19 research outputs found

    Survival analysis of the time for the first malarial episode.

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    <p>Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showing the time elapsed from the baseline cross-sectional to the first malarial infection (in days) in 54 schoolchildren followed from April to November 2008, with and without <i>Ascaris lumbricoides</i> (A), hookworm (B) and <i>Trichuris trichiura</i> (C).</p

    Univariable and multivariable analyses of the nutritional status on the second survey according to malaria status.

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    <p><sup>†</sup>WAZ was not measured for the 10–14 years-old group;</p><p>* P- value derived from chi-square test;</p><p><sup>¶</sup>P-value derived from Wald test;</p><p>aOR—adjusted odds ratio from the multivariable logistic regression (adjusted for age, maternal education, socioeconomic status and gender); WHZ = Weight-for-height Z-score; WAZ = Weight-for-age Z-score; HAZ = Height-for-age Z-score; BMI-for-age Z = Body Mass Index-for-age Z-score.</p><p>Univariable and multivariable analyses of the nutritional status on the second survey according to malaria status.</p

    Study design illustrating five possible different patients.

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    <p>Initially a first visit was performed in which demographic and socioeconomic data was obtained and patients were submitted to a comprehensive clinical and nutritional assessment as well as microscopy examination of a blood sample (by thick smear?) for malaria infection detection. Patients were then followed for one year in which passive case detection for malaria episodes was performed in case of fever. At the end of the follow-up period patients were submitted to a final nutritional assessment. Illustrative scheme of possible patients (A-E) A Patient with no malaria episodes during follow-up (A); Patient with a single malaria episode occurring during the first semester of follow-up (B); Patient with a single malaria episode in the final stages of follow-up (C); Patient with two malaria episodes (D); Patient with three diagnosed malaria episodes (E). Red flag illustrating malaria episodes; IME—interval between the last malaria episode diagnosed during the follow-up period and the fnal visit assessment.</p