17 research outputs found

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    Mental Models to Represent Dynamics - Using the Example "factorial"

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    To use hypertext/hypermedia elements in teaching at universities an author not only needs knowledge of the technological possibilities. In addition he/she has to renew a here so called mental model of the relevant aspects of the material to be transferred. For the author, this last mentioned problem seems to be a central and often very complicated and time consuming one

    The Dortmund Family of Hypermedia Models - Concepts and their Application

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    This paper presents the Dortmund Family of Hypermedia Models (DFHM). Existing formal models for hypermedia mostly lack the flexibility and adaptability and, often not more than one existing system conforms to such a model. The DFHM overcomes this drawback by means of optional and alternative data types. The conformance of a hypermedia system to the DFHM can be conditionalised upon one member of the family. The DFHM has been formalised in VDM, but the aim of this paper is to give an informal overview of the main concepts. Therefore, any formalisms are omitted here. The first part of the paper deals with hypermedia fundamentals from a conceptual perspective. Apart from basic concepts, e.g. nodes and links, also structuring concepts, e.g. views, folders and others, are discussed in detail. Some examples are given to convey how models for existing hypermedia systems can be derived from the DFHM. The second part demonstrates the power of these concepts by introducing main features of a hypermedia system that has been developed for the use in educational settings. This hypermedia system bases upon a member of the DFHM

    Towards an xml-based implementation of structured hypermedia documents

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    Abstract: Document structures are a crucial mechanism for the creation and the usability of complex hypermedia documents. They form a possibility to deal with the inherent complexity of such documents and with document structures it is also possible to support the reuse of parts of hypermedia documents. In several theoretical approaches different kinds of document structures have been proposed. For example in the Dexter Hypertext Model or in the hypermedia model developed by Klaus Tochtermann. In the creation process of such hypermedia documents, which is strongly influenced by the offered functionality of the existing editors and tools, only simple kinds of structures could presently be used. Furthermore the use of hypermedia documents is often somehow connected to special system requirements, which makes it difficult to use these documents in a network. Especially the use of such hypermedia documents in the internet with all its different platforms and operating systems still cause many difficulties. The profit of hypermedia documents could obviously be increased, if broad forms of structuring could be used to build hypermedia documents and when these documents fulfill at the time the demands of interoperability and platform independency

    Comparison of Object-Oriented Approaches for Roles in Programming Languages

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    This paper presents, explores and compares object-oriented approaches for roles in programming languages. On the one hand we investigate established object-oriented possibilities as there are multiple and interface inheritance and the role object pattern on the other hand we examine language extensions like aspect-oriented programming and the syntactical extension of classes with roles. We discuss all approaches in turn, using a versatile example. The investigation shows that standard approaches as interface inheritance and role object pattern are more appropriate for enterprise projects. Other approaches are not developed far enough to work with roles. But they are all promising proceedings, particularly the approach of roles as components of classes

    Monitoring the response of single MCF-7 cells to anticancer peptides on a microfluidic chip

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    We report a microfluidic chip that can capture and isolate up to 612 single mammalian cells to monitor the ef-fect of treatment with anticancer peptides Aurein 1.2 and Aurein 2.2. Therefore, single breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7) were confined in microfluidic chambers with a volume of less than 100 pl. Doughnut-shaped valves enabled us to quickly exchange solutions on demand to expose single cells to the membranolytic anti-cancer peptide (ACP) of interest. Automated fluorescence microscopy is employed to monitor the heterogeneous cellular response in all 612 chambers at high temporal resolution

    In silico design and optimization of selective membranolytic anticancer peptides

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    Membranolytic anticancer peptides represent a potential strategy in the fight against cancer. However, our understanding of the underlying structure-activity relationships and the mechanisms driving their cell selectivity is still limited. We developed a computational approach as a step towards the rational design of potent and selective anticancer peptides. This machine learning model distinguishes between peptides with and without anticancer activity. This classifier was experimentally validated by synthesizing and testing a selection of 12 computationally generated peptides. In total, 83% of these predictions were correct. We then utilized an evolutionary molecular design algorithm to improve the peptide selectivity for cancer cells. This simulated molecular evolution process led to a five-fold selectivity increase with regard to human dermal microvascular endothelial cells and more than ten-fold improvement towards human erythrocytes. The results of the present study advocate for the applicability of machine learning models and evolutionary algorithms to design and optimize novel synthetic anticancer peptides with reduced hemolytic liability and increased cell-type selectivity.ISSN:2045-232