772 research outputs found

    Ali ustvarjamo svojo preteklost? Raziskovanje gradnje teorij, geoprostorskih statističnih podatkov in rekonstrukcije funkcije utrjenih naselij kulture žarnih grobišč

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    Urnfield Culture hilltop settlements are often associated with a predominant function in the settlement pattern. This study challenged the idea of centrality by means of density estimates and spatial inhomogeneous explanatory statistics. Reflecting on the differences in spatial trends and material culture, no conclusive evidence for a consolidation of power, economic, or cultic dominance was observed. The dataset strongly points towards the inapplicability of commonly used parametric and/or homogenous spatial algorithms in archaeology. Tracer variables as well as the methodological and theoretical limitations are critically reviewed and a methodological framework to increase the reproducibility and reusability of archaeological research is proposed.Višinska naselja kulture žarnih grobišč pogosto povezujemo z vodilnim položajem v vzorcu poselitve. V pričujoči študiji izpodbijamo idejo o centralnosti z uporabo ocen gostote poselitve in prostorskih nehomogenih pojasnjevalnih statističnih podatkov. Pri opazovanju razlik v prostorskih usmeritvah in materialni kulturi nismo našli nobenega prepričljivega dokaza o utrjevanju moči ter o gospodarski ali kultni prevladi. Podatkovna baza kaže na neuporabnost parametričnih in/ali homogenih prostorskih algoritmov, ki se običajno uporabljajo v arheologiji. Nudimo kritičen razmislek o sledilnih spremenljivkah ter o metodoloških in teoretičnih omejitvah, hkrati pa ponudimo metodološki okvir, s pomočjo katerega lahko povečamo ponovljivost in ponovno uporabnost arheoloških raziskav

    Impact of Smoking on Development and Progression of Periodontal Disease

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    Pušenje se smatra rizičnim čimbenikom za nastanak i progresiju parodontne bolesti. Svrha je rada bila odrediti prevalenciju pušenja u uzorku ispitivanih pacijenata koji boluju od parodontitisa, utvrditi utjecaj pušenja na razvoj i progresiju parodontne bolesti i usporediti parodontni status pušača i nepušača. Ispitano je dvjesto pacijenata, pola kojih je bilo pušača a pola nepušača, te su podijeljeni u četiri dobne skupine: do 19, 20-35, 35 65 i 66 i više, i klasificirani prema spolu. Parodontni status vrjednovan je Community Periodontal Indexom (CPI) i Loss of Attachment Indexom (LA), te Klein-Palmerovim (KEP) Indexom. Prema rezultatima CPI-a, nepušači imaju statistički znatno veću prevalenciju zdrava parodonta od skupine pušača, u kojih je zabilježena veća prevalencija plitkih i dubokih parodontnih džepova. Prevalencija parodontnih bolesti u svih ispitanih pacijenata iznosila je 41%. U skupini pušača 60% ispitanika imalo je parodontnu bolest, a 25% ispitanika u skupini nepušača. Prema rezultatima LA indeksa, postoji statistički znatnije veća prevalencija gubitka epitelnoga pričvrstka veća od 3mm u skupini ispitanika - pušača nego u skupini ispitanika nepušača. Prema rezultatima KEP-indeksa, ispitanici pušači imaju statistički znatno više karijesa i ekstrakcija nego nepušači, a u broju liječenih zuba nije bilo statistički znatne razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da broj cigareta konzumiran u danu ne utječe na razvoj parodontne bolesti, no svi ostali rezultati pokazuju da su prevalencija i stupanj parodontne bolesti statistički znatno veći u ispitivanoj skupini pušača nego u ispitivanoj skupini nepušača iste dobi i spola.Smoking is considered to be a risk factor for onset and progression of periodontal disease. The aim was to determine the prevalence of smoking in the sample, subject to examination among the patients that suffer from periodontal diseases, to identify the impact of smoking on development and progression of periodontal disease, and to compare the periodontal status between smokers and non-smokers. Two hundred patients, half of which were smokers an the other half non-smokers, were examined, and divided in four age groups: up to 1, 20-35, 36-65, and 66 and up, and further classified by gender. Periodontal status was evaluated by use of the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), the Loss of Attachment Index (LA), and Klein-Palmer (KEP) Index. Following CPI, the non-smokers were found to have statistically significantly higher prevalence of healthy periodontium that the smokers, in whom a higher prevalence of shallow and deep pockets. Prevalence of periodontal disease in all of the examined patients was 42%. In the group of smokers 60% of examinees were found to have periodontal disease, and 25% of examinees in the group of non smokers. Following LA index, there was statistically significantly higher prevalence of loss of atachment greater than 3 mm in the group of patients who were smokers, than in the group of non-smokers. Following KEP-index, the smokers examined had statistically significantly more caries and extracions than non-smokers,whereas there were no differences in the number of teeth cured. Results showed that the number of cigarttes consumed per day does not affect the development of periodontal disease, but all of the other results showed that the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases among the examined group of smokers was statistically significantly higher than in the examined group of non-smokers of the same age and sex

