226 research outputs found

    Comparison of xenon triple point realizations

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    It is widely recognized that the Mercury triple point (MTP) being situated very close to the Water triple point (WTP) constitutes a weakness in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), in addition to safety concerns related to the use and transportation of Mercury. As such, a substitution for a safer, high-quality fixed point about half way between the Argon and Water triple points would be highly desirable. Now, a direct comparison is described of a Xenon cell filled in 2005 by the National Research Council Canada (NRC) and a more recently produced cell of the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM). The present paper discusses the INRiM 2017 measurements on both the INRiM and NRC cells, with a follow-up measurement at NRC, and presents the difference between the two cells, (0.17 ± 0.08) mK with the uncertainties of each cell’s realization of the Xenon triple point (XeTP), 0.11 mK for the INRiM cell and 0.07 mK for the NRC cell (k = 1). In addition, the effect of substituting Mercury with Xenon on Type 1 non-uniqueness (‘SRI’, subrange inconsistency), Type 3 non-uniqueness (‘NU3’, cSPRT variability) and propagation of fixed point realization uncertainty is shown and discussed


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    Geological researches carried out near che Castagnone hamlet in che Cerrina Valley (Northem Monferrato Hills, Piedmont, NW Italy), have brought to light a post-Messinian succession whose sedimentary record starts with a Lower Complex of pedogenized colluvial materials and with two superimposed Alluvial Units (I and II). The lower one of these units contains a Galerian macrofauna associated with microtine vole teeth (Mimomys savini, Mimomys pusillus, Ungaromys cf. U. nanus, Microtus (Allophaiomys) sp.), while che upper one yields only scarce faunal remains. Most of this sediments were deposited during a normal palaeomagnetic phase. The I Alluvial Unit, due to its biochronological correlation, must be referred to the Jaramillo Subchron, between 1,070,000 and 990,000 years ago. The II Alluvial Unit, being both unconformable with and younger than the first one, might be best referable to the Brunhes Chron. Overall, the bed dipping across the reported succession shows a progressive syn-sedimentary tilting, with accelerated deformation during the I Alluvial Unit deposition. This tectonic stress over the Castagnone area is seemingly related to the uplift of the north-easternmost ridge of che Monferrato Hills and appears to have been nearly exhausted before the II Alluvial Unit deposition.&nbsp

    Effect of psychosocial stress and coping strategies on non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with generalized stage III/IV periodontitis: a longitudinal intervention study

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    Objectives: The aim of this longitudinal intervention study was to assess the impact of psychosocial stress and coping response strategies on the clinical outcomes in periodontitis patients treated with non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). Materials and methods: After the administration of psychological questionnaires, patients diagnosed with generalized stage III–IV periodontitis were categorized into different groups depending on their stress levels (10-item perceived stress level (PSS-10)) and coping response strategies (coping responses inventory (CRI)). Clinical data were collected 1 week before and 3 months after the completion of NSPT. Results: Of the 90 patients included at baseline, 27 presented major and 63 minor stress levels, while 40 had avoidance and 50 approach coping behavior. All clinical parameters were similar at the baseline across different categories. At re-evaluation, full-mouth bleeding score (FMBS), mean probing pocket depth (PPD), and number of residual pathological pockets were significantly superior in groups with higher stress levels (p <0.001, p =0.001, and p =0.020, respectively), while higher full-mouth plaque scores (FMPS) and FMBS were found in patients with avoidance coping strategies (p =0.009 and p <0.001, respectively). When jointly evaluated, an added detrimental effect of coping styles on allostatic load was observed. Multivariate analysis confirmed a significant effect of stress levels and coping strategies on final FMBS, but not of coping on mean PPD. Conclusion: Psychosocial stress and avoidance coping strategy seem to negatively influence the clinical outcomes of NSPT at short term (NCT04739475; 9/1/2017). Practical implications: Based on these findings, patients reflecting these psychological profiles should be considered at greater risk for poor NSPT response and may benefit from complementary stress management strategies

    Effect of post-surgical flap position on soft tissue regrowth and keratinized tissue increase following fibre retention osseous resective surgery: a 6-month randomized study with multilevel analysis

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    Background: The aim of this randomized split-mouth study was to assess the influence of primary flap position on the amount of coronal soft tissue regrowth and keratinized tissue (KT) 6 months after osseous resective surgery with fiber retention technique (FibReORS). Materials and methods: Two contralateral posterior sextants in 16 patients were treated with FibReORS and randomly assigned to flap positioning either 2 mm below the bone crest (apical group) or at the level of bone crest (crestal group). Clinical parameters were recorded at 1, 3 and 6 months and patient-related outcomes during the first two post-operative weeks. Results: Healing period was uneventful. Patient’s discomfort was similar in both groups. The overall soft tissue rebound was higher in the apical than in the crestal group (2.0 ± 1.3 mm versus 1.3 ± 0.7 mm), but the difference was statistically significant only interproximally (2.2 ± 1.3 mm versus 1.6 ± 0.8 mm). Multilevel analyses showed higher soft tissue rebound in sites with normal compared to thin phenotype (1.5 mm, p < 0.0001) and treated with flap positioned 2 mm apically to the bone crest (0.7 mm, p < 0.001). An additional 0.5 mm KT increase was observed at interdental sites in the apical group. Conclusions: Apical flap positioning increases soft tissue rebound and KT width, mainly at the interdental sites, with reduced patient discomfort. Trial registration: The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (ID: NCT05140681, Registration date: 1/12/2021, retrospectively registered)

    Analysis of Serum Th2 Cytokines in Infants with Non-IgE Mediated Food Allergy Compared to Healthy Infants

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    Background: The aim of this study is to assess the serum values of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 in a group of infants with non-IgE mediated food allergies treated with a hydrolyzed formula and compare them with a group of healthy peers. Methods: A total of 53 infants aged 1 to 4 months, of which 34 with non-IgE mediated food allergies and 19 healthy infants were enrolled in this study. Infants were eligible if they had gastrointestinal symptoms of food allergy and needed to switch from their initial formula to hydrolyzed formulas with an improvement of symptoms. Controls were fed with either breastmilk or standard formula. Blood samples were taken within one week of a special diet for cases. Interleukinsin in peripheral blood was detected and analyzed using the real-time PCR MAMA method. Fecal calprotectin was evaluated using a quantitative assay. Results: Values of IL-4 and IL-13 were significantly higher in the non-IgE food allergy group compared to the control group (p &lt; 0.05), while IL-5 and IL-10 were significantly lower than the control group (p &lt; 0.05). Fecal calprotectin in the non-IgE food allergy group was significantly higher compared to the control group (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: This study provides a theoretical basis that Th2 cytokine expression in infants with a non-IgE mediated food allergy is significantly different than in healthy infants; this finding supports the use of early dietetic treatment with hydrolyzed formulas
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