86 research outputs found

    Aspetti di tecnica colturale del cartamo (<i>Carthamus tinctorius</i> L.)

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    During 1981, 1982 and 1983 trials have bean carried out on different varietas of safflower. The trials con· cerned the sowing rates, row spacing and N fertilization. The varietas Safflola 202, Safflola 541 and Safflola 918 have given the highest yield achieving 20 q ha-1 . Achenes yield hasn't been statistically different using 20-30 and 40 Kg ha -1 of seed. Yield rates nearly equal have been obtained with plants in narrow rows (25 cm) and in wide rows (50 cm). N fertilization has positively affected the achenes-yield. 40 Kg ha -1 of N have determined an increased production wich has been statistically significant in comparison with the non fertilized test. It hasn't been achieved any further increment in the yield using higher N rates (80 and 120 Kg ha-1)

    Tolleranza a stress salini in germoplasma sardo di orzo (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i> L.)

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    Sardinia is one of the Italian regions were the salty soil is most frequently found. Soil borne salinity often occurs together with air bome salinity due to the effects of the salty wind. In Sinis, a peninsula located in Centrai Western Sardinia, both types of salinity stress are present. In this area barley is widely cultivated and many farmers generally prefer to grow local populations which are well adapted to local environmental conditions. The aim of the research was to characterize the responses to both types of salinity stress (via root and via leaf) of two genotypes («Sinis 0/27» and «Sinis 0/28») extracted from a local Sinis population of six-row barley, and compare them with two varieties, «California Mariout 67» and «Sunbar 400», well known to be salt tolerant to soil borne salinity. The results showed that in barley differences in the effects of salt absorbed via the root vs foliar uptake exist, togheter with genetic diversity for air borne salinity tolerance which is usually found only in coastal and cliff species. In particular the Sinis genotypes appeared to be tolerant to salty spray due to their specific adaptation. According to these results, the use of adapted germplasm seems to be worthwhile in breeding programs which are aimed at the synthesis of varieties suitable for areas were salinity stresses frequently occur. La Sardegna è una fra le regioni italiane in cui la presenza di terreni salsi è più frequente. A questa forma di stress salino si accompagna spesso l'azione dei venti che trasportano acqua marina in sospensione inducendo uno stress salino per via fogliare. Nel Sinis, una penisola della Sardegna centro-occidentale, entrambe le forme di stress salino sono presenti. Qui l'orzo (Hordeum vulgare L.) è molto coltivato e generalmente sono utilizzate delle popolazioni locali adattate alle condizioni pedoclimatiche della zona. Scopo del presente lavoro è lo studio della risposta a entrambe le forme di stress salino, per via radicale e per via fogliare, in due genotipi («Sinis 0/27» e «Sinis 0/28») estratti da una popolazione di orzo polistico collezionata nella penisola del Sinis a confronto con due varietà note per la loro tolleranza alla salinità del terreno, «California Mariout 67» e «Sunbar 400». I risultati ottenuti indicano la possibilità, per quanto riguarda l'orzo, di distinguere fra una tolleranza allo stress salino dovuto all'assunzione di sale per via radicale e una tolleranza allo stress salino causato dall'assorbimento di sale per via fogliare che fino a oggi è stata riscontrata solamente in specie di non elevato interesse agronomico che tendono a colonizzare gli ambienti costieri. I due genotipi del Sinis valutati, in particolare «Sinis 0/27», sono risultati dotati di una buona capacità di tollerare lo stress salino applicato per via fogliare grazie al loro specifico adattamento. Ciò indica l'importanza dell'utilizzazione di germoplasma adattato nel miglioramento genetico per ambienti caratterizzati dalla presenza di stress salini

    Aspetti di tecnica colturale in canapa da cellulosa: scelta varietale

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    During 1976 and 1977 in Oristano, Italy, has been carried out a trial concerning the yield of 5 dioecious (Superfibra, Fibranova, Eletta Campana, Carmagnola, Carmagnola selezionata) and 2 monoecious (Fibrimon 56 e Fedrina 76) cultivar of hemp. The monoecious cultivar were of French origin. The 7 cultivar yielded well with 140-160 q/ha of stalks at 15% of humidity. No difference of mean production of all cultivar has been observed between 1976 and 1977. The number of plants/m2 appeared to be the main factor of yield

    Determinazione del «crop-water-stress-index» mediante l'uso del termometro a raggi infrarossi: nota I

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    The use of the infrared thermometer to determine water status of a soyabean crop as been tried in 1986. The methodology followed was that of Idso. Results show that crop-water-stress-index (C.w.S.I.) is right far the purpose of evaluating the extent of water stress and its mean value, during the reproductive stage, is significatively related to seed yield

    Osservazioni su una popolazione locale sarda di orzo polistico (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i> L.)