    Genetics, odor perception and food liking: The intriguing role of cinnamon

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    Humans use a repertoire of > 400 olfactory receptors (ORs) to perceive odorants. The sense of smell is a complex trait whereby genetics and environmental factors interplay. To date, still little is known regarding the genetics of smell, even though the high genetic variability of ORs genes has already been demonstrated. Recently a significant association between cinnamon odorant recognition and the rs317787 polymorphism, located in a cluster of OR genes, has been described. Based on this data, here, we replicated the effect of the same variant (rs317787) on cinnamon odorant identification as well as looked at any possible association with liking for wine whose bouquet frequently smells of cinnamon. Our analysis in a cohort of individuals from two Italian genetic isolates confirmed that rs317787-T allele is associated with an improved cinnamon detection (p-value 5.18 7 10 1206, n = 971) but also with a greater liking for red wine (p-value 0.017, n = 2374). Present results further confirm the association of rs31778 SNP and cinnamon odorants detection and provide additional details about the role of the ORs genes in food liking. Overall, our work contributes to better deciphering the genetic basis of smell and food liking aimed at a more in-depth elucidation of the role of the ORs genes

    Occlusal Interferences in Localised and Generalized Periodontitis

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    Značaj okuzijskih zapreka u razvoju i u terapiji parodontnih bolesti i poremećaja iznimno je kontroverzan. Još uvijek su u najstručnijim krugovima znanstvenika aktualne rasprave o povezanosti zapreka i okluzijske traume i o njihovoj ulozi u parodontnoj bolesti. Svrha rada bila je istražiti postoji li statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka ( na radnoj i balansnoj strani) između skupine pacijenata s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i skupine pacijenata s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Ispitanici su bili pacijenti s parodontnom bolesti, koji su klasificirani prema Extent and Severity Indexu (ESI) na ispitivanu skupinu lokaliziranih parodontitisa i ispitivanu skupinu generaliziranih parodontitisa. Kretnje na laterotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u interkaninom području tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježene su plavim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12µ, a kontakti na mediotruzijskoj strani/kontakti u lateralnim područjima tijekom protruzijske kretnje bilježeni su crvenim artikulacijskim papirom debljine 12µ. U obje ispitivane skupine 45,12% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 48,78% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na balansnoj strani. U skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa 33,33% ispitanika imalo je zapreke na radnoj strani, a 50,81% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Zapreke na balansnoj strani postojale su u 52,38% ipitanika u skupini lokaliziranoga parodontitisa, a 47,54% ispitanika imalo ih je u skupini generaliziranoga parodontitisa. Hi-kvadrat testom utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika između pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom u usporedbi sa skupinom ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom. Iako nema statistički znatne razlike, postoji tendencija razlike u frekvencijama (p = 0,054) te je vidljivo da u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom postoji više slučajeva bez zapreka na balansnoj strani (52,45%) u odnosu prema skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom (47,61%). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički znatna razlika u pojavnosti okluzijskih zapreka u skupini ispitanika s lokaliziranim parodontitisom i u skupini ispitanika s generaliziranim parodontitisom.The significance of occlusal interference in the development and therapy of periodontal disease is very controversial. There are still very vivid discussions going on between experts whether or not interferences cause occlusal trauma, and wath is its role in periodontal disease. