5 research outputs found

    Spirograph based electrospinning system for producing fibre mat with near uniform mechanical property

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    This study focuses on the development of Spirograph-based mechanical system (SBMS) for the collection ofpolyacrylonitrile fibres in an electrospinning process. The collector plate is set to trace a spiropath in such a way that theevent of crossing the centre of collection region from different radial direction is high. To assess the capability of SBMS,electrospun mat of acrylic has been prepared and the properties of samples sectioned from different angular positions of acircular mat are evaluated. The diameter and alignment of fibres are analyzed by processing the scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM) images of electrospun mats with the use of ImageJ software. The electrospun mat produced using SBMScollector assembly exhibits near uniform characteristics like thickness, tensile strength, porosity, fibre diameter and fibrealignment as compared to the electrospun mat produced by using conventional static collector

    Effect of yarn twist on mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced composite rods

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    343-346Effect of twist of glass yarns on the tensile, flexural and interfacial shear properties of composites has been studied. The glass fibre reinforced composite rods have been prepared by hand pultrusion technique with various twist levels. It is found that with the increase in twist level in yarns, the tensile, flexural and interfacial shear strength properties of the composites increase upto 0.25 TPI, 1.0 TPI and 0.75 TPI respectively, followed by decrease in the properties of the composites

    Spirograph based electrospinning system for producing fibre mat with near uniform mechanical property

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    279-285This study focuses on the development of Spirograph-based mechanical system (SBMS) for the collection of polyacrylonitrile fibres in an electrospinning process. The collector plate is set to trace a spiropath in such a way that the event of crossing the centre of collection region from different radial direction is high. To assess the capability of SBMS, electrospun mat of acrylic has been prepared and the properties of samples sectioned from different angular positions of a circular mat are evaluated. The diameter and alignment of fibres are analyzed by processing the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of electrospun mats with the use of ImageJ software. The electrospun mat produced using SBMS collector assembly exhibits near uniform characteristics like thickness, tensile strength, porosity, fibre diameter and fibre alignment as compared to the electrospun mat produced by using conventional static collector

    Effect of lay-up angle and layers on mechanical properties of composites based on rib knit jute inlaid preforms

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    422-425The mechanical properties of knitted jute inlaid reinforced composites with different stacking sequences and number of layers have been studied. Flat rib knitted preforms have been produced in manual flatbed knitting machine followed by composite laminate preparation using simple hand lay-up technique. It is observed that the mechanical properties are dependant upon the stacking sequence and number of layers

    Analiza jednorodno艣ci w艂贸knin wytwarzanych przy u偶yciu kolektor贸w statycznych i dynamicznych

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    In an electrospinning process, as the deposition of fibres occurs randomly over the collector, the mats produced are generally expected to have homogeneous properties throughout the mat. This study compares the ultimate tensile strength, porosity, thickness and morphology of the different portions of mats sectioned at various angular locations. The influence of the template design and mode of operation of the collectors on the properties of electrospun mats were investigated. The inhomogeneity in the properties of the electrospun mat produced using stationary collectors was significant, irrespective of the different template design of the collectors. However, the collectors operated in the dynamic mode decrease variations in the properties among the different sections of the electrospun mats. By choosing a particular template design and mode of operation of the collector, an electrospun mat of desired orientation can be achieved.W pracy por贸wnano wytrzyma艂o艣膰 na rozci膮ganie, porowato艣膰, grubo艣膰 i morfologi臋 r贸偶nych fragment贸w w艂贸knin wytworzonych przy u偶yciu kolektor贸w statycznych i dynamicznych. Zbadano wp艂yw sposobu dzia艂ania kolektor贸w na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci otrzymanych w艂贸knin. Zaobserwowano znacz膮c膮 niejednorodno艣膰 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci w艂贸knin wytworzonych przy u偶yciu kolektor贸w statycznych. Stwierdzono, 偶e kolektory pracuj膮ce w trybie dynamicznym zmniejszaj膮 odchylenia w艂a艣ciwo艣ci pomi臋dzy r贸偶nymi sekcjami w艂贸knin. Poprzez wybranie odpowiedniego sposobu dzia艂ania kolektora, mo偶na uzyska膰 w艂贸knin臋 o po偶膮danej orientacji