technologies for their investigation. Unsolved homicides are typical examples of "cold case". Many crime news' cases (either recent or past) have undergone new examinations, with the support of forensic science. In some cases, these new activities have led to crimes' solution. To face this new need, both "Carabinieri" and "Polizia di Stato" have established recently specific units as part of their own Criminal Investigation Department. ---------- Per "cold case", si intendono i c.d. "casi freddi" o "piste fredde", con riferimento ai delitti più gravi, irrisolti, che anche a distanza di numerosi anni possono essere oggetto di nuove indagini eseguite in particolare attraverso l'utilizzo delle moderne tecniche investigative. Tra questi rientrano per eccellenza gli omicidi rimasti senza colpevole. Numerosi sono i casi di cronaca più o meno recenti che, specie con il supporto delle scienze forensi, sono stati oggetto di nuove indagini, talvolta risolutive. Per far fronte a tale esigenza sia l'Arma dei Carabinieri che la Polizia di Stato hanno creato di recente specifici Reparti di investigazione, all'interno delle proprie strutture centrali di Polizia Giudiziaria. ---------- Para "casos frÃos", nos referimos a c.d. "Casos frÃos" o "pendientes frÃas", con referencia a los crÃmenes más graves, no resueltos, que incluso después de varios años pueden ser objeto de nuevas investigaciones llevadas a cabo, en particular, mediante el uso de técnicas modernas de investigación. Estos incluyen la excelencia para los homicidios que quedan impunes. Existen numerosos casos recientes o recientes que, especialmente con el apoyo de la ciencia forense, han estado sujetos a nuevas investigaciones, a veces resolutivas. Para satisfacer esta necesidad, tanto las Armas de Carabinieri como la PolicÃa del Estado han creado recientemente Departamentos de Investigación especÃficos dentro de sus propias estructuras de PolicÃa Judicial Central
Criminological and investigative analysis of sexual vicious behaviour
The following work is going to treat assembling main studies about the topic, the criminological analysis of sexual vicious behavior, outcome of a research led within a Master's contest about "Criminology, investigative and strategic sciences for security", by the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. The number of victims caused by this peculiar aberration of human behavior, per year, is comparable to a war: even though, of the latter one, shares only a subtle gradient of aggressiveness, produced or linked with sexual choices and not relating to more socially-elaborated frames, growth out to a political-military basis. Therefore, "Behavior", first and foremost, "sexual vicious", furthermore: this one is the indivisible hendiadys that will remark the "behavior1" on which the focus points into, to no scatter speculative energies and to tighten the essay's core in two clamped angles of research, that otherwise could spread outwards, becoming loose and approximative. Consequently, will be of preliminary importance to start from the semantic compounds between aggressiveness and sex, that spread themselves in the definitions of rape and sexual abuse. Possibly, we will obtain a perimeter, a slot from which observe the general topic about the sexual normality and deviance: in the twilight interstice, stemmed from the difference between these two poles, that could seem a prism but also an opaque and shady tissue, the sexual vicious behavior shows off its dynamics, its inner mechanics, its selfpropelling criminal engine. Of course, the article's structure had to contemplate all the psychodynamic path of the sex offender, profiting by methodological guidelines of prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, so arriving in a ranking whose value, probably, founds the peak utility in investigative environments (if there was an acting-out). ---------- Il lavoro che segue tratterà , rassegnando le principali ricerche in materia, l'analisi criminologica del comportamento sessuale violento, frutto di una ricerca condotta nell'ambito del Master in "Criminologia, scienze investigative e strategiche per la sicurezza" dell'Università Unitelma Sapienza di Roma. I numeri delle vittime di questa peculiare aberrazione del comportamento umano, per anno, sono paragonabili a quelli di una guerra: eppure, di quest'ultima, ne condividono solamente un certo gradiente di violenza, generata o correlata a opzioni di natura sessuale e non in contesti socialmente più elaborati di matrice politico-militare. Per cui "comportamento", innanzitutto, "sessuale violento", poi: quest'ultima è l'endiadi inscindibile che connoterà il "comportamento" su cui punta il focus, per non disperdere le energie speculative e per stringere in due serrati angoli di ricerca l'argomento, che altrimenti presterebbe il fianco ad infinite indagini euristiche, ovvero a gradazioni prospettiche troppo ampie e, quindi, inesorabilmente approssimative. Risulterà pertanto di preliminare rilevanza partire dalle combinazioni semantiche tra violenza e sesso, che si irradiano nelle definizioni di stupro ed abuso sessuale. Si otterrà , auspicabilmente, un perimetro, una feritoia dalla quale osservare l'argomento più generale attinente la normalità e la devianza sessuale: nell'interstizio chiaroscurale, ricavato dalla breve ed incerta distanza tra questi poli, che può essere sì un prisma ma anche uno stagnante tessuto opaco ed adombrante, il comportamento sessuale violento svela la propria meccanica, il proprio intrinseco funzionamento, la propria semovenza criminale. Certamente, la strutturazione dell'articolo doveva tenere in considerazione tutto l'itinerario psicodinamico del sex offender, traendo particolare giovamento dalle indicazioni metodologiche del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, così arrivandone, in ragione delle singole estrinsecazioni della devianza, ad una classificazione il cui valore, probabilmente, trova l'apice della propria utilità in ambienti investigativi (laddove vi sia stato un acting-out). ---------- El trabajo que sigue, al renunciar a la investigación principal sobre este tema, el análisis criminológico del comportamiento sexual violento, es el resultado de una investigación realizada en el Máster en "CriminologÃa, Ciencias de Investigación y Estratégicas para la Seguridad" en la Universidad Unitelma Sapienza Roma. El número de vÃctimas de esta peculiar aberración del