85 research outputs found

    Alu expression profiles as a novel RNA signature in biology and disease

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    SINE retrotransposons of the Alu subfamily are the most numerous active mobile DNA elements in the human genome. Alu transcription by RNA polymerase III is subjected to tight epigenetic silencing, but activated in response to viral infection, genotoxic anticancer agents and other stimuli, through uncharacterized epigenetic switches interspersed throughout the genome. The elucidation of Alu RNA roles in cell biology and pathology has long been hampered by difficulties in their profiling at single-locus resolution, due to their repetitive nature. We recently found how to overcome this limitation by computational screening of RNA-seq data, thus opening the way to Alu transcriptome profiling as a novel tool to explore disease-related epigenome alterations

    Eukaryotic snoRNAs: a paradigm for gene expression flexibility.

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    AbstractSmall nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are one of the most ancient and numerous families of non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). The main function of snoRNAs – to guide site-specific rRNA modification – is the same in Archaea and all eukaryotic lineages. In contrast, as revealed by recent genomic and RNomic studies, their genomic organization and expression strategies are the most varied. Seemingly snoRNA coding units have adopted, in the course of evolution, all the possible ways of being transcribed, thus providing a unique paradigm of gene expression flexibility. By focusing on representative fungal, plant and animal genomes, we review here all the documented types of snoRNA gene organization and expression, and we provide a comprehensive account of snoRNA expressional freedom by precisely estimating the frequency, in each genome, of each type of genomic organization. We finally discuss the relevance of snoRNA genomic studies for our general understanding of ncRNA family evolution and expression in eukaryotes

    Novel nucleic acid molecules

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    The inventors have engineered novel DNA constructs for the expression of the tRNApyl genes in eukaryotic cells, especially mammalian cells, under new and improved promoter systems. The tRNApyl gene sequence possesses two internal regions that resemble an eukaryotic A box and B box, with the B box-like region more closely resembling a functional B box. Although previous attempts at reconstituting a consensus A- Box and B-box were unsuccessful as reported in Hancock et al (2010) and Mukai et al. (US 8,168,407), the inventors have now surprisingly found that the tRNApyl sequence can be altered to enable a functioning intragenic promoter and obtain a tRNApyl able to mediate efficient amber suppression in combination with WT pylRS. Such new tRNApyl gene can be used to generate highly active and stable cell lines for the incorporation of nnAAs into cells. The inventors have also found that the new modified tRNApyl gene containing a functional intragenic promoter element can be further improved by placing them downstream of the 5’ regulatory elements of genes expressed under type 4 promoters, thereby reconstituting a functional type 4 promoter element containing both extragenic and intragenic elements. The inventors have also surprisingly found that the WT tRNApyl gene can be expressed under transcriptional control of a tRNAglu gene and/or a tRNAasp gene, when said tRNAglu gene and/or tRNAasp gene is placed upstream of the tRNApyl gene and altered to lack the transcription termination sequence in order to effectively form a bicistronic message. DNA constructs bearing tandem repeats of novel tRNApyl genes of the invention have shown to lead to increased amber suppression

    A plant 3'-phosphoesterase involved in the repair of DNA strand breaks generated by oxidative damage.

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    Two novel, structurally and functionally distinct phosphatases have been identified through the functional complementation, by maize cDNAs, of an Escherichia coli diphosphonucleoside phosphatase mutant strain. The first, ZmDP1, is a classical Mg(2+)-dependent and Li(+)-sensitive diphosphonucleoside phosphatase that dephosphorylates both 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate (3'-PAP) and 2'-PAP without any discrimination between the 3'- and 2'-positions. The other, ZmDP2, is a distinct phosphatase that also catalyzes diphosphonucleoside dephosphorylation, but with a 12-fold lower Li(+) sensitivity, a strong preference for 3'-PAP, and the unique ability to utilize double-stranded DNA molecules with 3'-phosphate- or 3'-phosphoglycolate-blocking groups as substrates. Importantly, ZmDP2, but not ZmDP1, conferred resistance to a DNA repairdeficient E. coli strain against oxidative DNA-damaging agents generating 3'-phosphate- or 3'-phosphoglycolate-blocked single strand breaks. ZmDP2 shares a partial amino acid sequence similarity with a recently identified human polynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase that is thought to be involved in DNA repair, but is devoid of 5'-kinase activity. ZmDP2 is the first DNA 3'-phosphoesterase thus far identified in plants capable of converting 3'-blocked termini into priming sites for reparative DNA polymerization

