79 research outputs found

    Ultrasounds induce blood-brain barrier opening across a sonolucent polyolefin plate in an in vitro isolated brain preparation

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) represents a major obstacle to the delivery of drugs to the central nervous system. The combined use of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound waves and intravascular microbubbles (MB) represents a promising solution to this issue, allowing reversible disruption of the barrier. In this study, we evaluate the feasibility of BBB opening through a biocompatible, polyolefin-based plate in an in vitro whole brain model. Twelve in vitro guinea pig brains were employed; brains were insonated using a planar transducer with or without interposing the polyolefin plate during arterial infusion of MB. Circulating MBs were visualized with an ultrasonographic device with a linear probe. BBB permeabilization was assessed by quantifying at confocal microscopy the extravasation of FITC-albumin perfused after each treatment. US-treated brains displayed BBB permeabilization exclusively in the volume under the US beam; no significant differences were observed between brains insonated with or without the polyolefin plate. Control brains not perfused with MB did not show signs of FITC-albumin extravasation. Our preclinical study suggests that polyolefin cranial plate could be implanted as a skull replacement to maintain craniotomic windows and perform post-surgical repeated BBB opening with ultrasound guidance to deliver therapeutic agents to the central nervous system

    Molecular epidemiology and case-control approaches for management of an outbreak of hepatitis A in Liguria, Italy

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    Introduction and methods. Hepatitis A remains an important public health problem in low endemicity areas, because of the social and economic high burden of cyclical outbreaks. In this study we described an outbreak of HAV infection occurred in the city of Genoa and in its proximity and the viral circulation in the post-epidemic period. In order to identify risk factors associated to the illness and to determine the source of infection and the dynamics of virus evolution, we conducted an epidemiological and molecular investigation by a case-control study and by sequence analysis of high variable regions of the genome. Results. From May to October 2005, 58 HAV hepatitis cases were notified. The case-control study showed that beach establishment attending is strongly associated with HAV hepatitis (OR = 24.5, p-value inf. 0.01), at multivariate analysis. The profile of epidemic curve, the clinical onset of primary cases who occurred in few weeks and the geographic distribution of cases clearly indicated a common exposure to a point source: the outbreak can be probably associated with a contaminated food product dispensed in the affected area. The outbreak has been mainly caused by a single variant, confirming the common exposure to a point source; this variant previously circulated within homosexual man (MSM) network in Northern Europe. During the outbreak and in the following months, different variants originating from Southeast Asia, Southern America and Northern Africa, have co-circulated: all these cases were related to international travel and none of these had determined secondary cases. Discussion. The epidemiological picture of hepatitis A in Liguria is characterized by a wide heterogeneity of circulating HAV strains. This pattern could be associated with the increase of imported cases and transmission within network of persons with similar risk factors. Molecular approach coupled to descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies appeared un-replaceable tools for management and control of HAV outbreaks, because of their capacity to recognize infection origin, transmission patterns and dynamics of virus evolution

    Safety and Immunogenicity of Conventional Subunit and MF59-adjuvanted Influenza Vaccines in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-seropositive Patients

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    In this study of influenza vaccination, 37 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-seropositive patients were randomized to receive either a vaccine with a conventional subunit or one adjuvanted with MF59. Blood samples were collected at the time of vaccination, and then 30 and 180 days later, to evaluate immunogenicity, CD4+ T-lymphocyte count and HIV-1 RNA levels. Seroconversion rates against the three viral strains included in the vaccine ranged between 44% and 72% and 53% and 68% for the adjuvanted vaccine and the subunit vaccine, respectively. Other criteria of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency were also met. Vaccination was not associated with serious adverse events. Local and systemic effects were mild and of short duration. CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and viraemia levels were not negatively affected by vaccination. These results confirmed the safety and immunogenicity of these currently available vaccines in HIV-1-seropositive patients, thus supporting the recommendation for influenza immunization in this high-risk category

    Development and Metrological Characterization of a Multi-sensor Device for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring

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    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), which affects people's health, comfort, well-being and productivity, combines thermal, visual, acoustic and air quality conditions. This work deals with design, development and metrological characterization of a low-cost multi-sensor device that is able to detect the quality conditions of indoor environments for IEQ purposes. The device, hereafter referred as PROMET&O (PROactive Monitoring for indoor EnvironmenTal quality & cOmfort) embeds a set of low-cost sensors that measure air temperature and relative humidity, illuminance, sound pressure level, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter, formaldehyde, and nitrogen dioxide. The basic architecture of the device is described and the design criteria that are related to the measurement requirements are highlighted. Particular attention has been paid towards the traceability assurance of the measurements provided by PROMET&O by means of specifically conceived calibration procedures, which have been tailored to the requirements of each measurement quantity. The calibration is based on the comparison to reference standards following commonly employed or ad-hoc developed technical procedures. The defined calibration procedures can be applied both for the single sensors and for the set of sensors integrated in the multi-sensor case. For the latter, the effects of the percentage of permeable case surface and the sensors allocation are also investigated. A preliminary uncertainty evaluation of the proposed multi-sensor device is reported for the carbon dioxide and the illuminance sensors taking the defined calibration procedures into account