183 research outputs found

    The Irish colonial landscape digital StoryMap: an inclusive didactic tool

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    This paper discusses the plan to create an inclusive didactictool: the Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap that focuses on colonial landscapes in Irish visitor attractions. The inclusive StoryMap will be co-created by three groups of students: Italian secondary school, Irish secondaryschool, and Irish university students. All the students will work together to create the content. The university students will also perform mentoring activities, by observing and providing recommendations on the work of the secondary school students. Thus, the creation of the StoryMap will foster inclusivity between international students, with different age groups. It will be an inclusive educational tool that aims to develop international collaboration, mentoring experience, research skills, and transferable skills. It will alsofoster inclusivity to the students who will use it by fostering a decolonial attitude in dealing with the geographies of colonisation. This paper explains the theoretical underpinnings of this inclusive Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap and the planning process. Finally, the paper ends by discussing planned outcomes for both the students involved in the creation of the StoryMap as well as the students who will use it

    Italianit\ue0 fascista. Il regime e la trasformazione dei confini della cittadinanza 1922-1938

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    Scopo di questo articolo, frutto di una ricerca ancora in corso, \ue8 analizzare le politiche messe in atto nell\u2019Italia tra le due guerre mondiali nei confronti delle minoranze etniche, culturali, linguistiche e religiose del paese e nei confronti dei sudditi coloniali, in modo particolare tra la fine della prima guerra mondiale e i Provvedimenti sulla razza italiana e di ragionare sul modo in cui il fascismo tent\uf2 di ridefinire, attraverso queste politiche, i confini interni della nazione. In questa sede si analizzeranno, sulla base di una ricognizione della storiografia esistente, le politiche discriminatorie messe in atto dal regime nei confronti delle minoranze e dei sudditi coloniali, quando il regime produsse nuove idee su chi poteva e doveva essere cittadino italiano, fino a che punto queste elaborazioni furono trasformate in pratiche politiche, quali fossero gli effetti di queste norme sulla vita degli italiani e quanto queste idee e pratiche furono persistenti nel corso del regime. Per farlo, si comincer\ue0 con l\u2019analizzare le politiche nei confronti delle minoranze, dei sudditi coloniali e sulla cittadinanza nell\u2019Italia tra la prima guerra mondiale e gli anni Venti, per soffermarsi poi su un testo poco considerato dello storico Gaetano Salvemini, e si concluder\ue0 con l\u2019Italia degli anni Trenta e una riflessione su alcune norme poco approfondite dei Provvedimenti sulla razza

    The Irish colonial landscape digital StoryMap : an inclusive didactic tool

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    This paper discusses the plan to create an inclusive didactictool: the Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap that focuses on colonial landscapes in Irish visitor attractions. The inclusive StoryMap will be co-created by three groups of students: Italian secondary school, Irish secondary school, and Irish university students. All the students will work together to create the content. The university students will also perform mentoring activities, by observing and providing recommendations on the work of the secondary school students. Thus, the creation of the StoryMap will foster inclusivity between international students, with different age groups. It will be an inclusive educational tool that aims to develop international collaboration, mentoring experience, research skills, and transferable skills. It will alsofoster inclusivity to the students who will use it by fostering a decolonial attitude in dealing with the geographies of colonisation. This paper explains the theoretical underpinnings of this inclusive Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap and the planning process. Finally, the paper ends by discussing planned outcomes for both the students involved in the creation of the StoryMap as well as the students who will use it

    Manual and semi-automated approaches to MIBG myocardial scintigraphy in patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the effects of manual and semi-automatic methods for assessing MIBG semi-quantitative indices in a clinical setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We included (123)I-MIBG scans obtained in 35 patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease. Early and late heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratios were calculated from (123)I-MIBG images using regions of interest (ROIs) placed over the heart and the mediastinum. The ROIs were derived using two approaches: (i) manually drawn and (ii) semi-automatic fixed-size ROIs using anatomical landmarks. Expert, moderate-expert, and not expert raters applied the ROIs procedures and interpreted the (123)I-MIBG images. We evaluated the inter and intra-rater agreements in assessing (123)I-MIBG H/M ratios. RESULTS: A moderate agreement in the raters’ classification of pathological and non-pathological scores emerged regarding early and late H/M ratio values (κ = 0.45 and 0.69 respectively), applying the manual method, while the early and late H/M ratios obtained with the semi-automatic method reached a good agreement among observers (κ = 0.78). Cohen-Kappa values revealed that the semi-automatic method improved the agreement between expert and inexpert raters: the agreement improved from a minimum of 0.29 (fair, for early H/M) and 0.69 (substantial, in late H/M) with the manual method, to 0.90 (perfect, in early H/M) and 0.87 (perfect, in late H/M) with the semi-automatic method. CONCLUSION: The use of the semi-automatic method improves the agreement among raters in classifying’ H/M ratios as pathological or non-pathological, namely for inexpert readers. These results have important implications for semi-quantitative assessment of (123)I-MIBG images in clinical routine

