1,111 research outputs found

    Reach-To-Grasp Movements: A Multimodal Techniques Study

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the correlation between corticospinal activity, kinematics, and electromyography (EMG) associated with the execution of precision and whole-hand grasps (WHGs). To this end, motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), EMG, and 3-D motion capture data have been simultaneously recorded during the planning and the execution of prehensile actions toward either a small or a large object. Differences in the considered measures were expected to distinguish between the two types of grasping actions both in terms of action preparation and execution. The results indicate that the index finger (FDI) and the little finger (ADM) muscles showed different activation patterns during grasping execution, but only the FDI appeared to distinguish between the two types of actions during motor preparation. Kinematics analysis showed that precision grips differed from WHGs in terms of displayed fingers distance when shaping before object\u2019s contact, and in terms of timing and velocity patterns. Moreover, significant correlations suggest a relationship between the muscular activation and the temporal aspects concerned with the index finger\u2019s extension during whole-hand actions. Overall, the present data seem to suggest a crucial role played by index finger as an early \u201cmarker\u201d of differential motor preparation for different types of grasps and as a \u201cnavigator\u201d in guiding whole-hand prehensile actions. Aside from the novelty of the methodological approach characterizing the present study, the data provide new insights regarding the level of crosstalk among different levels concerned with the neuro-behavioral organization of reach-to-grasp movements

    Look at Me: Early Gaze Engagement Enhances Corticospinal Excitability During Action Observation

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    Direct gaze is a powerful social cue able to capture the onlooker's attention. Beside gaze, head and limb movements as well can provide relevant sources of information for social interaction. This study investigated the joint role of direct gaze and hand gestures on onlookers corticospinal excitability (CE). In two experiments we manipulated the temporal and spatial aspects of observed gaze and hand behavior to assess their role in affecting motor preparation. To do this, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on the primary motor cortex (M1) coupled with electromyography (EMG) recording was used in two experiments. In the crucial manipulation, we showed to participants four video clips of an actor who initially displayed eye contact while starting a social request gesture, and then completed the action while directing his gaze toward a salient object for the interaction. This way, the observed gaze potentially expressed the intention to interact. Eye tracking data confirmed that gaze manipulation was effective in drawing observers' attention to the actor's hand gesture. In the attempt to reveal possible time-locked modulations, we tracked CE at the onset and offset of the request gesture. Neurophysiological results showed an early CE modulation when the actor was about to start the request gesture looking straight to the participants, compared to when his gaze was averted from the gesture. This effect was time-locked to the kinematics of the actor's arm movement. Overall, data from the two experiments seem to indicate that the joint contribution of direct gaze and precocious kinematic information, gained while a request gesture is on the verge of beginning, increases the subjective experience of involvement and allows observers to prepare for an appropriate social interaction. On the contrary, the separation of gaze cues and body kinematics can have adverse effects on social motor preparation. CE is highly susceptible to biological cues, such as averted gaze, which is able to automatically capture and divert observer's attention. This point to the existence of heuristics based on early action and gaze cues that would allow observers to interact appropriately

    Supporting Image Search with Tag Clouds: A Preliminary Approach

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    Algorithms and techniques for searching in collections of data address a challenging task, since they have to bridge the gap between the ways in which users express their interests, through natural language expressions or keywords, and the ways in which data is represented and indexed.When the collections of data include images, the task becomes harder, mainly for two reasons. From one side the user expresses his needs through one medium (text) and he will obtain results via another medium (some images). From the other side, it can be difficult for a user to understand the results retrieved; that is why a particular image is part of the result set. In this case, some techniques for analyzing the query results and giving to the users some insight into the content retrieved are needed. In this paper, we propose to address this problem by coupling the image result set with a tag cloud of words describing it. Some techniques for building the tag cloud are introduced and two application scenarios are discussed

    Meccanismi difensivi istituzionali

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    De quoi parlons-nous quand parlons de psychosociologie?

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    La psychosociologie, en tant que savoiret pratique, est souvent difficile à situerdu fait de la multiplicité des référencesthéoriques et des modèles d'intervention.L'article, à partir du concept de projetproposé par Georges Canguilhem, identifie la psychosociologie à une recherche/intervention sur les processus à traverslesquels se construit la réalité sociale dansses formes organisées. Est soulignée, enparticulier, l'autonomie qui caractériseprimairement ces processus. Un cas deformation dans un contexte sanitaire permet de montrer la combinaison complexed'éléments différents (objectifs organisationnels, fantasmes conscients et inconscients, savoirs, techniques...) à traverslesquels prend forme la vie de l'organisation

    Contesti di vita e salute

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    Il gruppo come sistema autonomo

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