59 research outputs found

    Transporting ideas between marine and social sciences: experiences from interdisciplinary research programs.

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    The oceans comprise 70% of the surface area of our planet, contain some of the world’s richest natural resources and are one of the most significant drivers of global climate patterns. As the marine environment continues to increase in importance as both an essential resource reservoir and facilitator of global change, it is apparent that to find long-term sustainable solutions for our use of the sea and its resources and thus to engage in a sustainable blue economy, an integrated interdisciplinary approach is needed. As a result, interdisciplinary working is proliferating. We report here our experiences of forming interdisciplinary teams (marine ecologists, ecophysiologists, social scientists, environmental economists and environmental law specialists) to answer questions pertaining to the effects of anthropogenic-driven global change on the sustainability of resource use from the marine environment, and thus to transport ideas outwards from disciplinary confines. We use a framework derived from the literature on interdisciplinarity to enable us to explore processes of knowledge integration in two ongoing research projects, based on analyses of the purpose, form and degree of knowledge integration within each project. These teams were initially focused around a graduate program, explicitly designed for interdisciplinary training across the natural and social sciences, at the Gothenburg Centre for Marine Research at the University of Gothenburg, thus allowing us to reflect on our own experiences within the context of other multi-national, interdisciplinary graduate training and associated research programs

    Principles for transformative ocean governance

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    With a focus on oceans, we collaborated across ecological, social and legal disciplines to respond to the United Nations call for transformation in the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. We developed a set of 13 principles that strategically and critically connect transformative ocean research to transformative ocean governance (complementing the UN Decade for Ocean Science). We used a rigorous, iterative and transparent consensus-building approach to define the principles, which can interact in supporting, neutral or sometimes conflicting ways. We recommend that the principles could be applied as a comprehensive set and discuss how to learn from their interactions, particularly those that reveal hidden tensions. The principles can bring and keep together partnerships for innovative ocean action. This action must respond to the many calls to reform current ocean-use practices which are based on economic growth models that have perpetuated inequities and fuelled conflict and environmental decline

    Principles for transformative ocean governance

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    With a focus on oceans, we collaborated across ecological, social and legal disciplines to respond to the United Nations call for transformation in the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. We developed a set of 13 principles that strategically and critically connect transformative ocean research to transformative ocean governance (complementing the UN Decade for Ocean Science). We used a rigorous, iterative and transparent consensus-building approach to define the principles, which can interact in supporting, neutral or sometimes conflicting ways. We recommend that the principles could be applied as a comprehensive set and discuss how to learn from their interactions, particularly those that reveal hidden tensions. The principles can bring and keep together partnerships for innovative ocean action. This action must respond to the many calls to reform current ocean-use practices which are based on economic growth models that have perpetuated inequities and fuelled conflict and environmental decline

    Principles for transformative ocean governance

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    With a focus on oceans, we collaborated across ecological, social and legal disciplines to respond to the United Nations call for transformation in the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’. We developed a set of 13 principles that strategically and critically connect transformative ocean research to transformative ocean governance (complementing the UN Decade for Ocean Science). We used a rigorous, iterative and transparent consensus-building approach to define the principles, which can interact in supporting, neutral or sometimes conflicting ways. We recommend that the principles could be applied as a comprehensive set and discuss how to learn from their interactions, particularly those that reveal hidden tensions. The principles can bring and keep together partnerships for innovative ocean action. This action must respond to the many calls to reform current ocean-use practices which are based on economic growth models that have perpetuated inequities and fuelled conflict and environmental decline

    Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. A review of the European Union chemicals and water legislation