comportamiento humano por año es comparable al de una guerra, sin embargo, estas últimas solo comparten un cierto grado de violencia, generada o relacionada con opciones de naturaleza sexual, y no contextos socialmente más elaborados de la matriz polÃtico-militar. Por lo tanto, "comportamiento" es en primer lugar un "sexo violento", entonces: este último es la dotación inseparable que transmitirá el "comportamiento" en el que se enfoca el foco, para no dispersar las energÃas especulativas y sujetar en dos esquinas de la búsqueda el argumento, que de otra manera se adherirÃa a investigaciones heurÃsticas interminables, o a grados prospectivamente amplios y por lo tanto inexorablemente aproximados. Por lo tanto, será de primordial importancia a partir de las combinaciones semánticas entre violencia y sexo, que irradian las definiciones de violación y abuso sexual. Esperemos hallar un perÃmetro, una rendija desde la cual observar el argumento más general sobre la normalidad y la desviación sexual: en el intersticio de claroscuro, obtenido a partir de la distancia corta e incierta entre estos polos, que puede ser un prisma, pero también uno Tejido mate y opaco estancado, el comportamiento sexual violento revela su propia mecánica, su funcionamiento intrÃnseco, su propia auto evolución criminal. Ciertamente, la estructuración del artÃculo debe tener en cuenta todo el itinerario psicodinámico del delincuente sexual, obteniendo un beneficio particular de las indicaciones metodológicas del prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi, llegando, en razón de la extinción individual de la desviación, a una clasificación cuyo valor probablemente encuentre su aptitud en los entornos de investigación (donde ha sido un acting-out)
The association among default mode network functional connectivity, mentalization, and psychopathology in a nonclinical sample: an eLORETA study
Aims: We investigated default mode network (DMN) electroencephalography (EEG) functional connectivity differences between individuals with self-reported high mentalization capability and low psychopathological symptoms, versus participants with mentalization impairments and high psychopathological symptoms. Methods: Forty-nine students (35 women) with a mean age of 22.92 ± 2.53 years were administered the Mentalization Questionnaire (MZQ) and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Five minutes of EEG during resting state were also recorded for each participant. DMN functional connectivity analyses were conducted by means of the exact Low Resolution Electric Tomography software (eLORETA). Results: Compared to the individuals with high mentalization capability and lower self-reported psychopathological symptoms, participants with mentalization impairments and high psychopathological symptoms showed a decrease of EEG beta connectivity between: (i) the right and left medial frontal lobe, and (ii) the left medial frontal lobe and the right anterior cingulate cortex. Furthermore, while MZQ total score was positively associated with DMN network connections (i.e., right and left medial frontal lobes), several psychopathological symptoms (i.e., interpersonal sensitivity, depression, and psychoticism) were negatively associated with DMN connectivity. Conclusion: Our results may reflect a top-down emotion regulation deficit which is associated with both internalizing and externalizing behavior problems
Alpha/theta neurofeedback increases mentalization and default mode network connectivity in a non-clinical sample
Several studies showed the effectiveness of alpha/theta (A/T) neurofeedback training in treating some psychiatric conditions. Despite the evidence of A/T effectiveness, the psychological and neurobiological bases of its effects is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to explore the usefulness of the A/T training in increasing mentalization in a non-clinical sample. The modifications of electroencephalographic (EEG) functional connectivity in Default Mode Network (DMN) associated with A/T training were also investigated. Forty-four subjects were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to receive ten sessions of A/T training [neurofeedback group (NFG) = 22], or to act as controls [waiting list group (WLG) = 22]. All participants were administered the mentalization questionnaire (MZQ) and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). In the post training assessment, compared to WLG, NFG showed a significant increase of MZQ total scores (3.94 ± 0.73 vs. 3.53 ± 0.77; F1;43= 8.19; p = 0.007; d = 0.863). Furthermore, A/T training was also associated with a significant increase of EEG functional connectivity in several DMN brain areas (e.g. Posterior Cingulate Cortex). Taken together our results support the usefulness of the A/T training in enhancing mentalization and DMN connectivity
Coping food craving with neurofeedback. Evaluation of the usefulness of alpha/theta training in a non-clinical sample
The aim of the present study was to explore the usefulness of the alpha/theta (A/T) training in reducing Food Craving (FC) in a non-clinical sample. The modifications of electroencephalographic (EEG) power spectra associated with A/T training was also investigated. Fifty subjects were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to receive ten sessions of A/T training [neurofeedback group (NFG) = 25], or to act as controls [waiting list group (WLG) = 25]. All participants were administered the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait, the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. In the post training assessment, compared to the WLG, the NFG showed a significant reduction of intentions and plans to consume food (F1; 49 = 4.90; p = .033; d = 0.626) and of craving as a physiological state (F1; 49 = 8.09; p = .007; d = 803). In NFG, changes in FC persisted after 4 months follow-up. Furthermore, A/T training was associated with significant a increase of resting EEG alpha power in several brain areas involved in FC (e.g., insula) and food cue reactivity (e.g., parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and superior temporal gyrus). Taken together, our results showed that ten sessions of A/T training are associated with a decrease of self-reported FC in a non-clinical sample. These findings suggest that this brain-directed intervention may be useful in the treatment of dysfunctional eating behaviors characterized by FC