48 research outputs found

    Constraining dark matter decays with cosmic microwave background and weak lensing shear observations

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    From observations at low and high redshifts, it is well known that the bulk of dark matter (DM) has to be stable or at least very long-lived. However, the possibility that a small fraction of DM is unstable or that all DM decays with a half-life time (τ\tau) significantly longer than the age of the Universe is not ruled out. One-body decaying dark matter (DDM) consists of a minimal extension to the Λ\LambdaCDM model. It causes a modification of the cosmic growth history as well as a suppression of the small-scale clustering signal, providing interesting consequences regarding the S8S_8 tension, which is the observed difference in the clustering amplitude between weak-lensing (WL) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations. In this paper, we investigate models in which a fraction or all DM decays into radiation, focusing on the long-lived regime, that is, τ≳H0−1\tau \gtrsim H_0^{-1} ( H0−1H_0^{-1} being the Hubble time). We used WL data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) and CMB data from Planck. First, we confirm that this DDM model cannot alleviate the S8S_8 difference. We then show that the most constraining power for DM decay does not come from the nonlinear WL data, but from CMB via the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. From the CMB data alone, we obtain constraints of τ≥288\tau \geq 288~Gyr if all DM is assumed to be unstable, and we show that a maximum fraction of f=0.07f=0.07 is allowed to decay assuming the half-life time to be comparable to (or shorter than) one Hubble time. The constraints from the KiDS-1000 WL data are significantly weaker, τ≥60\tau \geq 60~Gyr and f<0.34f<0.34. Combining the CMB and WL data does not yield tighter constraints than the CMB alone, except for short half-life times, for which the maximum allowed fraction becomes f=0.03f=0.03. All limits are provided at the 95% confidence level

    Cosmological forecast of the 21-cm power spectrum using the halo model of reionization

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    The 21-cm power spectrum of reionization is a promising probe for cosmology and fundamental physics. Exploiting this new observable, however, requires fast predictors capable of efficiently scanning the very large parameter space of cosmological and astrophysical uncertainties. In this paper, we introduce the halo model of reionization (HMreio), a new analytical tool that combines the halo model of the cosmic dawn with the excursion-set bubble model for reionization, assuming an empirical correction factor to deal with overlapping ionization bubbles. First, HMreio is validated against results from the well-known semi-numerical code 21cmFAST, showing a good overall agreement for wave-modes of k≲1k\lesssim 1 h/Mpc. Based on this result, we perform a Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain (MCMC) forecast analysis assuming mock data from 1000-hour observations with the low-frequency part of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) observatory. We simultaneously vary the six standard cosmological parameters together with seven astrophysical nuisance parameters quantifying the abundance and spectral properties of sources. Depending on the assumed theory error, we find very competitive constraints on cosmological parameters. In particular, it will be possible to conclusively test current cosmological tensions related to the Hubble parameter (H0H_0-tension) and the matter clustering amplitude (S8S_8-tension). Furthermore, the sum of the neutrino masses can be strongly constrained, making it possible to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy at the ∼90\sim 90 percent confidence level. However, these goals can only be achieved if the current modelling uncertainties are substantially reduced to below ∼3\sim 3 percent.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, comments welcom

    BEoRN: A fast and flexible framework to simulate the epoch of reionisation and cosmic dawn

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    In this study, we introduce BEoRN (Bubbles during the Epoch of Reionisation Numerical Simulator), a publicly available Python code that generates three-dimensional maps of the 21-cm signal from the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionisation. Built upon N-body simulation outputs, BEoRN populates haloes with stars and galaxies based on a flexible source model. It then computes the evolution of Lyman-α\alpha coupling, temperature, and ionisation profiles as a function of source properties, and paints these profiles around each source onto a three-dimensional grid. The code consistently deals with the overlap of ionised bubbles by redistributing photons around the bubble boundaries, thereby ensuring photon conservation. It accounts for the redshifting of photons and the source look-back effect for the temperature and Lyman-α\alpha coupling profiles which extend far into the intergalactic medium to scales of order 100 cMpc. We provide a detailed description of the code and compare it to results from the literature. After validation, we run three different benchmark models based on a cosmological N-body simulation. All three models agree with current observations from UV luminosity functions and estimates of the mean ionisation fraction. Due to different assumptions regarding the small-mass stellar-to-halo relation, the X-ray flux emission, and the ionising photon escape fraction, the models produce unique signatures ranging from a cold reionisation with deep absorption trough to an emission-dominated 21-cm signal, broadly encompassing the current uncertainties at cosmic dawn. The code BEoRN is publicly available at https://github.com/cosmic-reionization/BEoRN