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    In this report, the EU legislation regulating antifouling measures for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea will be presented with particular focus on authorisation of antifouling biocides and on determining the extent of the Member States’ autonomy in other antifouling related matters. The report outlines the important provisions of applicable legislation in both the regulations concerning harmonization of the authorisation of chemicals and the directives targeting the environmental concerns of the water bodies in the Union. The Biocidal Products Regulation provides the basis for all biocidal products authorisation, including procedural provisions and requirements for approval of active substances and authorisation of biocidal products, while the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive regulate the marine environment and provide specific environmental quality standards and measures that must be considered in the authorisation process. Provisions in both the Biocidal Products Regulation and the regulation in combination with the water policy directives provide the possibility to impose conditions or restrictions on antifouling biocides based on local environmental conditions, but the environmental concerns must be weighed against the objective of harmonization of the internal market. The particular sensitivity and unique environmental quality of the Baltic Sea constitutes aspects that can and must be taken into consideration in the authorisation process. The water quality directives put further antifouling related obligations on the Member States, which they may achieve through various regulations and actions determined at a national level

    Överlever Ă„len förvaltningen? En analys av den svenska Ă„lförvaltningsplanen.

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    Den europeiska Älen Àr pÄ vÀg att försvinna för gott. Arten Àr akut utrotningshotad och det finns starka vetenskapliga argument för att stoppa allt fiske. Trots det tillÄts det svenska Älfisket att fortsÀtta. Havsmiljöinstitutets analys av den svenska Älförvaltningsplanen visar pÄ tydliga brister. Det Àr inte troligt att Sverige kommer att leva upp till det uppsatta mÄlet för hur mÄnga blankÄlar som ska kunna vandra tillbaka till Sargassohavet för att bidra till ÄtervÀxten

    Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. Mapping the legal situation - National Study: Sweden

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    This report has been elaborated as part of the CHANGE research project (http://changeantifouling.com/) funded by the BONUS programme and national research funding institutions, in this case the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The overall objective of the interdisciplinary CHANGE project is to reduce to a minimum the supply of toxic compounds from antifouling paints used on leisure boats in the Baltic Sea by changing antifouling practices on leisure boats into a sustainable consumption of antifouling products and techniques. As part of the CHANGE project a mapping of EU legislation as well as national legislation in Sweden, Finland and Denmark has been carried out. This report maps the Swedish legal framework regarding antifouling paints on leisure boats as well as for the use of alternative techniques. The report starts with an introduction to the overall governance structure of the legislation and the relevant authorities. It then is divided into four areas of law relevant to antifouling paints and practices, including regulation of environmental quality, products, waste management and other environmental issues as well as contaminated land and sediments. Furthermore, the report in Annex I includes an analysis from an actors’ perspective. The report is based on a legal-dogmatic research on applicable national legislation based on relevant sources of law as well as relevant reports, articles etc. Additionally, a few interviews have been conducted to get a better understanding of the legal framework in relation to antifouling products and practices. Swedish legislation is accessible at the national database http://www.riksdagen.se/Dokument-Lagar/Lagar/Svenskforfattningssamling/

