19 research outputs found

    Uso de sensores electrónicos para la optimización y control del proceso de elaboración del jamón curado

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    La presente tesis doctoral pretende presentar alternativas al sistema de salado tradicional (salado en pila) utilizando el salado en bolsa como alternativa para controlar la cantidad de sal que se utiliza en el proceso y la salmuera generada. Así mismo, mediante la utilización de las técnicas de espectroscopía de impedancia y voltametría se pretende realizar un control de proceso que probablemente repercuta en la reducción de pérdidas por productos anómalos, optimización del uso de las instalaciones industriales, y la homogeneidad de la calidad del producto final, pudiendo adecuar los lotes a las preferencias del mercado de destino (nivel de sal, grado de curación), Adicionalmente el uso de bolsas en el proceso de salado permitirá mejorar el manejo de la salmuera residual disminuyendo el impacto ambiental.Girón Hernández, LJ. (2014). Uso de sensores electrónicos para la optimización y control del proceso de elaboración del jamón curado [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39109TESI


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    En el presente trabajo se pretendió desarrollar una técnica de análisis con la finalidad de evaluar el estado de frescura de carne de pollo fileteada y envasada de forma no destructiva mediante el empleo de un método multiespectral de onda corta que abarca el espectro del infrarrojo cercano (SW-NIR). La experiencia se llevo a cabo durante tres semanas según el proceso que se describe a continuación: (1) preparación de la muestra: se envasaron filetes de pollo en contenedores plásticos y se mantuvieron refrigerados a 4ºC. (2) Se realizó captura de imágenes los días 0, 7 y 14 utilizando una cámara capaz de captar imagen en una longitud de onda entre 400-1040 nm para lo que se desarrolló y calibró un sistema de iluminación halógeno. (3) Después de cada captura de imagen, se hicieron determinaciones fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas de Humedad (xw), actividad de agua (aw), pH, nitrógeno básico volátil total (N-BVT) y unidades formadoras de colonia (ufc/g) para predecir la degradación bioquímica de las muestras. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron como los parámetros físico-químicos y microbiológicos que mejor explicaron la perdida de frescura fueron pH, N-VBT y ufc/g con un R2 de predicción de 0.998. El rango de longitud de onda adecuado para modelizar la frescura de pollo se observó entre los 791 nm y los 859 nm, con un ajunte log (1/R) tiempo de almacenamiento de R2 = 0.952. Además el parámetro fisicoquímico que mejor expresó la relación entre los datos multiespectrales de imagen y el tiempo fue el pH. En base a estos resultados, la técnica de espectrofotometría de infrarrojo cercano (SW-NIR) puede ser una herramienta en el control de la frescura de la carne de pollo fileteada y envasada, aunque son necesarios sucesivos estudios a fin de profundizar en la técnica y obtener una herramienta totalmente fiable y aplicable al sector.Girón Hernández, LJ. (2009). APLICACIÓN DE LA TÉCNICA DE ESPECTROFOTOMETRÍA DE INFRARROJO CERCANO (SW-NIR) PARA LA DETERMINACIÓN DE LA FRESCURA DE CARNE DE POLLO FILETEADA Y ENVASADA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14421Archivo delegad

    Computer vision techniques for modelling the roasting process of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) var. Castillo

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    [EN] Artificial vision has wide-ranging applications in the food sector; it is easy to use, relatively low cost and allows to conduct rapid non-destructive analyses. The aim of this study was to use artificial vision techniques to control and model the coffee roasting process. Samples of Castillo variety coffee were used to construct the roasting curve, with captured images at different times. Physico-chemical determinations, such as colour, titratable acidity, pH, humidity and chlorogenic acids, and caffeine content, were investigated on the coffee beans. Data were processed by (i) Principal component analysis (PCA) to observe the aggrupation depending on the roasting time, and (ii) partial least squares (PLS) regression to correlate the values of the analytical determinations with the image information. The results allowed to construct robust regression models, where the colour coordinates (L*, a*), pH and titratable acidity presented excellent values in prediction (R-Pred(2) 0.95, 0.91, 0.94 and 0.92). The proposed algorithms were capable to correlate the chemical composition of the beans at each roasting time with changes in the images, showing promising results in the modelling of the coffee roasting process.Supported by the Universidad Surcolombiana, Project No. USCO-VIPS-3050.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sarria-González, JC.; Girón Hernández, J. (2020). Computer vision techniques for modelling the roasting process of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) var. Castillo. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 38(6):388-396. https://doi.org/10.17221/346/2019-CJFSS38839638

