2,021 research outputs found

    Panmela Castro: Feminism in Brazilian Graffiti Art

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    This paper is an analysis on the graffiti artist Panmela Castro and her murals in Brazil and around the world. My thesis emphasizes the importance of feminist subject matter for graffiti art in Brazil, as well as its impact on the public sphere. The paper is separated into four sections: “Formative Years,” describing her biography and the development of her works; “Interaction with the City,” analyzing the interaction between graffiti and the urban environment, and using that discussion as a frame to contextualize Castro’s work; “Feminist Imagery and Ideology,” examining some of her concurrent themes and imageries; and finally “Transnational Influence and Practice,” presenting her international work as part of a transnational feminist agenda. This paper is a contribution to Latin American, Feminist and Street Art studies

    Severe alopecia complicating systemic sclerosis

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    Aims: To describe a case of systemic sclerosis (SSc) associated with severe alopecia areata (AA) responsive to topical and systemic treatments, including vasoactive and immunosuppressive drugs (mycophenolate mofetil). Presentation of the Case: A 56 year old woman, affected by SSc as from 5 years back, developed a rapid hair loss that progressively involved a large area of the scalp. AA was diagnosed, after the exclusion of an overlapping systemic lupus erythematosus or fungal infection. Treatment with topical steroids and minoxidil, plus mycophenolate mofetil that was introduced for interstitial lung disease, led to progressive improvement of alopecia up to a complete resolution within 4 months. Discussion: This is an interesting observation of SSc complicated by severe AA, which is often observed in patients affected by various autoimmune disorders. A possible common pathogenesis of AA and SSc is also discussed

    L'apprendimento clinico in simulazione: studio osservazionale sulla soddisfazione percepita dagli studenti di infermieristica [Learning in clinical simulation: observational study on satisfaction perceived by students of nursing]

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    Introduzione: la simulazione nel contesto del laboratorio didattico sta divenendo un’importante metodologia di apprendimento, in quanto consente di riprodurre situazioni clinicoassistenziali realistiche. Tali attività formative professionalizzanti favoriscono lo sviluppo di abilità cognitive, affettive e psicomotorie in un contesto pedagogico sicuro e privo di rischi, ma richiedono di essere valutate con strumenti validi e affidabili. Obiettivo: indagare il grado di soddisfazione degli studenti di un Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica del nord Italia riguardo le esercitazioni con simulatori statici e ad alta fedeltà e i casi clinici. Metodo: è stato condotto uno studio osservazionale prospettico che ha coinvolto un campione non probabilistico di 51 studenti del terzo anno durante tutto l'a.a. 2013/14. Lo strumento di raccolta dati si compone dei 3 questionari Student Satisfaction and Self-confidence in Learning Scale, Educational Practices Questionnaire, Simulation Design Scale e di 3 domande sulla soddisfazione complessiva. L'analisi statistica è stata condotta con i programmi SPSS vers. demo. ed Excel di Office 2003. Risultati e Conclusioni: il tasso di risposta ottenuto è dell’89,5%. L’Alfa di Cronbach, ha evidenziato un’affidabilità interna ottima ( = .982). Gli studenti sono stati complessivamente soddisfatti delle attività svolte nel laboratorio didattico, dimostrando più entusiasmo per la simulazione con i manichini statici (71%) e con i simulatori ad alta fedeltà (60%), attività per le quali hanno avvertito un significativo coinvolgimento e apprendimento attivo. La didattica con i casi clinici ha ottenuto un grado di soddisfazione minore (38%) e per questo metodo si è riscontrato il maggior numero di elementi di debolezza. Parole chiave: studenti infermieri, simulazione, strategia di apprendimento attivo, simulatori ad alta fedeltà, soddisfazioneINTRODUCTION: Simulation in the context of the educational workshop is becoming an important learning method, as it allows to play realistic clinical-care situations. These vocational training activities promote the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills in a pedagogical context safe and risk-free, but need to be accounted for using by valid and reliable instruments. AIM: To inspect the level of satisfaction of the students of a Degree in Nursing in northern Italy about static and high-fidelity exercises with simulators and clinical cases. METHODS: A prospective observational study has been conducted involving a non-probabili- stic sample of 51 third-year students throughout the academic year 2013/14. The data collection instrument consists of three questionnaires Student Satisfaction and Self-confidence in Learning Scale, Educational Practices Questionnaire, Simulation Design Scale and 3 questions on overall satisfaction. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 20.0 and Office 2003 Excel. RESULT AND CONCLUSION: The response rate of 89.5% is obtained. The Cronbach Alfa showed a good internal reliability (α = .982). The students were generally satisfied with the activities carried out in the teaching laboratory, showing more enthusiasm for the simulation with static mannequins (71%) and with high-fidelity simulators (60%), activities for which they have experienced a significant involvement and active learning. The teaching with clinical cases scored a lesser degree of satisfaction (38%) and for this method it was found the largest number of elements of weakness

