38 research outputs found

    A Novel Digitized Method for the Design and Additive Manufacturing of Orthodontic Space Maintainers

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    Primary dentition is crucial in influencing the emergence of permanent teeth. Premature primary tooth loss can result in undesired tooth motions and space loss in the permanent dentition. Typically, fixed or removable dental appliances are adopted to maintain edentulous space until the eruption of permanent teeth. However, traditional space maintainers have limitations in terms of variability in tooth anatomy, potential allergic reactions in some individuals (i.e., nickel sensitivity), difficulties in maintaining oral hygiene, and patient acceptance. The present study introduces a fully digital framework for the design and manufacturing of customized pediatric unilateral space maintainers using generative algorithms. The proposed approach overcomes the current challenges by using a biocompatible resin material and optimizing the device's size, design, and color. The methodology involves intraoral scanning, surface selection, and trim, generative 3D modeling, finite element analysis (FEA), and additive manufacturing (AM) through vat photopolymerization. FEA results demonstrate the device's mechanical performance and reliability, while additive manufacturing ensures design freedom, high resolution, surface finishing, dimensional accuracy, and proper fit. The mechanical interlocking system facilitates easy and effective positioning of the device. This digital approach offers the potential for wider usage of space maintainers and can be further validated through experimental assessments and clinical studies

    Dietary behavior and knowledge of dental erosion among Chinese adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To study the dietary behavior and knowledge about dental erosion and self-reported symptoms that can be related to dental erosion among Chinese adults in Hong Kong.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Chinese adults aged 25-45 years were randomly selected from a list of registered telephone numbers generated by computer. A telephone survey was administered to obtain information on demographic characteristics, dietary habits, dental visits, and knowledge of and presence of self-reported symptoms that can be related to dental erosion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 520 participants were interviewed (response rate, 75%; sampling error, ± 4.4%) and their mean age was 37. Most respondents (79%) had ever had caries, and about two thirds (64%) attended dental check-ups at least once a year. Respondents had a mean of 5.4 meals per day and 36% had at least 6 meals per day. Fruit (89%) and lemon tea/water (41%) were the most commonly consumed acidic food and beverage. When asked if they ever noticed changes in their teeth, most respondents (92%) said they had experienced change that can be related to erosion. However, many (71%) had never heard about dental erosion and 53% mixed up dental erosion with dental caries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hong Kong Chinese adults have frequent intake of food and many have experienced symptoms that can be related to dental erosion. Their level of awareness of and knowledge about dental erosion is generally low, despite most of them have regular dental check-ups. Dental health education is essential to help the public understand dental erosion and its damaging effects.</p

    19th SIOI National Congress in Pisa

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    Editoriale di presentazione del numero di EJPD dedicato al 19th SIOI National Congress svoltosi a Pisa l'1.12.201

    Allergic manifestations to local anaesthetic agents for dental anaesthesia in children: a review and proposal of a new algorithm.

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    Abstract AIM: The purpose of this review was to evaluate allergic manifestations to dental local anaesthetic (LA) in children and to propose an algorithm for the diagnosis of LA allergy, in order to minimise the number of children who are wrongly categorised as allergic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comprehensive literature survey was performed on LA allergy in children before a dental treatment. In proposing a diagnostic algorithm, evidences from literature have been integrated with personal experience. RESULTS: Data from literature showed that overall less than 1% of young patients tested for suspected LA have a positive subcutaneous test and have a positive diagnosis. A complete diagnostic procedure should include: clinical history reported by patients, objective medical records, results of skin tests and provocation test with the suspected drug. Patients with negative skin tests should perform a subcutaneous challenge, while patients with a positive skin test should be tested for a different unrelated LA. CONCLUSION: Allergy to LA is a rare condition. A complete diagnostic algorithm will allow to identify paediatric patients correctly

    Gli stili di vita quali fattori di rischio di Early Childhood Caries: uno studio prospettico caso-controllo

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    Scopo del lavoro Scopo dello studio è quello di individuare una possibile correlazione tra la carie in età prescolare ed i fattori di rischio indagati per la creazione di un modello predittivo in termini probabilistici di sviluppare carie. Materiali e metodi Il campione oggetto dello studio è stato selezionato in maniera randomizzata presso l'ambulatorio di Odontoiatria Pediatrica dell'Ospedale Santa Chiara di Pisa e ha previsto la creazione di due gruppi, ognuno composto 20 pazienti di età compresa tra i 3 e i 6 anni: il Gruppo studio composto da bambini a cui era stata diagnosticata Early Childhood Caries, mentre il Gruppo controllo era composto da pazienti sani, sovrapponibili per età e sesso. Risultati È stata indagata una eventuale correlazione tra le variabili prese in esame e la presenza della patologia cariosa tramite analisi univariata. Tutte le variabili risultate positivamente correlate, sono state esaminate nuovamente in modo contestuale tramite un’analisi di tipo multivariato. I risultati ottenuti mostrano 5 variabili che perciò sono considerate maggiormente significative nella correlazione con la patologia: capacità tampone salivare, pH salivare, succo di frutta assunto prima dell’ultimo mese, cariogeni fuoripasto ed infine il DMFT della mamma. Il modello fornisce un punteggio complessivo ad ogni paziente, così da rilevare la probabilità di sviluppare carie. Conclusioni La costruzione di un campione- modello e di tre classi discriminanti permettono lo studio della probabilità dei pazienti di età infantile prescolare di sviluppare carie. La conoscenza di tale probabilità e dei fattori determinanti rende possibile la programmazione mirata e individualizzata di interventi di prevenzione primaria

    State-of-the-art on MIH. Part. 1 Definition and aepidemiology

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    Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is one of the most pressing issues in paediatric dentistry. It is a qualitative enamel defect of systemic origin that affects at least one first permanent molar and can also be associated with permanent incisors. However, the same defects have also been observed on primary molars and other permanent teeth. Hypomineralised enamel has less distinct prisms edges and crystals and the interprismatic space is more marked. Children with MIH undergo dental treatment nearly 10 times more than unaffected children. Preventive treatment following the diagnosis of MIH should take into account patient's age and collaboration, patient's caries risk, type and extension of demarcated lesions and hypersensitivity. Risk assessment and early diagnosis are key factors to an effective and conservative treatment