6 research outputs found

    Modeling of spontaneous emission in presence of cylindrical nanoobjects: the scattering matrix approach

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    We propose a method of analysis of spontaneous emission of a quantum emitter (an atom, a luminescence center, a quantum dot) inside or in vicinity of a cylinder. At the focus of our method are analytical expressions for the scattering matrix of the cylindrical nanoobject. We propose the approach to electromagnetic field quantization based of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the scattering matrix. The method is applicable for calculation and analysis of spontaneous emission rates and angular dependences of radiation for a set of different systems: semiconductor nanowires with quantum dots, plasmonic nanowires, cylindrical hollows in dielectrics and metals. Relative simplicity of the method allows obtaining analytical and semi-analytical expressions for both cases of radiation into external medium and into guided modes.The work has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation 21-12-00304

    Current state of the research on optoacoustic fiber-optic ultrasonic transducers based on thermoelastic effect and fiber-optic interferometric receivers

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    The work is devoted to an overview of the current state of optoacoustic fiber-optic ultrasonic transducers based on thermoelastic effect and fiber-optic interference receivers, its scope, technologies and materials used, the advantages and disadvantages of different methods and the prospects for the development of the industry.The work has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation 21-12-00304

    Genetic algorithm for optimizing Bragg and hybrid metal-dielectric reflectors

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    Highly efficient reflectors are in demand in the rapidly developing optoelectronics. At the moment, distributed Bragg reflectors made of semiconductor materials are mainly used in this capacity. A lot of time and financial resources are spent on their production. Reducing the thickness of the reflector while maintaining its reflectivity would make these devices more affordable and extend their lifetime by reducing thermal noise. With the help of genetic optimization algorithms, the structures of multilayer semiconductor and combined metal-semiconductor reflectors were obtained, having a smaller thickness and equal optical characteristics than those of classical analogues. In particular, a 29% reduction in the thickness of the silicon/silica Bragg reflector was achieved without compromising performance.The work has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation 21-12-00304. This work is financially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (The federal academic leadership program Priority 2030)

    Modeling of spontaneous emission in presence of cylindrical nanoobjects: the scattering matrix approach

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    We propose a method of analysis of spontaneous emission of a quantum emitter (an atom, a luminescence center, a quantum dot) inside or in vicinity of a cylinder. At the focus of our method are analytical expressions for the scattering matrix of the cylindrical nanoobject. We propose the approach to electromagnetic field quantization based of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the scattering matrix. The method is applicable for calculation and analysis of spontaneous emission rates and angular dependences of radiation for a set of different systems: semiconductor nanowires with quantum dots, plasmonic nanowires, cylindrical hollows in dielectrics and metals. Relative simplicity of the method allows obtaining analytical and semi-analytical expressions for both cases of radiation into external medium and into guided modes

    Genetic algorithm for optimizing Bragg and hybrid metal-dielectric reflectors

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    Highly efficient reflectors are in demand in the rapidly developing optoelectronics. At the moment, distributed Bragg reflectors made of semiconductor materials are mainly used in this capacity. A lot of time and financial resources are spent on their production. Reducing the thickness of the reflector while maintaining its reflectivity would make these devices more affordable and extend their lifetime by reducing thermal noise. With the help of genetic optimization algorithms, the structures of multilayer semiconductor and combined metal-semiconductor reflectors were obtained, having a smaller thickness and equal optical characteristics than those of classical analogues. In particular, a 29% reduction in the thickness of the silicon/silica Bragg reflector was achieved without compromising performance

    Anharmonic Bloch oscillations of electrons in electrically biased superlattices

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    The phenomenon of anharmonic Bloch oscillations (i.e., oscillations with a frequency which is a multiple of the Bloch frequency) is considered. The energy-band structure of silicon-carbide polytypes where these oscillations are observed is calculated ab initio. A one-dimensional model potential making it possible to calculate the Stark wave functions in a biased superlattice is constructed for these polytypes. The transfer matrix method is used to find the set of energy levels (the so-called Stark ladder) and calculate the electron wave functions. It is shown that both radiative transitions between neighboring Stark levels (at the Bloch frequency) and transitions in the form of jumps via several levels, accompanied by emission at frequencies that are multiples of the Bloch frequency, may occur. The calculated probabilities of transitions between Stark-ladder levels increase with increasing applied field strength