10 research outputs found

    Inter-correlations among Childhood Trauma Questionnaire subscales.

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    <p>Note: All correlations were deemed significant at p<.01. Correlations were calculated as Pearson<i>r</i>values, except for correlations with PA and SA. Given the skewness>2.50, coefficients involving these subscales refer to Spearman's rho. Abbreviations. EA = Emotional Abuse. PA = Physical Abuse. SA = Sexual Abuse. EN = Emotional Neglect. PN = Physical Neglect. ENm = Emotional Neglect Modified. PNm = Physical Neglect Modified.</p

    Primary component analysis (PCA) of psychological and biological factors in infants neurobiological-motor development according with Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS).

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    <p>Panel A: Psychological factor including history of affective disorders (AD), postpartum affective disorders (PPAD), and anxiety influence in AIMS score. Panel B: Biological factor including maternal NGF levels and infant cortisol levels influence in AIMS score. The box shows the weight for each variable in psychological and biological component.</p