    Controle do estágio de torrefação de café através de técnicas de visão artificial

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    [EN] Artificial vision techniques were used to evaluate its application in the control of the coffee roasting stage. Coffee samples of Colombia and Castillo varieties were obtained and analyzed by comparing images during the roasting stage. A one-way ANOVA analysis exhibited 94.28% of similarity of the coffee varieties studied; a multivariate analysis showed significant differences (p<0.05) for the time factor and its interaction with the variety factor, no differences were observed (p>0.05) for the coffee varieties. Additionally, a Principal Component, with two components demonstrated 90.77% of the variance by differentiating the samples in the different roasting times. Therefore, the proposed technique could be used in the control of the coffee roasting stage.[PT] Para avaliar o controle do estágio de torrefação de café, foram utilizadas técnicas de visão artificial e variedades de café, Colombia e Castillo, as quais foram analisadas através da comparação de imagens durante a torrefação. A análise de variância mostrou similaridade de 94,28% entre as variedades estudadas. A análise multivariada mostrou diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para o fator tempo e sua interação com o fator variedade, não foram observadas diferenças para as variedades de café (p>0,05). E ainda foi realizada uma análise de componentes principais. Com dois componentes principais, 94,23% da variância foi explicada pela discriminação das amostras nos tempos de torrefação. Ao que se conclui que a técnica proposta pode ser uma ferramenta no controle do estágio de torrefação de café.Sarria-González, JC.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Girón-Hernández, J. (2019). Control of the coffee roasting stage using artificial vision techniques. Coffee Science (Online). 14(1):33-37. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/163574S333714

    Impact of heterogeneously crosslinked calcium alginate networks on the encapsulation of β-carotene-loaded beads

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    This study investigated the impact of heterogeneity of crosslinking on a range of physical and mechanical properties of calcium alginate networks formed via external gelation with 0.25–2% sodium alginate and 2.5 and 5% CaCl2. Crosslinking in films with 1–2% alginate was highly heterogeneous, as indicated by their lower calcium content (35–7 mg Ca·g alginate−1) and apparent solubility (5–6%). Overall, films with 1–2% alginate showed higher resistance (tensile strength = 51–147 MPa) but lower elasticity (Elastic Modulus = 2136–10,079 MPa) than other samples more homogeneous in nature (0.5% alginate, Elastic Modulus = 1918 MPa). Beads with 0.5% alginate prevented the degradation of β-carotene 1.5 times more efficiently than 1% beads (5% CaCl2) at any of the storage temperatures studied. Therefore, it was postulated that calcium alginate networks crosslinked to a greater extent and in a more homogeneous manner showed better mechanical performance and barrier properties for encapsulation applications

    Impact of post-harvest treatments on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of coffee beans in Huila, Colombia

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    [EN] Post-harvest methods applied on coffee cherries processing impact the resulting physicochemical characteristics, and the roasting modulates the beans composition, influencing their sensory analysis. Thus, this work studied the influence of different post-harvest methods (dry, wet and semi-dry) and roasting intensity on the physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity (DPPH, ABTS) and bioactive compounds content of coffee (C. arabica L. var. Colombia) samples. Additionally, sensory attributes were determined. The results showed that the degree of roasting modified strongly all the investigated parameters, mainly colour, antioxidant capacity and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural content. Furthermore, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) explained 87.4 % of the variability of the samples and the results of the antioxidants and hydroxymethylfurfural are related to the roasting degree, while the pH and the chlomgenic acids content allow discriminating the green samples. Finally, the post-harvest methods determined the sensory profile, resulting in coffees with highly differentiated characteristics and classified as "Specialty coffee.The authors acknowledge the support of Universidad Surcolombiana for beans processing and roasting (USCO-VIPS-3050) .Cortés-Macías, ET.; Fuentes López, C.; Gentile, P.; Girón Hernández, J.; Fuentes López, A. (2022). Impact of post-harvest treatments on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of coffee beans in Huila, Colombia. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 187:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2022.1118521918

    Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images

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    Consumers want fresh food with a long shelf-life, which in 2010, resulted in an important increase in packaged and processed food. This is especially important for fishery products due to their highly perishable nature. One problem is that it is not possible to measure freshness in packaged food only using the visible spectrum. Moreover, the detection of freshness is a complex problem as fish has different tissues with different biodegradation processes. Therefore, it would be especially interesting to have a non-destructive method to evaluate the shelf-life of packed processed fish. This paper proposes a method for detecting expired packaged salmon. Firstly, this method uses hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy (HIS) using visible and SW-NIR wavelengths. Secondly, a classification of different salmon tissues is carried out by image segmentation. Finally, classifications of expired or non expired salmon are performed with the PLS-DA statistical multivariate method due to the large amount of captured data. In a similar way, spectral data and the physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological properties of salmon are correlated using partial least squares (PLSs). The result obtained has a classification success rate of 82.7% in cross-validation from real commercial samples of salmon. Therefore, this is a promising technique for the non-destructive detection of expired packaged smoked salmon.We would like to thank the Valencian Government (GVA) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia for the financial support.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Girón Hernández, LJ.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2013). Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images. Journal of Food Engineering. 117(3):342-349. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2013.02.022S342349117

    Cocoa Pod Husk: A High‐Pectin Source with Applications in the Food and Biomedical Fields

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    Cocoa liquor, butter, and powder represent derived products from a small portion of the fruits, compared with the cocoa pod husk (CPH) which accounts for ∼ 70 % of fresh weight. CPH, improperly disposed in plantations, can cause diseases threatening worldwide chocolate production. However, this biomass can be a potential source of bioactive compounds aligned with the circular economy. An overview on the different methods for extracting pectin, resulting in variable extraction yields with a critical discussion on the obtained physicochemical characteristics, is presented. Additionally, the potential applications of the extracted pectin for food and biomedical application are discussed, including thickener, stabilizer, excipient, drug-release modifier, macrophage activator, etc. Despite these potential outputs, new extraction methods need to be considered for improving efficiency and sustainability. Finally, potential approaches are introduced that can help to minimize the environmental impact, making the extraction cost- and time-efficient, and, therefore, more sustainable for a further successful translation to industry

    Preliminary Study using Visible and SW-NIR Analysis for Evaluating the Loss of Freshness in Commercially Packaged Cooked Ham and Turkey Ham

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    The original publication is available on http://agriculturejournals.cz/web/cjfs.htm[EN] A non-destructive Vis-NIR spectroscopy (400–1000 nm) method was developed to evaluate the loss of freshness of sliced and commercially packaged cooked ham and turkey ham without any sample manipulation. The spectra were recorded at 0, 30, 40, and 60 days using a camera, spectral filter (400–1000 nm) and a halogen floodlighting system which had been were developed and calibrated for the purpose. Physico-chemical, biochemical, and microbiological properties such as pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), ATP breakdown compounds, and colony-forming units were determined to predict the degradation of freshness. The image spectra obtained from visible and SW-NIR spectroscopy were related to the storage time of the samples. A PLS-DA model was developed independently for packaged or unpackaged samples using the second derivative of the spectra. Mean R2 prediction obtained for cooked ham was 0.915 and 0.949 for Turkey ham. The technique developed could be applied to monitoring the freshness of commercial packed cooked ham and turkey ham as a non-destructive technique. Further studies will be needed to check the spectra obtained from samples of different commercial brands in order to evaluate more precisely the efficiency of the method.Supported by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Generalitat Valenciana, Projects No. PAID-06-08-3251 and GVPRE/2008/170.Girón Hernández, LJ.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Fernández Segovia, I.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2014). Preliminary Study using Visible and SW-NIR Analysis for Evaluating the Loss of Freshness in Commercially Packaged Cooked Ham and Turkey Ham. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 32(4):376-383. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/50018S37638332