288 research outputs found

    Low Permeability to Oxygen of a New Barrier Film Prevents Butyric Acid Bacteria Spore Formation in Farm Corn Silage

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    The outgrowth of Clostridium spore-forming bacteria causes late blowing in cheeses. Recently, the role of air diffusion during storage and feed-out and the role of aerobic deterioration has been shown to indirectly favor butyric acid bacteria (BAB) growth and to determine the presence of high concentrations of BAB spores in farm tank milk. A new oxygen barrier (OB) film was tested and compared with conventional polyethylene (ST). The objective was to verify whether the OB film could prevent BAB spore formation in whole-crop corn silage during storage on 2 commercial farms with different potential silage spoilage risks. Two bunkers (farms 1 and 2) were divided into 2 parts along the length so that half the feed-out face would be covered with ST film and the other half with OB film. Plastic net bags with freshly chopped corn were buried in the upper layer and in the central part (CORE) of the bunkers. The silos were opened in summer and fed out at different removal rates (19 vs. 33 cm/d). Herbage at ensiling, silage at unloading, and silage after air exposure (6 and 15 d) were analyzed for pH, nitrate, BAB spores, yeasts, and molds. The BAB spores in herbages at ensiling were 2.84 log(10) most probable number (MPN)/g, with no differences between treatments or farms. Nitrate was below the detection limit on farm 1 and exceeded 2,300 mg/kg of fresh matter on farm 2. At unloading, the BAB spores in the ST silage on farm 1 were greater than 5 log(10) MPN/g, whereas in the CORE and the OB silages, they were approximately 2 log(10) MPN/g. The ST silage had the greatest pH (5.89), the greatest mold count (5.07 log(10) cfu/g), and the greatest difference between silage temperature and ambient temperature (dT(section-ambient)). On farm 2, the ST silage had the greatest concentration of BAB spores (2.19 log(10) MPN/g), the greatest pH (4.05), and the least nitrate concentration compared with the CORE and the OB silages. Pooled data on BAB spores collected from aerobically deteriorated samples showed a positive relationship with pH, mold count, and dT(section-ambient) and a negative relationship with nitrate concentration. A high concentration of BAB spores (>5 log MPN/g) was associated with visible spoilage, high pH values (>5.00), high mold counts (>5 log cfu/g), high dT(section-ambient), and nitrate below 1,000 mg/kg of fresh matter. We concluded that the use of a film with reduced oxygen permeability prevented the outgrowth of BAB spores during conservation and feed-out, and it could improve the microbiological quality of corn silage by eliminating the fractions of silage with high BAB spore concentrations

    The relationship of silage temperature with the microbiological status of the face of corn silage bunkers.

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    A method is proposed to quantify aerobic deterioration of corn silage forage quality as related to the temperature of silage mass in the bunker. Aerobic deterioration, apart from causing nutritional value losses, affects the hygienic quality of silages through the accumulation of pathogenic organisms and their toxins. A survey was carried out in northern Italy that involved a detailed examination of silage bunker from each of 54 dairy farms. Samples from the core, the peripheral areas within 1m from the silo walls, and the molded spots, when present, were collected. The sample and silage temperatures across the working face were measured at depths of 200 mm at 11 locations and at 7 elevations. The temperature of the central zone of the silo was defined as the reference temperature (T(ref40)). The difference between the temperature of the silage sample and the T(ref40) was used as a heating index associated with aerobic deterioration (dT(ref40)). The working face area with visible molds was measured. The samples were analyzed for DM content; pH; water activity; nitrates; lactic, acetic, and butyric acids; and microbiological count of yeasts, molds, and clostridia spores. The core samples always showed a pH below 4.0 and a dT(ref40) below 2 degrees C, whereas the silages from the peripheral areas were split into 2 groups, one that had a pH lower than 4 and a dT(ref40) lower than 3.5 degrees C (53%) and one that had a pH higher than 4 and a dT(ref40) higher than 5 degrees C (47%). Most of the silages from the peripheral areas (94%) and all the silages from the moldy spots that have a dT(ref40) above 5 degrees C had a pH higher than 4.5. Furthermore, a positive dT(ref40) higher than 5 degrees C corresponds to a higher yeast count than 5 log cfu/g in most of the silages from the peripheral areas (93% of samples) and in almost all the silages from the molded spots. The evaluation of the extension of the visible molded areas combined with temperature measurement at 200 mm behind the feed-out face could offer a good indication of the health status of silage during consumption. Furthermore, this method could be useful to detect early stages of the aerobic deterioration process and to improve silage management

    A new oxygen barrier film reduces aerobic deterioration in farm-scale corn silage.