    Stabilisation of higher wooden houses in volume building technology

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    Byggnationen av bostadshus med trĂ€stomme har enligt Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n ökat med 85% efter den senast lĂ€gsta uppmĂ€tningen 2011. Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n menar ocksĂ„ att det Ă€r bostadshus bestĂ„ende av 4-8 vĂ„ningar som byggs mest i Sverige idag. Av denna statistik förutspĂ„s det bli en ökning av efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ bostadshus med 4-8 vĂ„ningar med trĂ€stomme inom den nĂ€rmsta framtiden. Tillsammans med Derome Husproduktion AB har en undersökning om dimensioneringen av högre trĂ€hus byggda av volymelement genomförts. Det stabiliserande systemet Ă€r i detta fall de modulavskiljande vĂ€ggarna och undersökningen har fokuserat pĂ„ hur den horisontella lasten i form av vindlast ska tas upp av skjuvvĂ€ggarna i byggnaden för att i sin tur kunna ta ner lasten till grunden. Att bygga ett hus av volymelement betyder att moduler (Ă€ven kallade volymer) produceras pĂ„ fabrik dĂ€r de i största mĂ„n görs helt fĂ€rdiga med kakel, golv, köksinredning, badrum etc. NĂ€r monteringen i fabrik Ă€r klar fraktas volymerna pĂ„ lastbil till byggarbetsplatsen dĂ€r en lyftkran kan placera volymerna pĂ„ plats för att dĂ€rigenom bli till ett fĂ€rdigt hus. NĂ€r volymerna Ă€r pĂ„ plats klĂ€s dessa in med en fasad och ett förtillverkat tak lyfts pĂ„ plats. Idag bygger Derome Husproduktion AB volymhus av trĂ€ med en maximal höjd pĂ„ fyra vĂ„ningar, men har en önskan om att bygga bĂ„de sex och Ă„tta vĂ„ningar. En undersökning har dĂ€rför genomförts för att ta reda pĂ„ hur mycket last en byggnad pĂ„ bĂ„de sex och Ă„tta vĂ„ningar utsĂ€tts för och hur kapaciteten i dagens fyravĂ„ningshus stĂ„r sig mot dessa laster. Ett redan dimensionerat hus har studerats för att fĂ„ ett exempel pĂ„ hur modulerna kan placeras i ett hus. Referensbyggnaden bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ lĂ€ngor med moduler med en gemensam korridor emellan. De stabiliserande skjuvvĂ€ggarna Ă€r de omslutande vĂ€ggarna av varje modul. All nödvĂ€ndig information och dimensioner av referensbyggnaden har tillhandahĂ„llits av Derome. Vindlasten har berĂ€knats enligt Eurokod och kapaciteten av skjuvvĂ€ggarna har berĂ€knats enligt tvĂ„ metoder, Metod A frĂ„n Eurokod och en elastisk metod frĂ„n Carling et al (1992). Metod A har anvĂ€nts i större grad i analysen eftersom det Ă€r den metod som Eurokod rekommenderar att anvĂ€nda samt att det Ă€r den metod som Derome anvĂ€nder idag. TvĂ„ av vĂ€ggarna har analyserats med den elastiska metoden för att kunna observera skillnader de tvĂ„ metoderna emellan. Enligt bĂ„da metoderna ska vĂ€ggarna i ett sexvĂ„ningshus, med samma planlösning och vĂ€gguppbyggnad som det undersökta fyravĂ„ningshuset, klara den horisontella last de utsĂ€tts för. DĂ€remot kommer en del av de transversella vĂ€ggarna i huset inte möta kraven givna i Eurokod pĂ„ grund av brist pĂ„ tvĂ€rkraftskapacitet, nĂ€r höjden ökas till ett Ă„ttavĂ„ningshus. Skjuvkapaciteten kan ökas med en rad olika parametrar. Exempelvis kan en vĂ€l vald placering av öppningarna i vĂ€ggarna ge högre kapacitet. Kapaciteten av korta vĂ€ggsegment mĂ„ste reduceras enligt Metod A och dĂ€rför ska mĂ€ngden korta segment reduceras i största mĂ„n för att fĂ„ en högre kapacitet i vĂ€ggarna. Andra sĂ€tt att öka kapaciteten Ă€r till exempel att anvĂ€nda klamrar med högre kapacitet eller att se till att krafter kan överföras mellan alla vĂ€ggar i huset, alltsĂ„ skapa samverkan mellan vĂ€ggarna i den tvĂ€rgĂ„ende riktningen av huset. Detta kan göras genom att applicera balkar i korridoren mellan modulerna som Ă€r dimensionerade för att klara att föra över lasterna som bildas. Utöver det att vĂ€ggarna mĂ„ste kunna motstĂ„ den horisontella last som uppstĂ„r, undersöks Ă€ven risken för stjĂ€lpning av byggnaden och behovet av förankring av moduler. BĂ„de för ett sex- och Ă„ttavĂ„ningshus finns det en risk för att lĂ€ngorna av moduler kommer att vĂ€lta och antingen behövs bĂ€ttre anslutningar mellan lĂ€ngorna av moduler eller en förankring ner i grunden för att motstĂ„ stjĂ€lpning. Det Ă€r modulerna lĂ€ngst ut i kanterna pĂ„ huset som kommer pĂ„verkas mest av de sugande