22 research outputs found

    Utjecaj novog talijanskog zakonodavstva o sigurnosnoj zaĆĄtiti na pronalaĆŸenje i spaĆĄavanje migranata na moru

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    On 15 June 2019, Decree Law No 53 of 14 June 2019, named Security Decree bis, entered into force in Italy, establishing new provisions on order and public security, converted into Law No 77 of 8 August 2019. The Decree deals also with preventing and combating illegal immigration at sea. It modifies the current Italian Immigration Law. The Decree provides that the Italian Minister of the Interior, with respect to his role as coordinator among the competent national authorities in checking borders and international obligations, can limit and prohibit the access, transit and anchorage of vessels in the territorial sea. These measures can be adopted for security reasons, or, if the current immigration law has been breached, as provided by UNCLOS, and shall be adopted by the Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Defence, after informing the Prime Minister. According to the Decree, if the shipmaster of the vessel does not comply with such a decision, he will be subjected to a pecuniary penalty. On 22 October 2020, Decree Law No 130 of 21 October 2020 entered into force in Italy, amending the provisions of the Italian Immigration Law which were introduced by the Security Decree bis. The new Decree provides that the Minister of the Interior cannot limit and prohibit the transit and anchorage of vessels in the territorial sea if search and rescue operations are immediately communicated to the competent rescue coordination centre and the flag State. These operations must be undertaken according to the instructions given by the competent authority in compliance with international obligations related to the Law of the Sea and refugee status. If the shipmaster does not comply with the measure adopted by the Minister of the Interior, he will be subjected to a criminal and a pecuniary penalty. This paper aims to analyse the Security Decree bis and its impact on Maritime Law. Such an analysis is also based on a consideration of recent rulings of the Italian Courts related to measures prohibiting the access of vessels carrying migrants rescued at sea to territorial waters. Recent developments in the Italian security regulation are also examined.Dana 15. lipnja 2019. godine u Italiji je stupila na snagu Uredba sa zakonskom snagom broj 53 od 14. lipnja 2019. nazvana Sigurnosna uredba bis (dalje u tekstu: Uredba), kojom su utvrđena nova pravila o redu i javnoj sigurnosti, naknadno pretočena u Zakon broj 77 od 8. kolovoza 2019. godine. Članak 1. Uredbe posvećen je sprječavanju i borbi protiv nezakonite imigracije na moru. Njome se mijenja postojeći talijanski Zakon o imigraciji. Uredbom je propisano kako talijanski ministar unutarnjih poslova, u skladu s njegovom ulogom koordinatora nadleĆŸnih nacionalnih tijela, kada je riječ o kontroli granica i međunarodnim obvezama, moĆŸe zabraniti pristup, tranzit i privez brodova u teritorijalnom moru. Te mjere mogu biti određene iz sigurnosnih razloga ili ako je prekrĆĄen vaĆŸeći imigracijski zakon, kako je propisano čl. 19. Konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda o pravu mora (1982.), a moĆŸe ih odrediti ministar unutarnjih poslova u dogovoru s ministrom prometa i ministrom obrane, uz obvezu obavjeĆĄtavanja predsjednika Vlade. Sukladno čl. 2. Uredbe, ako zapovjednik broda ne postupi u skladu s naprijed navedenom odlukom kaznit će se novčanom kaznom. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecaj odredbi Uredbe na pomorsko pravo. U obzir će se uzeti i recentne odluke talijanskih sudova koje zabranjuju pristup brodovima koje prevoze migrante spaĆĄene u talijanskim teritorijalnim morskim vodama te ostale promjene u talijanskoj imigracijskoj politici


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    The paper aims at examining the issues related to the legal status of crew members of pleasure craft and vessels used in nautical tourism from an Italian perspective. Firstly, the definition of crew and its composition on pleasure craft and vessels is examined. Additionally, the legal regime of crew members together with the crew on-board documentation, is discussed. Furthermore, the main similarities and dissimilarities of the crew regime according to the type of pleasure craft and vessel and their use, as well as, the on-board services, is dealt with. Finally, the issue related to the legal classification of ‘’guests’’, undertaking complementary on-board services of pleasure craft and vessels is considered.U radu se iz talijanske perspektive razmatraju pitanja vezana uz pravni status članova posade na plovilima za razonodu i ostalim plovnim objektima koji se koriste u nautičkom turizmu. Prvo se razmatra definicija posade i njezin sastav. Pored toga, raspravlja se o pravnom reĆŸimu članova posade kao i o dokumentaciji posade na brodu. Nadalje, obrađuju se glavne sličnosti i različitosti reĆŸima posade prema vrsti plovnih objekata, kao i usluge na brodu. Konačno, razmatra se pitanje pravne klasifikacije ‘’gostiju’’ koji pruĆŸaju komplementarne usluge na plovilima za razonodu i ostalim plovnim objektima koji se koriste u nautičkom turizmu