    Intragenic promoter adaptation and facilitated RNA polymerase III recycling in the transcription of SCR1, the 7SL RNA gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The SCR1 gene, coding for the 7SL RNA of the signal recognition particle, is the last known class III gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that remains to be characterized with respect to its mode of transcription and promoter organization. We show here that SCR1 represents a unique case of a non-tRNA class III gene in which intragenic promoter elements (the TFIIIC-binding A- and B-blocks), corresponding to the D and TpsiC arms of mature tRNAs, have been adapted to a structurally different small RNA without losing their transcriptional function. In fact, despite the presence of an upstream canonical TATA box, SCR1 transcription strictly depends on the presence of functional, albeit quite unusual, A- and B-blocks and requires all the basal components of the RNA polymerase III transcription apparatus, including TFIIIC. Accordingly, TFIIIC was found to protect from DNase I digestion an 80-bp region comprising the A- and B-blocks. B-block inactivation completely compromised TFIIIC binding and transcription capacity in vitro and in vivo. An inactivating mutation in the A-block selectively affected TFIIIC binding to this promoter element but resulted in much more dramatic impairment of in vivo than in vitro transcription. Transcriptional competition and nucleosome disruption experiments showed that this stronger in vivo defect is due to a reduced ability of A-block-mutated SCR1 to compete with other genes for TFIIIC binding and to counteract the assembly of repressive chromatin structures through TFIIIC recruitment. A kinetic analysis further revealed that facilitated RNA polymerase III recycling, far from being restricted to typical small sized class III templates, also takes place on the 522-bp-long SCR1 gene, the longest known class III transcriptional unit

    A novel RNA polymerase III transcription factor fraction that is not required for template commitment.

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    Abstract We have identified and partially characterized a novel class III transcription factor fraction (TFIIIE) from yeast nuclear extracts. TFIIIE is functionally distinct from the standard yeast transcription factor fractions, TFIIIB and TFIIIC. It is also different from either of the TFIIIB subfractions, B' and B". TFIIIE is essential for specific transcription of both tRNA and 5 S RNA genes, its activity is sensitive to proteinase K, and it exhibits an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 4.0 S when analyzed on glycerol gradients. In the case of a tRNA gene, TFIIIE does not play a role in the formation of stable preinitiation complexes containing TFIIIB and TFIIIC. It is required for single as well as multiple rounds of transcription, however. Thus, TFIIIE is involved in the utilization of stable transcription complexes, but its action is not restricted to reinitiation events

    A minimal promoter for TFIIIC-dependent in vitro transcription of snoRNA and tRNA genes by RNA polymerase III.

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    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SNR52 gene is unique among the snoRNA coding genes in being transcribed by RNA polymerase III. The primary transcript of SNR52 is a 250-nucleotide precursor RNA from which a long leader sequence is cleaved to generate the mature snR52 RNA. We found that the box A and box B sequence elements in the leader region are both required for the in vivo accumulation of the snoRNA. As expected box B, but not box A, was absolutely required for stable TFIIIC, yet in vitro. Surprisingly, however, the box B was found to be largely dispensable for in vitro transcription of SNR52, whereas the box A-mutated template effectively recruited TFIIIB; yet it was transcriptionally inactive. Even in the complete absence of box B and both upstream TATA-like and T-rich elements, the box A still directed efficient, TFIIIC-dependent transcription. Box B-independent transcription was also observed for two members of the tRNA(Asn)(GTT) gene family, but not for two tRNA(Pro)(AGG) gene copies. Fully recombinant TFIIIC supported box B-independent transcription of both SNR52 and tRNA(Asn) genes, but only in the presence of TFIIIB reconstituted with a crude B'' fraction. Non-TFIIIB component(s) in this fraction were also required for transcription of wild-type SNR52. Transcription of the box B-less tRNA(Asn) genes was strongly influenced by their 5'-flanking regions, and it was stimulated by TBP and Brf1 proteins synergistically. The box A can thus be viewed as a core TFIIIC-interacting element that, assisted by upstream TFIIIB-DNA contacts, is sufficient to promote class III gene transcription

    New Small Nuclear RNA Gene-Like Transcriptional Units as Sources of Regulatory Transcripts

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    By means of a computer search for upstream promoter elements (distal sequence element and proximal sequence element) typical of small nuclear RNA genes, we have identified in the human genome a number of previously unrecognized, putative transcription units whose predicted products are novel noncoding RNAs with homology to protein-coding genes. By elucidating the function of one of them, we provide evidence for the existence of a sense/antisense-based gene-regulation network where part of the polymerase III transcriptome could control its polymerase II counterpart