16 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis of the 13 studies included in the 2-stages meta-analysis of the association of HIV positive status with immigration status in TB cases.

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    <p>(a) Forrest plot: the M-H Overall OR was obtained using a fixed effect meta-analysis; the D-L Overall OR was obtained using a random effect meta-analysis. Studies were listed according to year of data collection and grouped for pre-cART (before 1996) and post-cART (after 1996). Triangles are proportional to the study size, (value of study population size is also given). Diamonds represent overall results. Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Year, year of data collection. Id, article reference number. 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals. I<sup>2</sup>, statistic which measures the degree of heterogeneity. Weight (M-H), fixed effect weight, based on the sample size of studies. (b) Funnel Plot: Horizontal axis, ORs; Vertical axis, standard error of the log ORs.</p

    Crude ORs based on 2-stages meta-analysis of the association of alcohol intake and immigration status in TB cases.

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    <p>The Overall OR was obtained using a random effect meta-analysis. Triangles are proportional to the study size, (value of population size for each study is also given). Diamonds represent overall results. Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Year, year of data collection. Id, article reference number. I<sup>2</sup>, statistic which measures the degree of heterogeneity. 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals. Id, article reference number. Weight (D+L), random effect weight based on the sample size of studies and degree of heterogeneity.</p

    Risk Factors for Tuberculosis in Foreign-Born People (FBP) in Italy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    <div><p>In Italy, TB notifications in foreign-born people (FBP) are steadily increasing. To investigate this issue we did a meta-analysis on risk factors for FBP people. A systematic search was performed in PubMed and EMBASE from Jan-1980 to Jan-2013. We analysed HIV status, previous TB-treatment, intravenous drug use and alcohol abuse, and multidrug resistant TB. Odd ratio was used as a measure of effect. One and two-stages approaches were used. In the main analysis we used a 2-stages approach to include studies with only aggregate estimates. Among 1996 references, 18 fulfilled inclusion criteria. In TB-affected FBP people positive HIV-status was about 3 times higher than among Italians, after 1996 when combined antiretroviral therapy for HIV was introduced (OR: 2.91; 95%CI: 1.37; 6.17). No association was found between FBP and intravenous drug users in adults; after 1-stage meta-analysis foreign born people from highly endemic countries had a 4 times higher risk to be multidrug resistant TB than Italian people. Finally, TB-affected FBP were less likely than Italians to be alcoholics (OR: 0.10 95%CI: 0.01; 0.84) or of having received previous TB-treatment (OR: 0.55; 95%CI: 0.43; 0.71). An association of multidrug resistant TB with immigrant status as well as an association of Tuberculosis with HIV-positive status in foreign-born people are major findings of this analysis. Drugs and alcohol abuse do not appear to be risk factors for TB in FBP, however they cannot be discharged since may depend on cultural traditions and their role may change in the future along with the migratory waves. An effective control of TB risk factors among migrants is crucial to obtain the goal of TB eradication.</p></div

    Crude ORs based on 2-stages meta-analysis of the association of relapse-TB and immigration status in TB cases.

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    <p>The Overall OR was obtained using a random effect meta-analysis. Triangles are proportional to the study size, (value of population size for each study is also given). Diamonds represent overall results. Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Year, year of data collection. Id, article reference number. I<sup>2</sup>, statistic which measures the degree of heterogeneity. 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals. Id, article reference number. Weight (D-H), random effect weight based on the sample size of studies and the degree of heterogeneity.</p

    Meta-analysis of the association of MDR-TB and immigration status in TB cases.

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    <p>(a) Forrest plot: triangles are proportional to the study size, (value of population size for each study is also given). Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Year, year of data collection. Id, article reference number. I<sup>2</sup>, statistic which measures the degree of heterogeneity. 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals. (b) Scatter plot of the ORs for the association of MDR-TB and FBP (triangle; article id number) from studies included in the meta-analysis per year of data collection. Bar plot of the variation per year of the proportion of immigrants from medium-high (white bar) and high MDR-TB endemic countries (shaded bar) (for countries classification according to their level of MDR-TB endemicity see: Global Tuberculosis Report 2012, WHO 2012<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0094728#pone.0094728-World1" target="_blank">[1]</a>). The years-related progressive increment of foreign-born persons from medium to high MDR-TB endemic countries in Italy (sources: ISTAT Tab5 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0094728#pone.0094728-ISTAT1" target="_blank">[62]</a>) seems to parallel the increase of ORs of the association of MDR-TB and immigration status in TB cases during the lasts 2 decades.</p

    Crude ORs based on 2-stages meta-analysis of the association of IDU and immigration status in TB cases.

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    <p>The overall OR was obtained using a fixed effect meta-analysis (represented by diamond). Triangles are proportional to the amount of information contributed by each study (actual study population numbers are also given). Diamonds represent overall results. Horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Year, year of data collection. Id, article reference number. I<sup>2</sup>, statistic which measures the degree of heterogeneity. 95%CI, 95% confidence intervals. Id, article reference number. Weight (M-H), fixed effect weight based on the sample size of studies.</p

    Definitions, grading, monitoring and management of adverse events in MSF HIV/MDR-TB program, Mumbai, India.

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    <p>IP: intensive phase, CP: continuation phase, D4T  =  stavudine; Cs  =  cycloserine; INH = isoniazide, E  =  ethambutol; Ethio  =  ethionamide; AZT  =  azidothymidine; TDF  =  tenofovir; EFV  =  efavirenz; FQs  =  fluoroquinolones; LPV+lopinavir; NVP  =  nevirapine; P  =  pyrazinamide; PAS  =  para-aminosalicylic acid; ALT  =  alanine aminotransferase; ARV  =  antiretroviral; S  =  streptomycin; K  =  kanamycin; Cm  =  capreomycin.</p