krafter som uppstĂ„r pĂ„ huset och en dimensionering av hur stor kapacitet kopplingarna, frĂ„n resten av huset till dessa moduler mĂ„ste ha, har dĂ€rför genomförts. Även kopplingarna mellan de översta och nĂ€st översta modulerna har dimensionerats för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att de lyftande vindlasterna pĂ„ taket Ă€r lĂ€gre Ă€n egentyngden av modulerna. Sammanfattningsvis bedöms det som möjligt att öka byggnadshöjden till sex vĂ„ningar med bibehĂ„llen planlösning och vĂ€gguppbyggnad men med en Ă„tgĂ€rd för att minska risken för stjĂ€lpning medan det krĂ€vs större anstrĂ€ngningar, till exempel genom flytt av öppningar, annan vĂ€gguppbyggnad och anslutningar med högre kapacitet mellan vissa moduler för att en ökning av byggnadshöjden till Ă„tta vĂ„ningar ska vara möjlig.The construction of residential buildings with timber as load-bearing system has according to Statistics Sweden increased with 85% since 2011, which is the latest low point of the collected data. Statistics Sweden also shows how residential buildings consisting of 4-8 storeys are, in Sweden, the most built type of house today. Of these statistics, 4-8- storey residential buildings made with timber as load-bearing system predicts to be more requested in the near future. Together with Derome Husproduktion AB, an investigation about how to design higher timber buildings with volume building technology has been performed. The bracing system for buildings made of modules (also called volumes) are shear walls, which are all the outer walls of every module, and the investigation has focused on how the horizontal wind load will be carried by the shear walls, and further down to the foundation. Volume building technology means that volumes are produced at a factory where the modules are in the greatest extent completed with tiles, floor, kitchen fitments, bathroom etc. When the assembling of the modules is completed, the modules are transported by a truck to the building site and a crane can place the modules in the right spot to create a complete building. When the modules are in place, a facade and a roof are attached to the outside of the modules. Today, Derome Husproduktion AB builds houses with volume building technology with a maximum height of four storeys, but there is a desire to build both six and eight storeys as well. An investigation has been done to ascertain the amount of load a building of both six and eight storeys can be exposed to and how the capacity of a four-storey building stands against these loads. An already designed building is investigated to get an example of how the modules can be placed in a building. The investigated building consists of two structures made of modules with a corridor in between. The stabilising shear walls are the enclosing walls of every module. All the necessary data and dimensions of the building been provided by Derome. The wind load has been designed according to Eurocode and the capacity of the shear walls has been designed with two methods, Method A from Eurocode and an elastic method from Carling et al (1992). Method A has been used to a greater extent in the analysis since it is the method that Eurocode recommends, and it is the method that Derome uses today. Two of the walls have been analysed with the elastic method to be able to observe the differences between the two methods. According to both methods, all the walls in a six-storey building with the same floor plan and wall set-up as the investigated four-storey building, will hold for the horizontal loads it is exposed for. However, some of the transverse walls will fail to meet the requirements given by the Eurocode due to a lack of shear capacity when the height of the building is increased to eight storeys. The capacity of the shear walls can be increased through several parameters. For example, the location of the openings in the walls, a well-chosen location increases the capacity of the wall. The number of short segments should be kept low since the capacity of short segments has to be reduced according to Method A. Other ways to increase the capacity is for example to use staples with greater capacity or to make sure that forces can be transmitted through all walls in the building, especially the transverse