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    The aim of the research has been the evaluation of a local population of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown in Sardinia. In 1989, 41 lines of the local population and 5 controi varieties («Arma», «Barberousse», «Gerbel», «Jaidor» and «Pirate») were evaluated for agronomie and morphologic traits. The results have shown the presence of a considerable genetic variability in the local population, which is made up of a miture of numerous genotypes. The lines showed an early stem extension and heading time compared to the controls (5/3/89 vs 12/3/89 and 12/4/89 vs 17/4/89, respectively). The average values relative to Iodging index (3.2 vs 1.2), plant height (122.8 vs 108.4 cm) and 1,000 kernel weight (39.5 vs 27.2 g) were higher in thelines than in the controls. The average yield of the lines was similar to that of the controls (3.46 vs 3.52 metric tons ha-1). Scopo della ricerca è stato la valutazione di una popolazione locale di orzo coltivata in Sardegna. Nel 1989, su 41 linee estratte a caso dalla popolazione locale e su 5 varietà di controllo («Arma», «Barberousse», «Gerbel», «Jaidon» e «Pirate») sono stati rilevati ad Ottava (SS) una serie di caratteri agronomici e morfologici. I risultati hanno evidenziato la presenza di una variabilità genetica notevole entro la varietà agronomica che risulta costituita da un miscuglio di numerosi genotipi. Rispetto alle varietà di controllo le linee sono state caratterizzate in media da levata e spigatura anticipate, indice di allettamento, altezza del culmo e peso di 1000 cariossidi superiori. La produzione media delle linee è risultata simile a quella delle varietà

    Risposta dell'orzo (<i>Hordeum vulgare</i> L.) a differenti livelli di intensificazione colturale

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    Two source of barley germplasm (pure lines selected from local populations and improved varieties) were compared at 3 locations in Sardinia (Ottava, SS; Cabras, OR; Ussana, Ca) under different levels of agronomic treatments: with and without chemical weed control and at two levels of nitrogen (80 g ha-1 e 40 kg ha-1 N). The results of commerciaI barley varieties show different responses according to the input level. Within Sardinian germplasm several interesting genotypes, for low-input conditions have been identified. The comparison between the genotypes selected from the local populations and the commerciaI barley varieties underline that plant breeding for low-input conditions could be improved by the utilization of germplasm adapted to extensive practices. In tre località della Sardegna (Ottava, SS; Cabras, OR; Ussana, Ca) è stata effettuata una serie di prove comparative fra il 1990 e il 1993 utilizzando due gruppi di genotipi: varietà commerciali e linee pure selezionate all'interno di alcune popolazioni locali sarde. Gli interventi tecnici considerati sono stati la concimazione azotata e il controllo chimico delle infestanti; in particolare sono stati utilizzati due livelli di concimazione azotata (80 kg ha-1 e 40 kg ha-1 di N) mentre per quanto riguarda il diserbo è stata presa in considerazione la presenza o l'assenza del trattamento. I risultati relativi alle sole varietà commerciali indicano la presenza di risposte differenziate in relazione alla riduzione degli input. All'interno del germoplasma sardo sono state messe in evidenza delle linee di notevole interesse per la loro capacità produttiva. In base ai risultati ottenuti sembra possibile affermare che alcuni genotipi sono più adatti di altri ad essere coltivati in presenza di bassi livelli di intensificazione colturale. Il confronto fra il comportamento delle linee selezionate dalle popolazioni locali e le varietà commerciali sottolinea come il miglioramento genetico per l'ottenimento di varietà adattate ad agroecosistemi caratterizzati dall'impiego di bassi input possa utilmente giovarsi di germoplasma adattato a condizioni estensive di coltivazione

    Tagging the signatures of domestication in common bean (<i>Phaseolus vulgaris</i>) by means of pooled DNA samples

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    Background and Aims: The main aim of this study was to use an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based, large-scale screening of the whole genome of Phaseolus vulgaris to determine the effects of selection on the structure of the genetic diversity in wild and domesticated populations. Methods: Using pooled DNA samples, seven each of wild and domesticated populations of P. vulgaris were studied using 2506 AFLP markers (on average, one every 250 kb). About 10 % of the markers were also analysed on individual genotypes and were used to infer allelic frequencies empirically from bulk data. In both data sets, tests were made to determine the departure from neutral expectation for each marker using an FST-based method. Key Results: The most important outcome is that a large fraction of the genome of the common bean (16 %; P &lt;0·01) appears to have been subjected to effects of selection during domestication. Markers obtained in individual genotypes were also mapped and classified according to their proximities to known genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of the domestication syndrome. Most of the markers that were found to be potentially under the effects of selection were located in the proximity of previously mapped genes and QTLs related to the domestication syndrome. Conclusions: Overall, the results indicate that in P. vulgaris a large portion of the genome appears to have been subjected to the effects of selection, probably because of linkage to the loci selected during domestication. As most of the markers that are under the effects of selection are linked to known loci related to the domestication syndrome, it is concluded that population genomics approaches are very efficient in detecting QTLs. A method based on bulk DNA samples is presented that is effective in pre-screening for a large number of markers to determine selection signatures

    LTalpha and LTbeta gene expression in organs of sheep showing different lymphoproliferative changes induced by maedi-visna virus

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    In lung and mammary gland of sheep, Maedi-Visna virus (MVV) causes lymphoproliferative inflammation often with follicular structures (lymphofollicular inflammation). The aim of this work was to define whether Limphotoxin α and β (LTα, LTβ) play a role in the formation of these peculiar lesions in sheep experimentally infected with MVV

    Additional polymorphisms of the <i>PRNP</i> gene significantly decrease the susceptibility to scrapie of ARQ/ARQ sheep

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the risk of scrapie of the ARQ/ARQ genotype carrying at least one point mutation at codons 112, 137, 141, 142, 154 and 176 in comparison with the ARQ/ARQ without any point mutations