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there i statistically significant difference in the manifestation of occlusal interferences (working side and balancing side) among a group of patients sufferig from localised periodontitis and a group of patients with generalized periodontitis. Examinees were patients with periodontal disease, classified according to Extent and Severity Index (ESI) into a group with localised periodontitis and a group with generalized peiodontitis. Movements on the laterotrusion side/contacts in the intercanine segment in protrusion were marked with blue articulation paper 12µ thick, while contacts on the mediotrusion side/contacts in lateral segments during protrusion were marked with red articulation paper (12µ thick). Of al patients, there were 45.12% with working side interferences, and 48.78% with balancing side interferences in both examined groups. 33.33% of the examinees in the group with localised periodontitis had working side interferences, and 50.81% of the examinees in the group with generalized periodontitis. Balancing side interferences were found in 52.38% of patients in the group with localised periodontitis, and 47.54% of patients in the group with generalized periodontitis. Chi-square test showed that there was statistically significant difference between manifestation of occlusal interferences in the group of patients with localised periodontitis compared to manifestation of articulation interferences in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis (chi-square = 3.561; p = 0.313). Although there was no statistically significant difference, there was a tendency to difference in frequencies (p = 0.054), and it is shown that in the group of patients with generalized periodontitis there were more cases with no balancing side interferences on any side (52.45%), compared to the group of patients with localised periodontitis (47.61%). Results showed that there was no difference in manfestation of occlusal interferences in localised peiodontitis compared to generalized periodontitis

    Phosphorus fractions in the vineyard soil of the Serra Gaúcha of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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    The study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of P fractions in a vineyard soil profile with successive applications of phosphate fertilizers. In January 2010 an area was selected of native forest and a vineyard at age 33 with a history of phosphate fertilizer application, in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul state. Soil samples were collected from 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm layers, prepared and submitted to chemical fractionation of P. The excessive application of phosphate fertilizers during 33 years in the vineyard soil increased the levels of organic and inorganic P until the 20 cm layer in all P fractions. The highest levels of P in the vineyard soil were found mainly in the labile fractions extracted with anion exchange resin and NaHCO3, which indicates high nutrient availability to plants, but also indicates the potential of transfer of solution from soil to surface run-off or percolated through the soil profile, which represents greater potential for contamination of surface and subsurface waters

    Custo de implantação dos sistemas intensivos de criação de suínos confinado e ao ar livre.

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    Build up of yield stress fluids via chaotic emulsification

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    Stabilised dense emulsions display a rich phenomenology connecting microstructure and rheology. In this work, we study how an emulsion with a finite yield stress can be built via large-scale stirring. By gradually increasing the volume fraction of the dispersed minority phase, under the constant action of a stirring force, we are able to achieve a volume fraction close to (Formula presented.). Despite the fact that our system is highly concentrated and not yet turbulent we observe a droplet size distribution consistent with the (Formula presented.) scaling, often associated with inertial range droplets breakup. We report that the polydispersity of droplet sizes correlates with the dynamics of the emulsion formation process. Additionally, we quantify the visco-elastic properties of the dense emulsion finally obtained and we demonstrate the presence of a finite yield stress. The approach reported can pave the way to a quantitative understanding of the complex interplay between the dynamics of mesoscale constituents and the large-scale flow properties of yield stress fluids