walls. This can be done by applying beams in the corridor between the structures which are designed to carry the loads from one structure to the other. In addition to which the walls need to resist the horizontal loads created by the wind load, the risk of tilting and the need for anchoring of modules are also analysed for the building. Both for a six- and eight-storey building there is a risk for tilting of the structures and connections between the structures or anchoring of the structure to the ground is necessary. It is the modules closest to the gables that will be affected the most of tension loads created on the building, and a design of how much the connectors between these modules and the rest of the buildings will have to resist, has been done. The connections between the top modules and the modules below are also analysed to secure that the up-lifting wind load is not greater than the self-weight of the top modules. As a summery, it is considered possible to raise the height of the building to six storeys with the same floor plan and wall set-up but with an adjustment to reduce the risk for tilting while greater efforts are needed, for example through relocation of openings, a different wall set-up and connections with a greater capacity between some modules to make it possible to raise the building to eight storeys.Populariteten att bygga trĂ€hus ökar i Sverige idag enligt statistiska centralbyrĂ„n. Ett sĂ€tt att bygga trĂ€hus, som bĂ„de Ă€r snabbt och relativt billigt, Ă€r att bygga hus av volymer. TĂ€nk dig ett hus uppbyggt av stora klossar som placeras bredvid och ovanpĂ„ varandra. Idag bygger Derome sĂ„dana hus med en höjd upp till fyra vĂ„ningar men en undersökning visar att det gĂ„r att bygga sex vĂ„ningar med samma teknik, dock krĂ€vs förbĂ€ttringar av modulerna för att kunna bygga Ă„tta vĂ„ningar. Att bygga ett hus med volymbyggnadsteknik innebĂ€r att volymer, ocksĂ„ kallade moduler, först byggs ihop pĂ„ fabrik. Dessa moduler Ă€r som stora rĂ€tblock dĂ€r golv, tak, innervĂ€ggar, kakel, badrum, köksinredning och fönster sĂ€tts pĂ„ plats i fabriken. NĂ€r modulerna Ă€r klara transporteras de till byggarbetsplatsen och dĂ€r kan de monteras ihop för att bli till ett lĂ€genhetshus som bilden nedan visar. Av dessa gĂ„r det att skapa lĂ€genheter med mellan 1–4 rum och med allt ifrĂ„n 28–88 kvm per lĂ€genhet i Deromes byggsystem. En ökad popularitet att bygga hus med trĂ€ syns i Sverige och med det mĂ„ste kunskapen om att kunna bygga högre med trĂ€ ökas. Att bygga med volymbyggnadsteknik gör att byggtiden förkortas, arbetsförhĂ„llandena förbĂ€ttras, resurserna anvĂ€nds mer effektivt och byggnaden utsĂ€tts i mindre grad för regn och vind under byggtiden dĂ„ mycket av byggtiden sker inne pĂ„ fabriken. I och med dessa positiva egenskaper Ă€r volymhus ett bra alternativ vid byggande av lĂ€genhetshus. Statistiska centralbyrĂ„n menar att hus med 4–8 vĂ„ningar byggs mest i Sverige idag och om hus i dessa höjder ska kunna göras med volymer mĂ„ste en design tas fram för att modulhusen ska kunna klara av att motstĂ„ den högre vindlasten som blir nĂ€r husen blir högre. I det tillhörande examensarbetet har ett redan designat hus av Derome studerats. BerĂ€kningarna för kapaciteten av vĂ€ggarna i huset har gjorts och jĂ€mförts med vindlasten som verkar pĂ„ ett hus med 4, 6 och 8 vĂ„ningar. Undersökningen har fokuserat pĂ„ hur byggnaden ska klara av vindlasten samt om det finns moduler i byggnaden som mĂ„ste förankras till resten av huset och Ă€ven om huset mĂ„ste förankras i grunden för att inte vĂ€lta. Undersökningen visar att det Ă€r först nĂ€r huset blir Ă„tta vĂ„ningar som nĂ„gra av vĂ€ggarna i den tvĂ€rgĂ„ende riktningen av huset kommer att kollapsa pĂ„ grund av för liten kapacitet. VĂ€ggens kapacitet kan förbĂ€ttras nĂ„got genom att minska pĂ„ mĂ€ngden öppningar (för t.ex. dörrar), en smart placering av nödvĂ€ndiga öppningar eller smalare moduler vilket leder till fler vĂ€ggar per breddmeter hus. Resultaten i undersökningen kan vara en början till en utredning för vilka olika delar av modulhusen som mĂ„ste förbĂ€ttras för att de ska kunna byggas med högre byggnadshöjd. Förhoppningsvis kommer detta gynna modulbyggandet och i förlĂ€ngningen leda till lĂ€gre bostadspriser och fler bostĂ€der av klimatsmarta material