    Round Table. The ‘British School’ and Italian Historiography:Some reflections on the ‘British School’ and Italian history

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    Italian summaryI contributi sopra intendono riflettere sulla cosiddetta ‘scuola britannica’ di storici e ricercatori specializzati nello studio dell’Italia moderna e contemporanea. Facendo seguito ad una tavola rotonda tenutasi durante il Convegno ASMI 2016, abbiamo chiesto a coloro che vi hanno partecipato di pubblicare i propri interventi nella forma di brevi saggi. In essi viene discussa l’influenza della storiografia britannica sullo studio della storia italiana dal diciannovesimo secolo fino al Fascismo e il ventesimo secolo. Gli autori dei saggi riflettono pure sul ruolo e l’uso della storia in Italia, la strumentalizzazione di dibattitti storiografici che ha a lungo contraddistinto la politica italiana, editoria e strategie di divulgazione del sapere storico. Tutto ciò con un occhio di riguardo alla vita e alla produzione scientifica di Christopher Duggan a cui è dedicato questo numero speciale della rivista.</jats:p

    Risk Factors of Right Ventricular Dysfunction and Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

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    Aim: This study evaluates the risk factors associated with right ventricular (RV) dilation and dysfunction leading to pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) or adverse cardiac events in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rToF) patients. Methods: Data from all rToF patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation at our hospital between February 2007 and September 2020 were collected. Results: Three hundred and forty-two patients (60% males, 42% older than 18 years), with a median age of 16 years (IQR 13–24) at the time of MRI, were included. All patients underwent complete repair at a median age of 8 months (IQR 5–16), while palliation was performed in 56 patients (16%). One hundred and forty-four patients (42%) subsequently received pulmonary valve replacement (PVR). At the multivariate analysis, male gender was an independent predictor for significant RV dilation, RV and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. Transventricular ventricular septal defect (VSD) closure and previous palliation significantly affected LV function and RV size, respectively. Male gender and the transventricular VSD closure were independent predictors for PVR. Conclusions: Male gender and surgical history (palliation, VSD closure approach) significantly affected the long-term outcomes in rToF patients and should be taken into consideration in the follow-up management and in PVR timing in this patient population

    Effects of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA) in COVID-19 Early Stages: A Case-Control Study

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    Ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA), a compound with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, appears to be a potential adjuvant treatment for early stages of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In our study, we enrolled 90 patients with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 that were randomized into two groups, homogeneous for age, gender and BMI. The first group received oral supplementation based on um-PEA at a dose of 1800 mg/day for a total of 28 days; the second group was the control group (R.S. 73.20). At baseline (T0) and after 28 days of um-PEA treatment (T1), we monitored: routine laboratory parameters, inflammatory and oxidative stress (OS) biomarkers, lymphocytes subpopulation and COVID-19 serological response. At T1, the um-PEA-treated group presented a significant reduction in inflammation compared to the control group (CRP p = 0.007; IL-6 p = 0.0001; neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio p = 0.044). At T1, the controls showed a significant increase in OS compared to the treated group (FORT p = 0.05). At T1, the um-PEA group exhibited a significant decrease in D-dimer levels (p = 0.0001) and higher levels of IgG against SARS-CoV-2 (p = 0.0001) compared to the controls. Our data demonstrated, in a randomized clinical trial, the beneficial effects of um-PEA in both asymptomatic and mild-symptomatic patients related to reductions in inflammatory state, OS and coagulative cascade alterations
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