891 research outputs found

    Mining the Web Data for Classifying and Predicting Users’ Requests

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    Consumers are the most important asset of any organization. The commercial activity of an organization booms with the presence of a loyal customer who is visibly content with the product and services being offered. In a dynamic market, understanding variations in client’s behavior can help executives establish operative promotional campaigns. A good number of new consumers are frequently picked up by traders during promotions. Though, several of these engrossed consumers are one-time deal seekers, the promotions undeniably leave a positive impact on sales. It is crucial for traders to identify who can be converted to loyal consumer and then have them patronize products and services to reduce the promotion cost and increase the return on investments. This study integrates a classifier that allows prediction of the type of purchase that a customer would make, as well as the number of visits that he/she would make during a year. The proposed model also creates outlines of users and brands or items used by them. These outlines may not be useful only for this particular prediction task, but could also be used for other important tasks in e-commerce, such as client segmentation, product recommendation and client base growth for brands

    A cross sectional study to assess the prevalence of microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Microalbuminuria is an earliest marker of overt diabetic nephropathy, hence monitoring microalbuminuria in patients with diabetes mellites helps to predict and prevent overt diabetic nephropathy. This cross-sectional study was done to find out the prevalence of microalbuminuria in 200 patients with diabetes mellitus attending medicine OPD of Basaweshwara medical college hospital (BMCH), Chitradurga.Methods: 200 patients with Diabetes mellitus visiting the medicine OPD of BMCH, Chitradurga were considered for the study. Patients history and physical examination findings like duration of diabetes, hypertension, smoking and BMI were considered. Relevant blood investigations like fasting blood sugar, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), serum cholesterol and creatinine were done. Microalbuminuria was assessed using dipstick kits in an early morning urine samples.Results: The prevalence of normoalbuminuria was 71% and microalbuminuria was 29%. The prevalence of microalbuminuria increased with the increase in duration of diabetes.Conclusions: Prevalence of microalbuminuria among the patients with diabetes depends upon risk factors like blood pressure control, duration of diabetes, fasting blood sugar and HbA1c. Early identification of high risk patients and the subsequent initiation of renal and cardiovascular protective agents helps to reduce the burden of diabetic kidney disease.

    Safety and effectiveness of tranexamic acid in reduction of post-partum hemorrhage in patients undergoing caesarean section in tertiary care hospital of Southern India

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    Background: Obstetric haemorrhage is a leading cause of premature maternal mortality, accounting for at least 100,000 deaths each year worldwide. Tranexamic acid has been shown to reduce uterine blood loss in non-surgical aspect. The aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of TXA in prevention of post-partum hemorrhage in patients undergoing caesarean delivery and to compare the secondary clinical outcomes.Methods: In this prospective observational cross-sectional study, 50 pregnant women undergoing CD were selected in random pattern and divided into control and study group of 25 patients each, in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology in Sri. Siddhartha medical college, Tumakuru from November 2019 to October 2021. The study group were given 1 g of TXA intravenously and the control group did not receive TXA. All the pregnant women received 20 units of oxytocin following delivery.Results: Mean of the total blood loss in the study group was 67 % less than the control group. Secondary clinical outcomes such as need for blood transfusion, other surgical measures to stop bleeding were comparatively less in study group compared to control groups. To note, no significant difference in duration of hospital stay was found between two groups.Conclusions: Our study suggests that, a safe dose of 1g IV tranexamic acid prior to caesarean section has an effective role in reducing blood loss and significantly improved blood loss–related secondary clinical outcomes with fewer side effects.

    SARAS 2: A Spectral Radiometer for probing Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization through detection of the global 21 cm signal

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    The global 21 cm signal from Cosmic Dawn (CD) and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), at redshifts z630z \sim 6-30, probes the nature of first sources of radiation as well as physics of the Inter-Galactic Medium (IGM). Given that the signal is predicted to be extremely weak, of wide fractional bandwidth, and lies in a frequency range that is dominated by Galactic and Extragalactic foregrounds as well as Radio Frequency Interference, detection of the signal is a daunting task. Critical to the experiment is the manner in which the sky signal is represented through the instrument. It is of utmost importance to design a system whose spectral bandpass and additive spurious can be well calibrated and any calibration residual does not mimic the signal. SARAS is an ongoing experiment that aims to detect the global 21 cm signal. Here we present the design philosophy of the SARAS 2 system and discuss its performance and limitations based on laboratory and field measurements. Laboratory tests with the antenna replaced with a variety of terminations, including a network model for the antenna impedance, show that the gain calibration and modeling of internal additives leave no residuals with Fourier amplitudes exceeding 2~mK, or residual Gaussians of 25 MHz width with amplitudes exceeding 2~mK. Thus, even accounting for reflection and radiation efficiency losses in the antenna, the SARAS~2 system is capable of detection of complex 21-cm profiles at the level predicted by currently favoured models for thermal baryon evolution.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures; comments and suggestions are welcom

    Photocatalytic degradation of imidachloprid under solar light using metal ion doped TiO2 nanoparticles: influence of oxidation state and electronic configuration of dopants

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    Anatase TiO2 was doped with metal ions like Th4+, V5+ and Mo6+ and tested for the degrdn. of imidachloprid under solar light. X-​ray diffraction results inferred that all the dopants stabilized the anatase phase irresp. of their nature, oxidn. state and ionic size. The undoped and transition metal ion doped TiO2 were completely transformed to rutile phase at 700° while rare earth Th4+ doped sample completely transformed to rutile phase at 1000°. The rare earth dopant stabilized the anatase phase by hindering the growth of crystallite size. Among the photocatalysts used, Th4+ (0.06​%)​-​TiO2 showed highest activity and its efficiency was 2.8 times higher than that of Degussa P-​25. The Th4+ ion lowered the band gap of TiO2 to 2.6 and 2.5 eV facilitating solar light absorption. Detrapping of the trapped charge carriers depends on electronic configuration and the oxidn. state of the dopants

    Neurobrucellosis presenting as an intra-medullary spinal cord abscess

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    BACKGROUND: Of the diverse presentation of neurobrucellosis, intra-medullary spinal cord abscess is extremely rare. Only four other cases have been reported so far. We present a case of spinal cord intra-medullary abscess due to Brucella melitensis. CASE PRESENTATION: A forty-year-old female presented with progressive weakness of both lower limb with urinary incontinence of 6 months duration. She was febrile. Neurological examination revealed flaccid areflexic paraplegia with T(10 )below sensory impairment including perianal region. An intramedullary mass was diagnosed on Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) scan extending from T(12 )to L(2). At surgery, a large abscess was encountered at the conus medullaris, from which Brucella melitensis was grown on culture. She was started on streptomycin and doxycycline for 1 month, followed by rifampicin and doxycycline for 1 month. At 2-year follow-up, she had recovered only partially and continued to have impaired bladder function. CONCLUSION: Neurobrucellosis, if not treated early, can result in severe neurological morbidity and sequale, which may be irreversible. Hence it is important to consider the possibility of neurobrucellosis in endemic region and treat aggressively