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    Recently, many studies have focused on the aerobic deterioration of corn silage at the farm level, because a large part of the product stored in horizontal silos is exposed to air and is more prone to spoilage. The most important factor influencing the preservation of forage ensiling is the degree of anaerobiosis that is usually achieved with sheets of polyethylene. A new black-on-white (125-microm) coextruded oxygen barrier (OB) film has been developed for silage sealing and was tested in the present experiment to assess the effects on fermentation quality, dry matter losses, and yeast and mold counts at opening of whole-crop corn bunker silos compared with conventional polyethylene (ST) film. Two trials were carried out on 2 commercial farms. The bunkers were divided into 2 parts along the length so that half of the feedout face would be covered with ST film and the other half with OB film. Eight plastic net bags with well-mixed fresh material were weighed and buried in the upper layer of the bunker, and 4 bags were buried in the central part. The silos were opened for summer consumption and were fed out at different rates (19 vs. 33 cm/d). The bags were unloaded, weighed, and subsampled to analyze the DM content, pH, lactic and monocarboxylic acids, ammonia, yeast and mold counts, and aerobic stability. The pH of the peripheral silage was different under the 2 films, with a lower value in the OB treatment. The OB film on farm 1 affected the silage dry matter losses, which were reduced 3.7 times in comparison with the ST film sealing. On farm 2, although the dry matter losses were numerically higher in the silage sealed with the ST film compared with OB film (9.0 vs. 5.9%, respectively), the difference was not statistically significant. However, the corn silage sealed with the ST film was less stable than the silage sealed with the OB film. The results indicate that the new OB film is a promising tool to constrain spoilage and dry matter losses under critical farm conditions, when inadequate amounts of silage are removed daily. The OB film further improved the stability of the corn silage in the peripheral areas of the silos even when a proper harvest-to-feedout management was implemented

    Forage and grain legume silages as a valuable source of proteins for dairy cows

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    In order to improve the supply of home-grown proteins in dairy farms, legume silage management is considered. The factors that affects fermentative quality and protein degradation during ensiling of tannin containing (sulla, sainfoin) and non tannin-containing (lucerne, field pea) legumes are discussed. The main considered factors are: wilting management, DM content, stage of growth and use of additives (lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inoculants and chestnut tannin)

    Feasibility of Utilizing Biodegradable Plastic Film to Cover Corn Silage under Farm Conditions

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    The degree of anaerobiosis and its maintenance over the conservation period are key factors in obtaining high quality silage. There is currently a demand to replace petroleum-based plastic films with biodegradable materials with suitable mechanical properties. This work has evaluated, under outdoor conditions, the shelf life of a Mater-Bi® biodegradable plastic (MB) film and its effects on the fermentative characteristics, microbial counts and aerobic stability of corn silage, and compared it with commercially available polyethylene (PE) and high oxygen barrier (OB) films. Corn (409 g DM/kg) was ensiled in 30 drive-over piles covered with MB, PE or OB films. The piles were opened after 21, 85, 133, 195 and 230 d of conservation. The effect of the film was assessed in silage sample close to (CF) and far (FF) from the film. The OB film allowed high quality corn silages to be obtained with similar pH, lactic acid, yeast and mold counts for CF and FF during the entire 230 d of conservation. The PE film showed similar values for the FF and CF areas for the first conservation period (until 133 d). The MB film showed a similar silage quality to OB until day 85, after which it underwent biodegradation and lost its ability to preserve silage in a good state

    Zearalenone contamination in farm maize silage

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    Contaminazione da zearalenone negli insilati aziendali di mais. Nell'ambito di un'indagine quadriennale sullo stato di conservazione degli insilati aziendali di mais in Piemonte, è stato valutato il livello di contaminazione da zearalenone (ZEA) nel foraggio all'insilamento e nei corrispondenti insilati. Per la determinazione del contenuto in zearalenone degli insilati, matrici acide e ricche di metaboliti di fermentazione, è stato necessario mettere a punto un protocollo specifico mediante determinazione in HPLC. Dai risultati emerge che la contaminazione di ZEA negli insilati può verificarsi in due momenti: sulla coltura in campo prima della trinciatura e nelle zone periferiche dei sili soggette a penetrazione di aria durante la fase di consumo. Le contaminazioni in campo tendono ad aumentare con raccolte tardive nella stagione autunnale. Negli insilati ben conservati e nelle aree centrali della maggior parte dei sili la contaminazione derivante dal campo non subisce variazioni, mentre si osservano aumenti di contenuto in ZEA nelle zone periferiche soggette a deterioramento aerobico

    Comparison of Hay and Haylage from Permanent Alpine Meadows in Winter Dairy Cow Diets