    A retrospective analysis focusing on a group of patients with dual diagnosis treated by both mental health and substance use services

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    OBJECTIVE: To highlight which demographic, familial, premorbid, clinical, therapeutic, rehabilitative, and assistance factors were related to dual diagnosis, which, in psychiatry, means the co-occurrence of both mental disorder and substance use in the same patient. METHODS: Our sample (N=145) was chosen from all outpatients with a dual diagnosis treated from January 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012 by both the Mental Health Service and the Substance Use Service of Modena and Castelfranco Emilia, Italy. Patients who dropped out during the study period were excluded. Demographic data and variables related to familial and premorbid history, clinical course, rehabilitative programs, social support and nursing care, and outcome complications were collected. The patients' clinical and functioning conditions during the study period were evaluated. RESULTS: Our patients were mostly men suffering from a cluster B personality disorder. Substance use was significantly more likely to precede psychiatric disease (P<0.001), and 60% of the sample presented a positive familial history for psychiatric or addiction disease or premorbid traumatic factors. The onset age of substance use was related to the period of psychiatric treatment follow-up (P<0.001) and the time spent in rehabilitative facilities (P<0.05), which, in turn, was correlated with personality disorder diagnosis (P<0.05). Complications, which presented in 67% of patients, were related to the high number of psychiatric hospitalizations (P<0.05) and professionals involved in each patient's treatment (P<0.05). Males more frequently presented familial, health, and social complications, whereas females more frequently presented self-threatening behavior (P<0.005). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the course of dual diagnosis may be chronic, severe, and disabling, requiring many long-term therapeutic and rehabilitative programs to manage various disabilities

    Weight control and behavior rehabilitation in a patient suffering from Prader Willi syndrome

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    Background This study reports a case of Prader Willi syndrome (PWS), a genomic imprinting disease related to chromosome regions 15q11.2–q13 15, which includes hypothalamic dysfunction leading to hyperphagia, obesity, shortness, sleep abnormalities. Our case is extremely severe, in comparison to other PWS cases described in literature, due to the association with severe emotional and psychiatric symptoms: oppositional behaviour, rigidity of thought, skin picking and pathological hoarding. Case presentation We described the case of a Caucasian male patient suffering from PWS, treated in outpatient care by local Mental Health Centre and supported by Social Service, who was admitted to a residential rehabilitative facility. After a 2-year follow-up, the patient showed a global improvement in symptoms and functioning, as registered by the rating scales administered. At the end of observation period, we also reported an important improvement in weight control, reducing the risk of obesity and related diseases, therefore improving the prognosis of life. Conclusion This case highlights the need for long-term, individualized and multi-professional treatment in patients suffering from a complex genetic syndrome with both organic and psychological alterations, for which medical care setting and pharmacological treatments are not sufficient. Clinical observation of this case leads us to compare PWS to drug addiction and indirectly endorse the neurophysiological hypothesis that food and drugs stimulate the same brain circuits in the limbic system

    Emotional intelligence, empathy and alexithymia: a cross-sectional survey on emotional competence in a group of nursing students

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    Background: Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage one’s own and others’ emotions, empathy is the ability to understand how others feel, whereas alexithymia represents the difficulty in feeling and verbally expressing emotions. Emotional competences are important requirements for positive outcomes in nursing profession. The aim of the study: To analyze EI, empathy and alexithymia in nursing students. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey in a sample of 237 students (53 males, 184 females), attending both the 1st and 3rd year of the University Nursing Course in Modena. We administered three Italian validated scales: Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT), Jefferson Scale of Empathy - Health Professions Student ( JSE-HPS), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Data were statistically analyzed. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the 1st and 3rd year students at SSEIT (t=-0.6, p=0.52), JSE-HPS (t=-3.2, p=0.0016) and TAS-20 scores (t=-3.54, p=0.0005). Among 3rd- year students, females obtained significantly different scores from those of males at SSEIT (t=2.8, p=0.006). All three scales reported a Cronbach’s alpha &gt;0.80. SSEIT correlated positively with JSE-HPS (Spearman’s rho=0.15, p=0.02) and negatively with TAS-20 (Spearman’s rho=-0.18, p=0.006). Conclusions: Our study highlighted a good level of emotional skills among students at the beginning of nursing training, further increased by the last year of the course, suggesting that emotional competences can be learned, and confirmed that empathy, but not alexithymia, is a dimension of EI