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    Individuals with multiple disabilities can have a wide range of characteristics depending on the combination and severity of the disabilities, such as intellectual disability, mobility issues, sensorial impairment, language issues and brain injury. New technologies can help therapists find an alternative way to engage and interact with clients by opening a communication window and starting to build the therapeutic relationship. The need to use more customized technological tools led us to develop the Painteraction system, an intuitive tool based on Augmented Reality that allows clients to be immersed in their own images. Just by moving their bodies individuals are able to make drawings and receive visual feedback, both from themselves and their therapists, as it appears on the screen. The pilot testing of Painteraction was performed on 21 inpatients at Istituto Serafico (Assisi, Italy) with severe/multiple disabilities in order to explore and assess reaction and responsiveness in a semi-structured art therapy setting. The sample was formed by 14 males and 7 females (N=21) between the ages of 7 and 35. All participants attended three twenty-minute individual art therapy sessions which were approximately one week apart. Through direct and indirect (video recordings) observation of the sessions, it appeared that the specific Augmented Reality tool introduced in the art therapy setting was easily accepted by most of the clients involved and generally allowed the development of an interpersonal therapist-client relationship. The present study therefore gave us the opportunity to test new digital tools in the challenging setting of severe/multiple disabilities and observe the huge potential of new media to empower clients to express themselves and their creativity, and ultimately overcome mental and physical barriers. We propose that Augmented Reality tools are particularly well-suited to art therapy and create an equally suitable therapeutic environment to address specific client needs

    A multidisciplinary approach to the investigation of "La Caverna dell'Antimateria" (1958–1959) by Pinot Gallizio

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    Background: This study concerns the application of non-invasive and micro-invasive analyses for the study of a contemporary artwork entitled La Caverna dell'Antimateria ("The Cave of Antimatter") which was created by Pinot Gallizio in 1958–1959. The work represents one of the most significant examples of industrial painting. It consists of a total of 145 meters of painted canvas, designed in order to cover the entire floor plan of the Rene Drouin gallery in Paris, where it was displayed for the first time. Gallizio wanted to create an environment in which visitors could find themselves immersed in painting, in what he termed as a "work-environment". Non-invasive (Fibre Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy) and micro-invasive analyses (Fourier Transform Infrared and micro-Raman Spectroscopies, Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) were performed on three of the canvases which constitute this work of art in order to obtain information regarding the artistic materials used by Gallizio. Results: Pigments and unconventional materials (such as metal wires, sand) are present in the canvases that form the ceiling. The colours are unevenly distributed on the surface, thus revealing large areas of the white preparation below. In the canvas of the wall, instead, the paint is applied more uniformly and gives a dark colour cast. The analytical results led to the identification of many of the materials used by Gallizio. The pictorial palette consists of both inorganic and organic pigments, while polyvinylacetate, pure or mixed with a siccative oil, was identified as a binder thus confirming what was reported by the artist in his notes. Conclusions: The results of this research provide information concerning the artistic technique used by Pinot Gallizio. The analyses were successfully performed both in situ and on micro-samples in order to characterise the pigments of the coloured area, the ground layer and the organic binders

    Cybercrime and cybersecurity in shipping: a legal framework in progress

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    Cybercrimes are among the most serious threats to maritime safety and security. The shipping sector is especially vulnerable, experiencing an increase of cyber-attacks against information and operational technologies. Maritime authorities and operators have become aware of cyber risks to ships, port infrastructures and other shipping facilities, which in the past had not been perceived. This lack of awareness has delayed the introduction of legal instruments in countering and minimising cybercrimes in maritime transport. The international measures related to cybersecurity and the management of cybercrime risk in this field are not binding. The cross-border dimension of cyber-attacks against the transport sector requires adoption of global preventive and repressive measures, or sanctions. The 2001 Budapest Convention on Cybercrime does not deal directly with cybercrimes in shipping. In light of the increase of malicious digital activities against critical infrastructures, companies and individuals, and the need to raise coordination and cooperation among States, the UN General Assembly has decided to establish an ad hoc intergovernmental committee of experts to draft a comprehensive treaty on cybercrime and cybersecurity. This treaty might be a model convention for the international transport organizations, including the International Maritime Organization, to introduce uniform rules according to their specific roles and competences. The current European legal framework on cybercrime and cybersecurity is fragmented. An adequate EU response on cyber-attacks should be ensured by progressively adopting a maximum harmonisation approach that would eliminate the negatives effects of divergences between national laws due to the current minimum harmonisation approach. EU rules in cybercrime and cybersecurity should be consistent with the legal instruments adopted at the international level in each sector, including maritime transport

    Les gares maritimes de passagers dans les ports italiens

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    The article aims at examining the legal regime of maritime passenger terminals within the Italian ports. The maritime passenger terminals are port structures dedicated to embarking and disembarking passengers which are carried by vessels. The management services related to these terminals and the assistance services for sea passengers are services of general economic interest to be provided for consideration to port users. They are granted by the Port Authorities through a concession within a public and open tendering procedure.L’article est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l’examen du rĂ©gime juridique des gares maritimes de passagers dans les ports italiens. Les gares maritimes sont des structures portuaires destinĂ©es Ă  assurer le dĂ©barquement et l’embarquement des passagers des navires. Les services de gestion des gares maritimes et les services d’assistance aux passagers sont des services d’intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique gĂ©nĂ©ral prĂ©vus Ă  titre onĂ©reux au profit des usagers portuaires. Les autoritĂ©s de systĂšme portuaire sont chargĂ©es d’identifier ces services et de les attribuer en concession par le biais d’une procĂ©dure d’appel d’offres public

    L'impact de l'urgence épidémiologique Covid-19 sur le régime juridique des ports maritimes italiens

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    Les ports maritimes italiens sont restés opérationnelles malgré l'état d'urgence sanitaire provoquée par la pandémie du Covid-19 qui a été déclaré par le Conseil des Ministres le 31 janvier 2020 et prorogé jusqu'au 15 octobre 2020. En raison de la chutte du trafic des passangers et marchandes produite par la crise sanitaire plusieurs mesures legislatives ont été adoptées rapidement afin de soutenir l'économie du transport maritime et garantir la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs et usagers. Parmi ces mesures plusieurs ont été déstintées au secteur portuaire