    Halo model approach for the 21-cm power spectrum at cosmic dawn

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    Prior to the epoch of reionization, the 21-cm signal of the cosmic dawn is dominated by the Lyman-α coupling and gas temperature fluctuations caused by the first sources of radiation. While early efforts to model this epoch relied on analytical techniques, the community quickly transitioned to more expensive seminumerical models. Here, we reassess the viability of simpler approaches that allow for rapid explorations of the vast astrophysical parameter space. We propose a new analytical method to calculate the 21-cm power spectrum based on the framework of the halo model. Both the Lyman-α coupling and temperature fluctuations are described by overlapping radiation flux profiles that include spectral redshifting and source attenuation due to look-back (light-cone) effects. The 21-cm halo model is compared to the seminumerical code 21 cmFAST exhibiting generally good agreement, i.e., the power spectra differ by less than a factor of 3 over a large range of k-modes and redshifts. We show that the remaining differences between the two methods are comparable to the expected variations from modeling uncertainties associated with the abundance, bias, and accretion rates of haloes. While these current uncertainties must be reduced in the future, our work suggests that inference at acceptable accuracy will become feasible with very efficient halo models of the cosmic dawn

    Probing the two-body decaying dark matter scenario with weak lensing and the cosmic microwave background

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    Decaying dark matter (DDM) scenarios have recently re-gained attention due to their potential ability to resolve the well-known clustering (or S8S_8) tension between weak lensing (WL) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements. In this paper, we investigate a well-established model, where the original dark matter (DM) particle decays into a massless and a massive daughter particles. The latter obtains a velocity kick during the decay process resulting in a suppression of the matter power spectrum at scales that are observable with WL shear observations. We perform the first fully nonlinear WL analysis of this two-body decaying dark matter (Λ\LambdaDDM) scenario including intrinsic alignment and baryonic feedback processes. We thereby use the cosmic shear band power spectra from the KiDS-1000 data combining it with temperature and polarization data from Planck to constrain the Λ\LambdaDDM model. We report new limits on the decay rate and mass splitting parameters that are significantly stronger than previous results, especially for the case of low mass splittings. We also investigate the S8S_8 tension only finding a marginal improvement of 0.3σ\sigma for Λ\LambdaDDM compared to the Λ\LambdaCDM case. The improvement is not caused by a shift but a slight bloating of the posterior contours caused by the additional free model parameters. We therefore conclude that the two-body Λ\LambdaDDM model does not provide a convincing solution to the S8S_8 tension. Our emulator to model the nonlinear Λ\LambdaDDM power spectrum is published as part of the publicly available code DMemu at https://github.com/jbucko/DMemu.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Starbursts in low-mass haloes at Cosmic Dawn. I. The critical halo mass for star formation

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    The first stars, galaxies, star clusters, and direct-collapse black holes are expected to have formed in low-mass (∼\sim105−109 M⊙10^{5}-10^{9} ~ M_{\odot}) haloes at Cosmic Dawn (z∼10−30z \sim 10 - 30) under conditions of efficient gas cooling, leading to gas collapse towards the centre of the halo. The halo mass cooling threshold has been analyzed by several authors using both analytical models and numerical simulations, with differing results. Since the halo number density is a sensitive function of the halo mass, an accurate model of the cooling threshold is needed for (semi-)analytical models of star formation at Cosmic Dawn. In this paper the cooling threshold mass is calculated (semi-)analytically, considering the effects of H2_2-cooling and formation (in the gas phase and on dust grains), cooling by atomic metals, Lyman-α\alpha cooling, photodissociation of H2_2 by Lyman-Werner photons (including self-shielding by H2_2), photodetachment of H−^- by infrared photons, photoevaporation by ionization fronts, and the effect of baryon streaming velocities. We compare the calculations to several high-resolution cosmological simulations, showing excellent agreement. We find that in regions of typical baryon streaming velocities, star formation is possible in haloes of mass ≳1−2×106 M⊙\gtrsim 1-2 \times 10^6 ~ M_{\odot} for z≳20z \gtrsim 20. By z∼8z \sim 8, the expected Lyman-Werner background suppresses star formation in all minihaloes below the atomic-cooling threshold (Tvir=104 KT_{\rm vir} = 10^4 ~ \textrm{K}). The halo mass cooling threshold increases by another factor of ∼\sim44 following reionization, although this effect is slightly delayed (z∼4−5z \sim 4-5) because of effective self-shielding.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Comments are welcom

    Position-dependent power spectra of the 21-cm signal from the epoch of reionization

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    The 21-cm signal from the epoch of reionization is non-Gaussian. Current radio telescopes are focused on detecting the 21-cm power spectrum, but in the future the Square Kilometre Array is anticipated to provide a first measurement of the bispectrum. Previous studies have shown that the position-dependent power spectrum is a simple and efficient way to probe the squeezed-limit bispectrum. In this approach, the survey is divided into subvolumes and the correlation between the local power spectrum and the corresponding mean density of the subvolume is computed. This correlation is equivalent to an integral of the bispectrum in the squeezed limit, but is much simpler to implement than the usual bispectrum estimators. It also has a clear physical interpretation: it describes how the small-scale power spectrum of tracers such as galaxies and the 21-cm signal respond to a large-scale environment. Reionization naturally couples large and small scales as ionizing radiation produced by galactic sources can travel up to tens of Megaparsecs through the intergalactic medium during this process. Here we apply the position-dependent power spectrum approach to fluctuations in the 21-cm background from reionization. We show that this statistic has a distinctive evolution in time that can be understood with a simple analytic model. We also show that the statistic can easily distinguish between simple "inside-out" and "outside-in" models of reionization. The position-dependent power spectrum is thus a promising method to validate the reionization signal and to extract higher-order information on this process.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, accepted in JCA