    Laparoscopic versus open rectal resection. a 1:2 propensity score-matched analysis of oncological adequateness, short- and long-term outcomes

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    Laparoscopic resections for rectal cancer are routinely performed in high-volume centres. Despite short-term advantages have been demonstrated, the oncological outcomes are still debated. The aim of this study was to compare the oncological adequateness of the surgical specimen and the long-term outcomes between open (ORR) and laparoscopic (LRR) rectal resections


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    Background: Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIg) represent a relevant treatment option in various immune-mediated disorders such as idiopathic inflammatory muscle diseases (IIMD), immune-mediated chronic neuropathies (IMCN), hematologic autoimmune diseases, Still disease, Felty syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, some organ-specific autoimmune disease, and atopic diseases. The IVIg treatment is expensive and need of hospital-based assistance for administration; the recent avaibility of home-therapy with subcutaneous immunoglobulins (SCIg) may significantly reduce costs and improve the patient's quality of life. Objectives: The primary objective was to perform an analysis of costs of SCIg administration in patients affected by IIMD or IMCN compared to that of previous IVIg treatments. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 6 consecutive patients (3 males and 3 females, mean age 65,3 years, range 63 - 77), 2 affected by IIMD in the context of polymiositis and 4 by IMCN, 3 in the context of vasculitis and 1 in the context of undifferentiated connective tissue disease. All patients were previously treated with IVIg at the dosage of 2g/Kg monthly, (mean monthly dosage 143 g, range 98 – 160, average patient weight 71,5 kg, range 49 - 80), with good clinical and humoral response. After a mean therapy duration of 49.8 months (range 12 – 125) all patients were shifted to SCIg at the dosage of 10 g twice a week (80 g monthly). Each patient was followed-up by humoral and clinical evaluation, including Medical Research Council (MRC) score to quantify muscle strength and INCAT Sensory Score to evaluate sensory symptoms. The costs of the two therapeutic strategies were also compared, excluding indirect costs (absences from work and productivity losses, transport and parking, health care sector costs). Results: In 5/6 patients, we observed the maintenance of clinical and humoral status after a mean follow-up of 21 months (range 4 - 51), in particular we observed a stability in MRC score in patients presenting loss of strenght and INCAT score in patients presenting sensory symptoms. Furthermore, the treatment with SCIg was well-accepted and preferred to IVIg by all patients. In one patient SCIg were discontinued after 2 weeks, because of the appearance of a haemorrhagic lesions nearby the injection site (in the same patient IVIg have been stopped because of a hypertensive crisis during the infusion). Direct cost associated to IVIg amount to 252€ for 5 g of immunoglobulins (7,056€ monthly, considering a protocol of 2 g/kg/monthly and a patient-weight of 70kg), while direct costs associated to SCIg (20g weekly) amount to 6,400€/monthly, with a saving of 656€/monthly and 7,872€/yearly. In our case-series the annual saving was 9,686.40€/patient (from 86,486.40€ to 76,800€, for IVIg and SCIg, respectively). Conclusions: Our experience suggests that the shift to SCIg from IVIg in patients affected by IIMD and IMCN is feasible, cost-effective, safe and well-accepted by patients. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of SCIg in first-line therapy of these diseases

    Carotidynia Possibly due to Localized Vasculitis in a Patient with Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection.

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    Carotidynia is a syndrome characterized by tenderness of the carotid artery near the bifurcation due to numerous, heterogeneous causes. Here we reported the case of a 31-year-old Moroccan woman with right-sided neck pain and tenderness with irradiation to ipsilateral ear, eye, and occipital region. Clinical symptoms and imaging findings were suggestive of primary variant of carotidynia syndrome. In particular, color-Doppler ultrasonography revealed a concentric wall thickening of the distal common carotid artery, while thoracic magnetic resonance showed localized perivascular enhancement of the soft tissue in the right medial-distal common carotid artery in T1-weighted images, without intraluminal diameter variation. Moreover, careful clinicoserological and imaging investigations (cranial, cervical, and thoracic angiocomputed tomography and magnetic resonance) excluded well-known disorders potentially responsible for carotidynia syndrome. The patient was scarcely responsive to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but clinical symptoms resolved after three months. Of interest, the patient showed latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (positive tuberculosis interferon-gamma release assay; QuantiFERON-TB Gold); this finding suggested a possible triggering role of mycobacterial antigens in the immune-mediated mechanism responsible for localized carotid injury
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