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    In an Alpine environment, diets based on local forage resources are needed to maintain the link with the territory and confer special characteristics to typical cheeses. Harvesting at a late stage of maturity, high mechanical losses, and frequent rainfall often make the hay that is harvested of a poor quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 different conservation methods (late hay, LH, vs. early haylage, ES) of natural permanent meadows on milk production in dairy cows, on the chemical and microbiological characteristics of the milk, and on the quality of the cheese over the winter period. Haylage and hay were harvested from the same permanent meadow at the Vittorino Vezzani experimental farm in Sauze d'Oulx (45 degrees 02'N, 6 degrees 53'E, Italy). The ES forage was cut 4 wk earlier than traditional hay, wilted for 30 h, baled at a dry matter (DM) content of about 50%, wrapped with 6 layers of stretch film, and stored in a protected area. The LH forage was harvested later, when the weather conditions were favorable and, after a 3-d wilting, it was baled and stored indoors. After an 8-mo storage period, the ES had a greater crude protein concentration, organic matter digestibility, and net energy for lactation than LH and a lower neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. Forty multiparous lactating Aosta Red Pied cows were used in a 19-d period crossover design to assess the nutritional value of the stored forages. The diets included ES fed ad libitum and 3.5 kg of DM per cow of concentrate or LH fed ad libitum and 5.1 kg of DM per cow of concentrate. The dietary DM was 90.1% for the LH and 59.9% for the ES. The diets contained 12.6 and 13.0% crude protein and 48.6 and 48.0% neutral detergent fiber, for the LH and ES, respectively. The forage intake was greater in the ES treatment than in the LH treatment. The ES treatment produced more milk (1.7 kg/d) and more 3.5% fat-corrected milk (1.5 kg/d) than the cows on the LH treatment. The milk fat and protein concentrations were similar in both diets, resulting in a greater protein yield in the ES treatment. The lactose, pH, total bacterial count, and somatic cell count were not different for the treatments. The clostridial spores did not differ between the treatments from preharvest forage to cheese, and no differences were found in terms of cheese quality after maturation. Conserving forage as wrapped bale silage combined with an earlier harvesting date than traditional hay resulted in a suitable method to improve forage quality without increasing the risk of clostridial contamination in the milk and cheeses

    Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri LN4637 and Lactobacillus buchneri LN40177 on the aerobic stability, fermentation products, and microbial populations of corn silage under farm conditions.

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    This study determined the efficacy of the use of 2 commercial inoculants containing Lactobacillus buchneri alone or in combination with homofermentative lactic acid bacteria in improving aerobic stability of corn silage stored in commercial farm silos in northern Italy. In the first survey, samples were collected from 10 farms that did not inoculate their silages and from 10 farms that applied a Pioneer 11A44 inoculant (L. buchneri strain LN4637; Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Des Moines, IA). In the second survey, corn silage samples were collected from 11 farms that did not inoculate their silages and from 11 farms that applied a Pioneer 11CFT inoculant (L. buchneri strain LN40177; Pioneer Hi-Bred International). Inoculants were applied directly through self-propelled forage harvesters, at the recommended rate of 1 g/t of fresh forage, to achieve a final application rate of 1.0 × 10(5) cfu/g of L. buchneri. One corn bunker silo, which had been open for at least 10 d, was examined in detail on each farm. The silages inoculated with L. buchneri had lower concentrations of lactic acid, a lower lactic-to-acetic acid ratio, a lower yeast count, and higher aerobic stability compared with the untreated silages. Unexpectedly, concentrations of acetic acid and 1,2-propanediol, 2 hallmarks of L. buchneri activity, did not differ between treatments and were only numerically higher in the inoculated silages compared with untreated ones, in both surveys. Aerobic stability, on average, was 107 and 121 h in the inoculated silages and 64 and 74 h in the untreated silages, for surveys 1 and 2, respectively, and decreased exponentially as the yeast count in the silage at the time of sampling increased, regardless of treatment. Inoculation with L. buchneri proved to be effective in reducing the yeast count to <2 log cfu/g of silage in 16 of 21 of the studied farm silages, confirming the ability of this inoculum to enhance the aerobic stability of corn silages in farm bunker silos

    Aerobic deterioration stimulates outgrowth of spore-forming Paenibacillus in corn silage stored under oxygen-barrier or polyethylene films

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    The occurrence of Bacillus and Paenibacillus spores in silage is of great concern to dairy producers because their spores can survive pasteurization and some strains are capable of subsequently germinating and growing under refrigerated conditions in pasteurized milk. The objectives of this study were to verify the role of aerobic deterioration of corn silage on the proliferation of Paenibacillus spores and to evaluate the efficacy of oxygen-barrier films used to cover silage during fermentation and storage to mitigate these undesirable bacterial outbreaks. The trial was carried out on whole-crop maize (Zea mays L.) inoculated with a mixture of Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Enterococcus faecium. A standard polyethylene film and a polyethylene-polyamide film with an enhanced oxygen barrier were used to produce the silage bags for this experiment. The silos were stored indoors at ambient temperature (18 to 22°C) and opened after 110 d. The silage was sampled after 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, and 14 d of aerobic exposure to quantify the growth of endospore-forming bacteria during the exposure of silages to air. Paenibacillus macerans (gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic bacteria) was able to develop during the aerobic exposure of corn silage. This species was present in the herbage at harvesting, together with clostridial spores, and survived ensiling fermentation; it constituted more than 60% of the anaerobic spore formers at silage opening. During silage spoilage, the spore concentration of P. macerans increased to values greater than 7.0 log10 cfu/g of silage. The use of different plastic films to seal silages affected the growth of P. macerans and the number of spores during aerobic exposure of silages. These results indicate that the number of Paenibacillus spores could greatly increase in silage after exposure to air, and that oxygen-barrier films could help to reduce the potential for silage contamination of this important group of milk spoilage microorganisms by delaying the onset of aerobic deterioration
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